require 'minitest/autorun' require 'rmagick' class TmpnamTest < Minitest::Test # test the @@_tmpnam_ class variable # the count is incremented by Image::Info#texture=, # ImageList::Montage#texture=, and Draw.composite def test_tmpnam tmpfiles = Dir[ENV['HOME'] + '/tmp/magick*'].length texture ='granite:') { self.size = '20x20' }.first info = # does not exist at first assert_raise(NameError) { Magick._tmpnam_ } info.texture = texture # now it exists assert_nothing_raised { Magick._tmpnam_ } assert_equal(1, Magick._tmpnam_) info.texture = texture assert_equal(2, Magick._tmpnam_) mon = mon.texture = texture assert_equal(3, Magick._tmpnam_) mon.texture = texture assert_equal(4, Magick._tmpnam_) gc = gc.composite(0, 0, 20, 20, texture) assert_equal(5, Magick._tmpnam_) gc.composite(0, 0, 20, 20, texture) assert_equal(6, Magick._tmpnam_) tmpfiles2 = Dir[ENV['HOME'] + '/tmp/magick*'].length # The 2nd montage texture deletes the first. # The 2nd info texture deletes the first. # Both composite images are still alive. # Therefore only 4 tmp files are left. # assert_equal(tmpfiles+4, tmpfiles2) # 6.4.1-5 - only 1 tmpfile? assert_equal(tmpfiles, tmpfiles2) end end