# Application template recipe for the rails3_devise_wizard. Check for a newer version here: # https://github.com/fortuity/rails3_devise_wizard/blob/master/recipes/devise_navigation.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "DeviseNavigation recipe running 'after bundler'" # Create navigation links for Devise if recipes.include? 'haml' # There is Haml code in this script. Changing the indentation is perilous between HAMLs. # We have to use single-quote-style-heredoc to avoid interpolation. create_file "app/views/devise/menu/_login_items.html.haml" do <<-'HAML' - if user_signed_in? %li = link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path) - else %li = link_to('Login', new_user_session_path) HAML end else create_file "app/views/devise/menu/_login_items.html.erb" do <<-ERB <% if user_signed_in? %>
  • <%= link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path) %>
  • <% else %>
  • <%= link_to('Login', new_user_session_path) %>
  • <% end %> ERB end end if recipes.include? 'haml' # There is Haml code in this script. Changing the indentation is perilous between HAMLs. # We have to use single-quote-style-heredoc to avoid interpolation. create_file "app/views/devise/menu/_registration_items.html.haml" do <<-'HAML' - if user_signed_in? %li = link_to('Edit account', edit_user_registration_path) - else %li = link_to('Sign up', new_user_registration_path) HAML end else create_file "app/views/devise/menu/_registration_items.html.erb" do <<-ERB <% if user_signed_in? %>
  • <%= link_to('Edit account', edit_user_registration_path) %>
  • <% else %>
  • <%= link_to('Sign up', new_user_registration_path) %>
  • <% end %> ERB end end # Add navigation links to the default application layout if recipes.include? 'haml' # There is Haml code in this script. Changing the indentation is perilous between HAMLs. inject_into_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.haml', :after => "%body\n" do <<-HAML %ul.hmenu = render 'devise/menu/registration_items' = render 'devise/menu/login_items' HAML end else inject_into_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb', :after => "\n" do <<-ERB ERB end end end __END__ name: DeviseNavigation description: "Add navigation links for Devise." author: fortuity requires: [devise] category: other tags: [utilities, configuration]