module Journal # Main class class Checkin attr_reader :key, :date, :data, :config, :journal, :sections, :title, :output def initialize(journal, date) @key = journal @output = [] @date = date @date.localtime raise StandardError, "No journal with key #{@key} found" unless Journal.config['journals'].key? @key @journal = Journal.config['journals'][@key] @sections =['sections']) @data = {} meridian = @date.hour < 13 ? 'AM' : 'PM' @title = @journal['title'].sub(/%M/, meridian) end def title(string) @output << "\n## #{string}\n" unless string.nil? end def header(string) @output << "\n##### #{string}\n" unless string.nil? end def section(string) @output << "\n###### #{string}\n" unless string.nil? end def newline @output << "\n" end def hr @output << "\n---\n" end def go @sections.each { |key, section| @data[key] = section } save_data save_day_one_entry if @journal['dayone'] return unless @journal['markdown'] case @journal['markdown'] when /^da(y|ily)/ save_daily_markdown when /^(ind|sep)/ save_individual_markdown else save_single_markdown end end def save_day_one_entry cmd = ['dayone2'] cmd << %(-j "#{@journal['journal']}") if @journal.key?('journal') cmd << %(-t #{@journal['tags'].join(' ')}) if @journal.key?('tags') cmd << %(-date "#{@date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p')}") `echo #{Shellwords.escape(to_markdown(yaml: false, title: true))} | #{cmd.join(' ')} -- new` Journal.notify('{bg}Entered one entry into Day One') end def save_single_markdown dir = if @journal.key?('entries_folder') File.join(File.expand_path(@journal['entries_folder']), 'entries') elsif Journal.config.key?('entries_folder') File.join(File.expand_path(Journal.config['entries_folder']), @key) else File.expand_path("~/.local/share/journal/#{@key}/entries") end FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless filename = "#{@key}.md" @date.localtime target = File.join(dir, filename), 'a') do |f| f.puts f.puts "## #{@title} #{@date.strftime('%x %X')}" f.puts f.puts to_markdown(yaml: false, title: false) end Journal.notify "{bg}Added new entry to {bw}#{target}" end def save_daily_markdown dir = if @journal.key?('entries_folder') File.join(File.expand_path(@journal['entries_folder']), 'entries') elsif Journal.config.key?('entries_folder') File.join(File.expand_path(Journal.config['entries_folder']), @key) else File.join(File.expand_path("~/.local/share/journal/#{@key}/entries")) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless @date.localtime filename = "#{@key}_#{@date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}.md" target = File.join(dir, filename) if File.exist? target, 'a') { |f| f.puts to_markdown(yaml: false, title: true, date: false, time: true) } else, 'w') { |f| f.puts to_markdown(yaml: true, title: true, date: false, time: true) } end Journal.notify "{bg}Saved daily Markdown to {bw}#{target}" end def save_individual_markdown dir = if @journal.key?('entries_folder') File.join(File.expand_path(@journal['entries_folder']), 'entries') elsif Journal.config.key?('entries_folder') File.join(File.expand_path(Journal.config['entries_folder']), @key, 'entries') else File.join(File.expand_path('~/.local/share/journal'), @key, 'entries') end FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless @date.localtime filename = @date.strftime('') target = File.join(dir, filename), 'w') { |f| f.puts to_markdown(yaml: true, title: true) } puts "Saved new entry to #{target}" end def print_answer(prompt, type, key, data) case type when /^(weather|forecast)/ header prompt @output << data[key].to_markdown hr when /^(int|num)/ @output << "#{prompt}: #{data[key]} " unless data[key].nil? when /^date/ @output << "#{prompt}: #{data[key].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}" unless data[key].nil? else unless data[key].strip.empty? header prompt @output << data[key] end hr end end def weather_to_yaml(answers) data = {} answers.each do |k, v| case v.class.to_s when /String/ next when /Hash/ data[k] = weather_to_yaml(v) when /Date/ data[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') when /Weather/ data[k] = v.to_s else data[k] = v end end data end def to_markdown(yaml: false, title: false, date: false, time: false) @output = [] if yaml @date.localtime yaml_data = { 'title' => @title, 'date' => @date.strftime('%x %X')} @data.each do |key, data| yaml_data = yaml_data.merge(weather_to_yaml(data.answers)) end @output << YAML.dump(yaml_data).strip @output << '---' end if title if date || time fmt = '' fmt += '%x' if date fmt += '%X' if time title "#{@title} #{@date.strftime(fmt)}" else title @title end end @sections.each do |key, section| answers = section.answers section section.title section.questions.each do |question| if question.key =~ /\./ res = section.answers.dup keys = question.key.split(/\./) keys.each_with_index do |key, i| next if i == keys.count - 1 res = res[key] end print_answer(question.prompt, question.type, keys.last, res) else print_answer(question.prompt, question.type, question.key, section.answers) end end end @output.join("\n") end def save_data @date.localtime dir = if @journal.key?('entries_folder') File.expand_path(@journal['entries_folder']) elsif Journal.config.key?('entries_folder') File.expand_path(Journal.config['entries_folder']) else File.expand_path('~/.local/share/journal') end FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless db = File.join(dir, "#{@key}.json") data = if File.exist?(db) JSON.parse( else [] end date = @date.utc output = {} @data.each do |jk, journal| output[jk] = {} journal.answers.each do |k, v| if v.is_a? Hash v.each do |key, value| result = case value.class.to_s when /Weather/ { 'high' =>[:high], 'low' =>[:low], 'condition' =>[:condition] } else value end if jk == k output[jk][key] = result else output[jk][k] ||= {} output[jk][k][key] = result end end elsif jk == k output[jk] = v else output[jk][k] = v end end end data << { 'date' => date, 'data' => output }! do |d| { 'date' => d['date'].is_a?(String) ? Time.parse(d['date']) : d['date'], 'data' => d['data'] } end data.sort_by! { |e| e['date'] }, 'w') { |f| f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(data) } Journal.notify "{bg}Saved {bw}#{db}" end end end