#### [Back](../README.md) ## Concourse ### Prerequisites - Vault [deployed and initialized](vault.md) ### Setup Fill out the "token" field in `deployments/concourse/concourse.yml` with root token received from `vault init`. Deploy Concourse ``` ./bin/concourse-deploy.sh ``` ### Test To run a test Concourse job: - Go to test folder: `cd deployments/concourse/test` - Fill out `test-credentials.yml` - Add necessary secrets to your Vault(see [docs/vault.md](docs/vault.md)) - Download the `fly` client from Concourse web panel and add it to your PATH: `mv *path_to_fly* /usr/local/bin` - Login to Concourse using the `fly` client: `fly -t ci --concourse-url *concourse-url*` - Create a test pipeline with `fly set-pipeline -t ci -c test-pipeline.yml -p test --load-vars-from test-credentials.yml -n` - Unpause pipeline: `fly unpause-pipeline -t ci -p test` - Trigger and unpause the test job: `fly trigger-job -t ci -j test/test-publish` - See the results on Concourse web panel or use: `fly watch -p test -j test/test-publish`