# encoding: utf-8
require "logstash-filter-useragent_jars"
require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"
require 'logstash/plugin_mixins/ecs_compatibility_support'
# Parse user agent strings into structured data based on BrowserScope data
# UserAgent filter, adds information about user agent like family, operating
# system, version, and device
# Logstash releases ship with the regexes.yaml database made available from
# ua-parser with an Apache 2.0 license. For more details on ua-parser, see
# .
class LogStash::Filters::UserAgent < LogStash::Filters::Base
include LogStash::PluginMixins::ECSCompatibilitySupport(:disabled, :v1, :v8 => :v1)
config_name "useragent"
# The field containing the user agent string. If this field is an
# array, only the first value will be used.
config :source, :validate => :string, :required => true
# The name of the field to assign user agent data into.
# If not specified user agent data will be stored in the root of the event.
config :target, :validate => :string # default [user_agent] in ECS mode
# `regexes.yaml` file to use
# If not specified, this will default to the `regexes.yaml` that ships
# with logstash.
# You can find the latest version of this here:
config :regexes, :validate => :string
# A string to prepend to all of the extracted keys
config :prefix, :validate => :string, :default => '' # not supported in ECS mode
# UA parsing is surprisingly expensive. This filter uses an LRU cache to take advantage of the fact that
# user agents are often found adjacent to one another in log files and rarely have a random distribution.
# The higher you set this the more likely an item is to be in the cache and the faster this filter will run.
# However, if you set this too high you can use more memory than desired.
# Experiment with different values for this option to find the best performance for your dataset.
# This MUST be set to a value > 0. There is really no reason to not want this behavior, the overhead is minimal
# and the speed gains are large.
# It is important to note that this config value is global. That is to say all instances of the user agent filter
# share the same cache. The last declared cache size will 'win'. The reason for this is that there would be no benefit
# to having multiple caches for different instances at different points in the pipeline, that would just increase the
# number of cache misses and waste memory.
config :lru_cache_size, :validate => :number, :default => 100_000
def initialize(*params)
# make @target in the format [field name] if defined, i.e. surrounded by brackets
target = @target || ecs_select[disabled: '', v1: '[user_agent]']
target = "[#{@target}]" if !target.empty? && target !~ /^\[[^\[\]]+\]$/
@name_field = ecs_select[disabled: "[#{@prefix}name]", v1: '[name]']
@name_field = "#{target}#{@name_field}"
@device_name_field = ecs_select[disabled: "[#{@prefix}device]", v1: '[device][name]']
@device_name_field = "#{target}#{@device_name_field}"
@version_field = ecs_select[disabled: "[#{@prefix}version]", v1: '[version]']
@version_field = "#{target}#{@version_field}"
@major_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}major]", v1: "[@metadata][filter][user_agent][version][major]"]
@minor_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}minor]", v1: "[@metadata][filter][user_agent][version][minor]"]
@patch_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}patch]", v1: "[@metadata][filter][user_agent][version][patch]"]
@os_full_name_field = ecs_select[disabled: "[#{@prefix}os_full]", v1: '[os][full]'] # did not exist in legacy prior to ECS-ification
@os_full_name_field = "#{target}#{@os_full_name_field}"
@os_name_field = ecs_select[disabled: "[#{@prefix}os_name]", v1: '[os][name]']
@os_name_field = "#{target}#{@os_name_field}"
@legacy_os_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}os]", v1: nil] # same as [os_name] in legacy mode
@os_version_field = ecs_select[disabled: "[#{@prefix}os_version]", v1: '[os][version]']
@os_version_field = "#{target}#{@os_version_field}"
@os_major_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}os_major]", v1: "[@metadata][filter][user_agent][os][version][major]"]
@os_minor_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}os_minor]", v1: "[@metadata][filter][user_agent][os][version][minor]"]
@os_patch_field = ecs_select[disabled: "#{target}[#{@prefix}os_patch]", v1: "[@metadata][filter][user_agent][os][version][patch]"]
# NOTE: unfortunately we can not reliably provide `user_agent.original` since the patterns do not
# reliably give back the matched group and they support the UA string prefixed and/or suffixed
def register
if ecs_compatibility != :disabled && @prefix && !@prefix.empty?
