module Omniship class UPS < Carrier self.retry_safe = true cattr_accessor :default_options cattr_reader :name @@name = "UPS" TEST_URL = '' LIVE_URL = '' RESOURCES = { :rates => '', :track => '', :shipconfirm => '', :shipaccept => '', :shipvoid => '', :valid_address => '', :valid_address_street => '' } PICKUP_CODES ={ :daily_pickup => "01", :customer_counter => "03", :one_time_pickup => "06", :on_call_air => "07", :suggested_retail_rates => "11", :letter_center => "19", :air_service_center => "20" }) CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS ={ :wholesale => "01", :occasional => "03", :retail => "04" }) # these are the defaults described in the UPS API docs, # but they don't seem to apply them under all circumstances, # so we need to take matters into our own hands DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS = do |hash, key| hash[key] = case key.to_sym when :daily_pickup then :wholesale when :customer_counter then :retail else :occasional end end DEFAULT_SERVICES = { "01" => "UPS Next Day Air", "02" => "UPS Second Day Air", "03" => "UPS Ground", "07" => "UPS Worldwide Express", "08" => "UPS Worldwide Expedited", "11" => "UPS Standard", "12" => "UPS Three-Day Select", "13" => "UPS Next Day Air Saver", "14" => "UPS Next Day Air Early A.M.", "54" => "UPS Worldwide Express Plus", "59" => "UPS Second Day Air A.M.", "65" => "UPS Saver", "82" => "UPS Today Standard", "83" => "UPS Today Dedicated Courier", "84" => "UPS Today Intercity", "85" => "UPS Today Express", "86" => "UPS Today Express Saver" } CANADA_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "01" => "UPS Express", "02" => "UPS Expedited", "14" => "UPS Express Early A.M." } MEXICO_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "07" => "UPS Express", "08" => "UPS Expedited", "54" => "UPS Express Plus" } EU_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "07" => "UPS Express", "08" => "UPS Expedited" } OTHER_NON_US_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "07" => "UPS Express" } # From (Current as of November 30, 2007) EU_COUNTRY_CODES = ["GB", "AT", "BE", "BG", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "EE", "FI", "FR", "DE", "GR", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LV", "LT", "LU", "MT", "NL", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SK", "SI", "ES", "SE"] US_TERRITORIES_TREATED_AS_COUNTRIES = ["AS", "FM", "GU", "MH", "MP", "PW", "PR", "VI"] def requirements [:key, :login, :password] end def find_rates(origin, destination, packages, options={}) origin, destination = upsified_location(origin), upsified_location(destination) options = @options.merge(options) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? false : options[:test] packages = Array(packages) access_request = build_access_request rate_request = build_rate_request(origin, destination, packages, options) response = commit(:rates, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + rate_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options) end def find_tracking_info(tracking_number, options={}) options = @options.update(options) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? false : options[:test] access_request = build_access_request tracking_request = build_tracking_request(tracking_number, options) response = commit(:track, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + tracking_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) # parse_tracking_response(response, options) end # Creating shipping functionality for UPS def create_shipment(origin, destination, packages, options={}) @options = @options.merge(options) origin, destination = upsified_location(origin), upsified_location(destination) options = @options.merge(options) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? true : options[:test] packages = Array(packages) access_request = build_access_request ship_confirm_request = build_ship_confirm(origin, destination, packages, options) response = commit(:shipconfirm, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + ship_confirm_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) parse_ship_confirm_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options) end def accept_shipment(digest, options={}) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? true : options[:test] access_request = build_access_request ship_accept_request = build_ship_accept(digest) response = commit(:shipaccept, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + ship_accept_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) parse_ship_accept_response(response, options) end def void_shipment(ups_shipment_id, tracking_numbers = [], options={}) @options = @options.merge(options) options = @options.merge(options) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? true : options[:test] access_request = build_access_request ship_void_request = build_void_request(ups_shipment_id,tracking_numbers) response = commit(:shipvoid, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + ship_void_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) parse_ship_void_response(response, options) end def validate_address(city, state, zip_code, country_code, options={}) @options = @options.merge(options) access_request = build_access_request validate_address_request = build_valid_address_request(city,state,zip_code,country_code) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? true : options[:test] response = commit(:valid_address, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + validate_address_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) parse_ship_valid_address(response) end def validate_address_street(address, city, state, zip_code, country_code, options={}) @options = @options.merge(options) access_request = build_access_request validate_address_street_request = build_valid_address_street_request(address,city,state,zip_code,country_code) options[:test] = options[:test].nil? ? true : options[:test] response = commit(:valid_address_street, save_request(access_request.gsub("\n", "") + validate_address_street_request.gsub("\n", "")), options[:test]) parse_ship_valid_address_street(response) end protected def upsified_location(location) if location.country_code == 'US' && US_TERRITORIES_TREATED_AS_COUNTRIES.include?