# Manage systemd services using systemctl Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :systemd, :parent => :base do desc "Manages `systemd` services using `systemctl`. Because `systemd` defaults to assuming the `.service` unit type, the suffix may be omitted. Other unit types (such as `.path`) may be managed by providing the proper suffix." commands :systemctl => "systemctl" if Facter.value(:osfamily).downcase == 'debian' # With multiple init systems on Debian, it is possible to have # pieces of systemd around (e.g. systemctl) but not really be # using systemd. We do not do this on other platforms as it can # cause issues when running in a chroot without /run mounted # (PUP-5577) confine :exists => "/run/systemd/system" end defaultfor :osfamily => [:archlinux] defaultfor :osfamily => :redhat, :operatingsystemmajrelease => ["7", "8"] defaultfor :osfamily => :redhat, :operatingsystem => :fedora defaultfor :osfamily => :suse defaultfor :osfamily => :coreos defaultfor :operatingsystem => :amazon, :operatingsystemmajrelease => ["2"] defaultfor :operatingsystem => :debian, :operatingsystemmajrelease => ["8", "stretch/sid", "9", "buster/sid"] defaultfor :operatingsystem => :ubuntu notdefaultfor :operatingsystem => :ubuntu, :operatingsystemmajrelease => ["10.04", "12.04", "14.04", "14.10"] # These are using upstart defaultfor :operatingsystem => :cumuluslinux, :operatingsystemmajrelease => ["3"] def self.instances i = [] output = systemctl('list-unit-files', '--type', 'service', '--full', '--all', '--no-pager') output.scan(/^(\S+)\s+(disabled|enabled|masked|indirect)\s*$/i).each do |m| i << new(:name => m[0]) end return i rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure return [] end # This helper ensures that the enable state cache is always reset # after a systemctl enable operation. A particular service state is not guaranteed # after such an operation, so the cache must be emptied to prevent inconsistencies # in the provider's believed state of the service and the actual state. # @param action [String,Symbol] One of 'enable', 'disable', 'mask' or 'unmask' def systemctl_change_enable(action) output = systemctl(action, @resource[:name]) rescue raise Puppet::Error, "Could not #{action} #{self.name}: #{output}", $!.backtrace ensure @cached_enabled = nil end def disable systemctl_change_enable(:disable) end def get_start_link_count # Start links don't include '.service'. Just search for the service name. if @resource[:name].match(/\.service/) link_name = @resource[:name].split('.')[0] else link_name = @resource[:name] end Dir.glob("/etc/rc*.d/S??#{link_name}").length end def cached_enabled? return @cached_enabled if @cached_enabled cmd = [command(:systemctl), 'is-enabled', @resource[:name]] @cached_enabled = execute(cmd, :failonfail => false).strip end def enabled? output = cached_enabled? code = $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus # The masked state is equivalent to the disabled state in terms of # comparison so we only care to check if it is masked if we want to keep # it masked. # # We only return :mask if we're trying to mask the service. This prevents # flapping when simply trying to disable a masked service. return :mask if (@resource[:enable] == :mask) && (output == 'masked') # The indirect state indicates that the unit is not enabled. return :false if output == 'indirect' return :true if (code == 0) if (output.empty?) && (code > 0) && (Facter.value(:osfamily).downcase == 'debian') ret = debian_enabled? return ret if ret end return :false end # This method is required for Debian systems due to the way the SysVInit-Systemd # compatibility layer works. When we are trying to manage a service which does not # have a Systemd unit file, we need to go through the old init script to determine # whether it is enabled or not. See PUP-5016 for more details. # def debian_enabled? system("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d", "--quiet", "--query", @resource[:name], "start") if [104, 106].include?($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) return :true elsif [101, 105].include?($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) # 101 is action not allowed, which means we have to do the check manually. # 105 is unknown, which generally means the initscript does not support query # The debian policy states that the initscript should support methods of query # For those that do not, perform the checks manually # http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html if get_start_link_count >= 4 return :true else return :false end else return :false end end def enable self.unmask systemctl_change_enable(:enable) end def mask self.disable systemctl_change_enable(:mask) end def unmask systemctl_change_enable(:unmask) end def restartcmd [command(:systemctl), "restart", @resource[:name]] end def startcmd self.unmask [command(:systemctl), "start", @resource[:name]] end def stopcmd [command(:systemctl), "stop", @resource[:name]] end def statuscmd [command(:systemctl), "is-active", @resource[:name]] end def restart begin super rescue Puppet::Error => e raise Puppet::Error.new(prepare_error_message(@resource[:name], 'restart', e)) end end def start begin super rescue Puppet::Error => e raise Puppet::Error.new(prepare_error_message(@resource[:name], 'start', e)) end end def stop begin super rescue Puppet::Error => e raise Puppet::Error.new(prepare_error_message(@resource[:name], 'stop', e)) end end def prepare_error_message(name, action, exception) error_return = "Systemd #{action} for #{name} failed!\n" journalctl_command = "journalctl -n 50 --since '5 minutes ago' -u #{name} --no-pager" Puppet.debug("Running journalctl command to get logs for systemd #{action} failure: #{journalctl_command}") journalctl_output = execute(journalctl_command) error_return << "journalctl log for #{name}:\n#{journalctl_output}" end end