And /^I find the group with the name "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| @group = Sorenson::Services::Group.find_by_name(name) end When /^I create a group named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| @group = Sorenson::Services::Group.create(name) end When /^I reload the group$/ do @group = Sorenson::Services::Group.find( end Then /^I should be able to find the group$/ do @group = Sorenson::Services::Group.find(Sorenson::Services::Group.all.first) end And /^I get all groups$/ do @groups = Sorenson::Services::Group.all end Then /^I delete the group if it was found$/ do @group.destroy if @group end Then /^I delete the group$/ do @group.destroy end