import { RenderingTest, moduleFor } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { Component } from '../../utils/helpers'; import { set, get } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; moduleFor( 'Helpers test: {{readonly}}', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test {{readonly}} of a path should work']() { let component; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { component = this; }, }), template: '{{value}}', }); this.render('{{foo-bar value=(readonly val)}}', { val: 12, }); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => set(component, 'value', 13)); this.assert.notOk(component.attrs.value.update); this.assertText('13', 'local property is updated'); this.assert.equal(get(this.context, 'val'), 12, 'upstream attribute is not updated'); // No U-R } '@test passing an action to {{readonly}} avoids mutable cell wrapping'(assert) { assert.expect(4); let outer, inner; this.registerComponent('x-inner', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); inner = this; }, }), }); this.registerComponent('x-outer', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); outer = this; }, }), template: '{{x-inner onClick=(readonly onClick)}}', }); this.render('{{x-outer onClick=(action doIt)}}', { doIt() { assert.ok(true, 'action was called'); }, }); assert.equal( typeof outer.attrs.onClick, 'function', 'function itself is present in outer component attrs' ); outer.attrs.onClick(); assert.equal( typeof inner.attrs.onClick, 'function', 'function itself is present in inner component attrs' ); inner.attrs.onClick(); } '@test updating a {{readonly}} property from above works'(assert) { let component; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); component = this; }, }), template: '{{value}}', }); this.render('{{foo-bar value=(readonly thing)}}', { thing: 'initial', }); this.assertText('initial'); this.assertStableRerender(); assert.strictEqual(component.attrs.value, 'initial', 'no mutable cell'); assert.strictEqual(get(component, 'value'), 'initial', 'no mutable cell'); assert.strictEqual(this.context.thing, 'initial'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'thing', 'updated!')); this.assertText('updated!'); assert.strictEqual(component.attrs.value, 'updated!', 'passed down value was set in attrs'); assert.strictEqual(get(component, 'value'), 'updated!', 'passed down value was set'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'thing', 'initial')); this.assertText('initial'); } '@test updating a nested path of a {{readonly}}'(assert) { let component; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { component = this; }, }), template: '{{value.prop}}', }); this.render('{{foo-bar value=(readonly thing)}}', { thing: { prop: 'initial', }, }); this.assertText('initial'); this.assertStableRerender(); assert.notOk(component.attrs.value.update, 'no update available'); assert.deepEqual(get(component, 'value'), { prop: 'initial' }); assert.deepEqual(this.context.thing, { prop: 'initial' }); this.runTask(() => set(component, 'value.prop', 'updated!')); this.assertText('updated!', 'nested path is updated'); assert.deepEqual(get(component, 'value'), { prop: 'updated!' }); assert.deepEqual(this.context.thing, { prop: 'updated!' }); this.runTask(() => set(component, 'value.prop', 'initial')); this.assertText('initial'); } ['@test {{readonly}} of a string renders correctly']() { let component; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { component = this; }, }), template: '{{value}}', }); this.render('{{foo-bar value=(readonly "12")}}'); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.assert.notOk(component.attrs.value.update); this.assert.strictEqual(get(component, 'value'), '12'); this.runTask(() => set(component, 'value', '13')); this.assertText('13', 'local property is updated'); this.assert.strictEqual(get(component, 'value'), '13'); this.runTask(() => set(component, 'value', '12')); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test {{mut}} of a {{readonly}} mutates only the middle and bottom tiers']() { let middle, bottom; this.registerComponent('x-bottom', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { bottom = this; }, }), template: '{{bar}}', }); this.registerComponent('x-middle', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { middle = this; }, }), template: '{{foo}} {{x-bottom bar=(mut foo)}}', }); this.render('{{x-middle foo=(readonly val)}}', { val: 12, }); this.assertText('12 12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.assert.equal(get(bottom, 'bar'), 12, "bottom's local bar received the value"); this.assert.equal(get(middle, 'foo'), 12, "middle's local foo received the value"); // updating the mut-cell directly this.runTask(() =>; this.assert.equal( get(bottom, 'bar'), 13, "bottom's local bar was updated after set of bottom's bar" ); this.assert.equal( get(middle, 'foo'), 13, "middle's local foo was updated after set of bottom's bar" ); this.assertText('13 13'); this.assert.equal(get(this.context, 'val'), 12, 'But context val is not updated'); this.runTask(() => set(bottom, 'bar', 14)); this.assert.equal( get(bottom, 'bar'), 14, "bottom's local bar was updated after set of bottom's bar" ); this.assert.equal( get(middle, 'foo'), 14, "middle's local foo was updated after set of bottom's bar" ); this.assertText('14 14'); this.assert.equal(get(this.context, 'val'), 12, 'But context val is not updated'); this.assert.notOk(, "middle's foo attr is not a mutable cell"); this.runTask(() => set(middle, 'foo', 15)); this.assertText('15 15'); this.assert.equal(get(middle, 'foo'), 15, "set of middle's foo took effect"); this.assert.equal( get(bottom, 'bar'), 15, "bottom's local bar was updated after set of middle's foo" ); this.assert.equal(get(this.context, 'val'), 12, 'Context val remains unchanged'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'val', 10)); this.assertText('10 10'); this.assert.equal( get(bottom, 'bar'), 10, "bottom's local bar was updated after set of context's val" ); this.assert.equal( get(middle, 'foo'), 10, "middle's local foo was updated after set of context's val" ); // setting as a normal property this.runTask(() => set(bottom, 'bar', undefined)); this.assertText(' '); this.assert.equal( get(bottom, 'bar'), undefined, "bottom's local bar was updated to a falsy value" ); this.assert.equal( get(middle, 'foo'), undefined, "middle's local foo was updated to a falsy value" ); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'val', 12)); this.assertText('12 12', 'bottom and middle were both reset'); } } );