@logger.warn "Field prefix isn't supported in ECS compatibility mode, please remove `prefix => #{@prefix.inspect}`"
if @regexes.nil?
@parser = org.logstash.uaparser.CachingParser.new(lru_cache_size)
@logger.debug("Using user agent regexes", :regexes => @regexes)
@parser = org.logstash.uaparser.CachingParser.new(@regexes, lru_cache_size)
def filter(event)
useragent = event.get(@source)
useragent = useragent.first if useragent.is_a?(Array)
return if useragent.nil? || useragent.empty?
ua_data = lookup_useragent(useragent)
rescue => e
@logger.error("Unknown error while parsing user agent data",
:exception => e.class, :message => e.message, :backtrace => e.backtrace,
:field => @source, :event => event.to_hash)
return unless ua_data
event.remove(@source) if @target == @source
set_fields(event, useragent, ua_data)
def lookup_useragent(useragent)
def set_fields(event, ua_source, ua_data)
# UserAgentParser strings are US-ASCII
ua = ua_data.userAgent
event.set(@name_field, duped_string(ua.family))
event.set(@device_name_field, duped_string(ua_data.device)) if ua_data.device
event.set(@major_field, duped_string(ua.major)) if ua.major
event.set(@minor_field, duped_string(ua.minor)) if ua.minor
event.set(@patch_field, duped_string(ua.patch)) if ua.patch
set_version(event, ua_source, ua) # UA version string e.g. "89.0.4389.90"
os = ua_data.os
if os
# os.major, os.minor, ... are all strings
event.set(@os_major_field, duped_string(os.major)) if os.major # e.g. 'Vista' or '10'
event.set(@os_minor_field, duped_string(os.minor)) if os.minor
event.set(@os_patch_field, duped_string(os.patch)) if os.patch
os_version = build_os_version(os)
event.set(@os_version_field, os_version) if os_version
os_name = os.family
if os_name
os_name = duped_string(os_name)
event.set(@os_name_field, os_name)
event.set(@legacy_os_field, os_name.dup) if @legacy_os_field
os_full_name = os_name.dup
os_full_name << ' ' << os_version if os_version
event.set(@os_full_name_field, os_full_name)
# reconstruct and set the User-Agent version string
def set_version(event, ua_source, ua)
if @version_field && ua.major
# only Chrome has all 4 segments, while Firefox only uses major.minor
version = duped_string(ua.major)
if ua.minor
version << '.' << ua.minor
if ua.patch
version << '.' << ua.patch
if ua.patchMinor
version << '.' << ua.patchMinor
adjusted_version = check_and_adjust_version(ua_source, version)
version = adjusted_version if adjusted_version
event.set(@version_field, version)
def check_and_adjust_version(ua_source, version)
# only set OS version if it's not 'interpreted' (contained in UA string)
return nil if !version || (i = ua_source.index(version)).nil?
i += version.size
# complete version when patchMinor is not matched but still there
if ua_source[i] == '.' # we built the version with dots
if patch_minor = ua_source.index(' ', i + 1)
patch_minor = ua_source[i + 1...patch_minor]
if patch_minor.eql? patch_minor.to_i.to_s
version = "#{version}.#{patch_minor}"
# reconstructs the OS version string
def build_os_version(os)
# NOTE: UA regexes don't always give us the versions back
# they do get "corrected" for various OSes such as:
# - Windows (Windows NT 6.0 => 'Vista')
# - Windows ('Windows NT 6.3' => '8','1')
# - Windows ('Windows NT 10.0' => '10')
# - iOS ('Darwin/15.5' => '9','3','2')
return unless major = os.major
if major.to_i.to_s == major
version, sep = duped_string(major), '.'
version, sep = duped_string(major), ' '
if os.minor
version << sep << os.minor
if os.patch
version << '.' << os.patch
if os.patchMinor
version << '.' << os.patchMinor
def duped_string(str)
# Calls in here use #dup because there's potential for later filters to modify these values
# and corrupt the cache. See uap source here for details https://github.com/ua-parser/uap-ruby/tree/master/lib/user_agent_parser