//= require voltron Voltron.addModule('Flash', function(){ var _initialized = false; var _defaults = { class: '', bind: 'body', id: 'flashes', containerClass: '', addMethod: 'prepend', revealMethod: 'slideDown', revealTime: 200, concealMethod: 'slideUp', concealTime: 200, autoClose: false, autoCloseAfter: 5000, autoAdd: true }; return { initialize: function(){ if(!_initialized){ _initialized = true; Voltron('Dispatch/addEventWatcher', 'click'); this.on('click:close-alert', 'click:close-notice', 'click:close-warning', this.clear); this.addListener(); } }, setConfig: function(options){ _defaults = $.extend(_defaults, options); this.afterConfigChange(); return this; }, addListener: function(){ $(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, request){ if(_defaults.autoAdd){ var flashes = request.getResponseHeader(Voltron.getConfig('flash/header', 'X-Flash')); var flash = $.parseJSON(flashes); if(flash){ Voltron('Flash/new', flash); } } }); }, new: function(flashes, options){ options = $.extend(_defaults, options); var flash; this.getContainer(options).addClass(options.class); $.each(flashes, $.proxy(function(type, messages){ flash = this.addFlash(type, messages, options); if(flash.find('.flash-message').length == 1){ // If this is the first flash message, reveal the whole container flash.find('.flash-message').show(); flash[options.revealMethod](options.revealTime); }else{ // Otherwise reveal just the newest message(s) flash.find('.flash-message')[options.revealMethod](options.revealTime); } if(options.autoClose){ setTimeout(function(){ V('Flash/clear', { element: flash }); }, options.autoCloseAfter); } }, this)); return this; }, addFlash: function(type, messages, options){ var flash = this.getFlash(type); flash.append($.map($.makeArray(messages), function(message){ return $('
', { class: 'flash-message' }).html(message).hide(); })); if(!Voltron.getConfig('flash/group') || !flash.find('.flash-close').length){ flash.append($('', { class: 'flash-close', type: 'button', id: 'close-' + type, 'data-dispatch': 'click' })); } if(!this.getContainer(options).length){ Voltron.debug('warn', 'Element with which to bind flash messages to could not be found. The bind selector given was %o. Please ensure an element matching the given selector exists.', options.bind); } this.getContainer(options).append(flash); return flash; }, getFlash: function(type){ if(Voltron.getConfig('flash/group') && $('.flash.' + type).length){ return $('.flash.' + type).first(); } return $('', { class: ['flash', type].join(' ') }).hide(); }, getContainer: function(options){ if(options.addMethod == 'after'){ if(!$(options.bind).next('#' + options.id).length){ $(options.bind)[options.addMethod]($('', { id: options.id, class: options.containerClass })); } return $(options.bind).next('#' + options.id); }else if(options.addMethod == 'before'){ if(!$(options.bind).prev('#' + options.id).length){ $(options.bind)[options.addMethod]($('', { id: options.id, class: options.containerClass })); } return $(options.bind).prev('#' + options.id); }else{ if(!$(options.bind).find('#' + options.id).length){ $(options.bind)[options.addMethod]($('', { id: options.id, class: options.containerClass })); } return $(options.bind).find('#' + options.id); } }, clear: function(o, options){ if(o && o.element){ // If o.element exists, it's the button that was clicked, // in which case, remove the closest flash message o.options = $.extend(_defaults, options); $(o.element).closest('.flash')[o.options.concealMethod](o.options.concealTime, function(){ $(this).remove(); // If we removed the last flash message, also remove the container if($('#' + o.options.id).find('.flash').length == 0){ $('#' + o.options.id).remove(); } }); }else{ // .clear() was called preumably with no arguments, // in which case hide and remove the entire flashes container element options = $.extend(_defaults, options); $('#' + options.id)[options.concealMethod](options.concealTime, function(){ $(this).remove(); }); } }, afterConfigChange: function(){ if(_defaults.autoClose && $('#' + _defaults.id + ' .flash').length){ var elements = $('#' + _defaults.id + ' .flash'); setTimeout(function(){ Voltron('Flash/clear', { element: elements }); }, _defaults.autoCloseAfter); } } }; }, true);