# == Annotate Routes # # Based on: # # # # Prepends the output of "rake routes" to the top of your routes.rb file. # Yes, it's simple but I'm thick and often need a reminder of what my routes mean. # # Running this task will replace any exising route comment generated by the task. # Best to back up your routes file before running: # # Author: # Gavin Montague # gavin@leftbrained.co.uk # # Released under the same license as Ruby. No Support. No Warranty.module AnnotateRoutes # module AnnotateRoutes PREFIX = "#== Route Map" def self.do_annotate routes_rb = File.join("config", "routes.rb") header = PREFIX + "\n# Generated on #{Time.now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M")}\n#" if File.exists? routes_rb routes_map = `rake routes` routes_map = routes_map.split("\n") routes_map.shift # remove the first line of rake routes which is just a file path routes_map = routes_map.inject(header){|sum, line| sum<<"\n# "<