require 'spec_helper' class ClassMixedWithDSLHelpers include Beaker::DSL::Helpers end describe ClassMixedWithDSLHelpers do describe '#on' do it 'allows the environment the command is run within to be specified' do host = double.as_null_object Beaker::Command.should_receive( :new ). with( 'ls ~/.bin', [], {'ENV' => { :HOME => '/tmp/test_home' }} ) subject.on( host, 'ls ~/.bin', :environment => {:HOME => '/tmp/test_home' } ) end it 'delegates to itself for each host passed' do hosts = [ double, double, double ] hosts.each_with_index do |host, i| host.should_receive( :exec ).and_return( i ) end results = subject.on( hosts, 'ls' ) expect( results ).to be == [ 0, 1, 2 ] end it 'yields to a given block' do host = double.as_null_object subject.on host, 'ls' do |containing_class| expect( containing_class ). to be_an_instance_of( ClassMixedWithDSLHelpers ) end end it 'returns the result of the action' do host = double.as_null_object host.should_receive( :exec ).and_return( 'my_result' ) expect( subject.on( host, 'ls' ) ).to be == 'my_result' end end describe '#scp_from' do it 'delegates to the host' do hosts = [ double, double, double ] result = double subject.should_receive( :logger ).exactly( 3 ).times result.should_receive( :log ).exactly( 3 ).times hosts.each do |host| host.should_receive( :do_scp_from ).and_return( result ) end subject.scp_from( hosts, '/var/log/my.log', 'log/my.log' ) end end describe '#scp_to' do it 'delegates to the host' do hosts = [ double, double, double ] result = double subject.should_receive( :logger ).exactly( 3 ).times result.should_receive( :log ).exactly( 3 ).times hosts.each do |host| host.should_receive( :do_scp_to ).and_return( result ) end subject.scp_to( hosts, '/var/log/my.log', 'log/my.log' ) end end describe '#create_remote_file' do it 'scps the contents passed in to the hosts' do hosts = [ '', '' ] my_opts = { :silent => true } tmpfile = double tmpfile.should_receive( :path ).exactly( 2 ).times. and_return( '/local/path/to/blah' ) Tempfile.should_receive( :open ).and_yield( tmpfile ) File.should_receive( :open ) subject.should_receive( :scp_to ). with( hosts, '/local/path/to/blah', '/remote/path', my_opts ) subject.create_remote_file( hosts, '/remote/path', 'blah', my_opts ) end end describe '#run_script_on' do it 'scps the script to a tmpdir and executes it on host(s)' do subject.should_receive( :scp_to ) subject.should_receive( :on ) subject.run_script_on( 'host', '~/.bin/make-enterprisy' ) end end #let(:host_param) { @host_param || } #let(:logger_param) { double('logger').as_null_object } #let(:config_param) { } #let(:options_param) { } #let(:path_param) { '/file/path/string' } #let(:test_case) do # host_param, logger_param, config_param, options_param, path_param ) #end describe 'confine' do let(:logger) { double.as_null_object } before do subject.should_receive( :logger ).any_number_of_times.and_return( logger ) end it 'skips the test if there are no applicable hosts' do subject.should_receive( :hosts ).any_number_of_times.and_return( [] ) subject.should_receive( :hosts= ).any_number_of_times logger.should_receive( :warn ) subject.should_receive( :skip_test ). with( 'No suitable hosts found' ) subject.confine( :to, {} ) end it 'raises when given mode is not :to or :except' do subject.should_receive( :hosts ).any_number_of_times subject.should_receive( :hosts= ).any_number_of_times expect { subject.confine( :regardless, {:thing => 'value'} ) }.to raise_error( 'Unknown option regardless' ) end it 'rejects hosts that do not meet simple hash criteria' do hosts = [ {'thing' => 'foo'}, {'thing' => 'bar'} ] subject.should_receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) subject.should_receive( :hosts= ). with( [ {'thing' => 'foo'} ] ) subject.confine :to, :thing => 'foo' end it 'rejects hosts that match a list of criteria' do hosts = [ {'thing' => 'foo'}, {'thing' => 'bar'}, {'thing' => 'baz'} ] subject.should_receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) subject.should_receive( :hosts= ). with( [ {'thing' => 'bar'} ] ) subject.confine :except, :thing => ['foo', 'baz'] end it 'rejects hosts when a passed block returns true' do host1 = {'platform' => 'solaris'} host2 = {'platform' => 'solaris'} host3 = {'platform' => 'windows'} ret1 = ('Result1', :stdout)).new(':global') ret2 = ('Result2', :stdout)).new('a_zone') hosts = [ host1, host2, host3 ] subject.should_receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) subject.should_receive( :on ). with( host1, '/sbin/zonename' ). and_return( ret1 ) subject.should_receive( :on ). with( host1, '/sbin/zonename' ). and_return( ret2 ) subject.should_receive( :hosts= ).with( [ host1 ] ) subject.confine :to, :platform => 'solaris' do |host| subject.on( host, '/sbin/zonename' ).stdout =~ /:global/ end end end describe '#apply_manifest_on' do it 'allows acceptable exit codes through :catch_failures' do subject.should_receive( :puppet ). with( 'apply', '--verbose', '--trace', '--detailed-exitcodes' ). and_return( 'puppet_command' ) subject.should_receive( :on ). with( 'my_host', 'puppet_command', :acceptable_exit_codes => [4,0,2], :stdin => "class { \"boo\": }\n" ) subject.apply_manifest_on( 'my_host', 'class { "boo": }', :acceptable_exit_codes => [4], :trace => true, :catch_failures => true ) end end describe '#stub_hosts_on' do it 'executes puppet on the host passed and ensures it is reverted' do logger = double.as_null_object subject.should_receive( :logger ).any_number_of_times.and_return( logger ) subject.should_receive( :on ).twice subject.should_receive( :teardown ).and_yield subject.should_receive( :puppet ).once. with( 'resource', 'host', '', 'ensure=present', 'ip=' ) subject.should_receive( :puppet ).once. with( 'resource', 'host', '', 'ensure=absent' ) subject.stub_hosts_on( 'my_host', '' => '' ) end end describe '#stub_forge_on' do it 'stubs with the value of `forge`' do subject.should_receive( :forge ).and_return( '' ) Resolv.should_receive( :getaddress ). with( '' ).and_return( '' ) subject.should_receive( :stub_hosts_on ). with( 'my_host', '' => '' ) subject.stub_forge_on( 'my_host' ) end end end