(location.state) atts = {:country => location.state} [:zip, :city, :address1, :address2, :address3, :phone, :fax, :address_type, :attention_name].each do |att| atts[att] = location.send(att) end else location end end def build_access_request builder = do |xml| xml.AccessRequest { xml.AccessLicenseNumber @options[:key].nil? ? @config['ups']['key'] : @options[:key] xml.UserId @options[:login].nil? ? @config['ups']['username'] : @options[:login] xml.Password @options[:password].nil? ? @config['ups']['password'] : @options[:password] } end builder.to_xml end # Build the ship_confirm XML request def build_ship_confirm(origin, destination, packages, options={}) #Return Service types: #‘2’ = UPS Print and Mail (PNM) #‘3’ = UPS Return Service 1- Attempt (RS1) #‘5’ = UPS Return Service 3-Attempt (RS3) #‘8’ = UPS Electronic Return Label (ERL) #‘9’ = UPS Print Return Label (PRL) packages = Array(packages) builder = do |xml| xml.ShipmentConfirmRequest { xml.Request { xml.RequestAction 'ShipConfirm' xml.RequestOption options[:nonvalidate] ? 'nonvalidate' : 'validate' } xml.Shipment { build_location_node(['Shipper'], (options[:shipper] || origin), options, xml) build_location_node(['ShipTo'], destination, options, xml) if options[:shipper] && options[:shipper] != origin build_location_node(['ShipFrom'], origin, options, xml) end xml.PaymentInformation { xml.Prepaid { xml.BillShipper { xml.AccountNumber options[:origin_account] } } } if options[:return_service_code].present? xml.ReturnService { xml.Code options[:return_service_code] # if options[:return_service_description].present? # xml.Description options[:return_service_description] # end } end xml.Service { xml.Code options[:service] } xml.ShipmentServiceOptions { xml.SaturdayDelivery if options[:saturday] == true if options[:delivery_confirmation_type].present? xml.DeliveryConfirmation { xml.DCISType options[:delivery_confirmation_type] } end } packages.each do |package| imperial = ['US', 'LR', 'MM'].include?(origin.country_code(:alpha2)) xml.Package { xml.PackagingType { xml.Code package.options[:package_type] } xml.Dimensions { xml.UnitOfMeasurement { xml.Code imperial ? 'IN' : 'CM' } [:length, :width, :height].each do |axis| value = ((imperial ? package.inches(axis) :*1000).round/1000.0 # 3 decimals xml.send axis.to_s.gsub(/^[a-z]|\s+[-z]/) { |a| a.upcase }, [value, 0.1].max end } xml.PackageWeight { xml.UnitOfMeasurement { xml.Code imperial ? 'LBS' : 'KGS' } value = ((imperial ? package.lbs : package.kgs).to_f*1000).round/1000.0 # decimals xml.Weight [value, 0.1].max } xml.Description package.options[:package_description] if package.options[:package_description].present? xml.PackageServiceOptions { if package.options[:delivery_confirmation_type].present? xml.DeliveryConfirmation { xml.DCISType package.options[:delivery_confirmation_type] } end } if package.options[:references].present? package.options[:references].each do |reference| xml.ReferenceNumber { xml.Code reference[:code] xml.Value reference[:value] if reference[:barcode] xml.BarCodeIndicator end } end end } end xml.LabelSpecification { xml.LabelPrintMethod { xml.Code 'GIF' } xml.LabelImageFormat { xml.Code 'PNG' } } } } end builder.to_xml end def build_ship_accept(digest) builder = do |xml| xml.ShipmentAcceptRequest { xml.Request { xml.RequestAction 'ShipAccept' } xml.ShipmentDigest digest } end builder.to_xml end def build_void_request(ups_shipment_id,tracking_numbers) builder = do |xml| xml.VoidShipmentRequest { xml.Request { xml.RequestAction 'Void' } xml.ExpandedVoidShipment { xml.ShipmentIdentificationNumber ups_shipment_id tracking_numbers.each do |tracking_number| xml.TrackingNumber tracking_number end } } end builder.to_xml end def build_valid_address_street_request(address,city,state,zip_code,country_code) builder = do |xml| xml.AddressValidationRequest { xml.Request { xml.RequestAction "XAV" } xml.AddressKeyFormat { xml.AddressLine address xml.PoliticalDivision2 city xml.PoliticalDivision1 state xml.PostcodePrimaryLow zip_code xml.CountryCode country_code } } end builder.to_xml end def build_valid_address_request(city,state,zip_code,country_code) builder = do |xml| xml.AddressValidationRequest { xml.Request{ xml.RequestAction 'AV' } xml.Address{ xml.City city xml.StateProvinceCode state xml.CountryCode country_code xml.PostalCode zip_code } } end builder.to_xml end def build_rate_request(origin, destination, packages, options={}) packages = Array(packages) builder = do |xml| xml.RatingServiceSelectionRequest { xml.Request { xml.RequestAction 'Rate' xml.RequestOption 'Shop' } # not implemented: 'Rate' RequestOption to specify a single service query # request <<'RequestOption', ((options[:service].nil? or options[:service] == :all) ? 'Shop' : 'Rate')) pickup_type = options[:pickup_type] || :daily_pickup xml.PickupType { xml.Code PICKUP_CODES[pickup_type] # not implemented: PickupType/PickupDetails element } cc = options[:customer_classification] || DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS[pickup_type] xml.CustomerClassification { xml.Code CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS[cc] } xml.Shipment { build_location_node(['Shipper'], (options[:shipper] || origin), options, xml) build_location_node(['ShipTo'], destination, options, xml) if options[:shipper] && options[:shipper] != origin build_location_node(['ShipFrom'], origin, options, xml) end # not implemented: * Shipment/ShipmentWeight element # * Shipment/ReferenceNumber element # * Shipment/Service element # * Shipment/PickupDate element # * Shipment/ScheduledDeliveryDate element # * Shipment/ScheduledDeliveryTime element # * Shipment/AlternateDeliveryTime element # * Shipment/DocumentsOnly element packages.each do |package| imperial = ['US', 'LR', 'MM'].include?(origin.country_code(:alpha2)) xml.Package { xml.PackagingType { xml.Code '02' } xml.Dimensions { xml.UnitOfMeasurement { xml.Code imperial ? 'IN' : 'CM' } [:length, :width, :height].each do |axis| value = ((imperial ? package.inches(axis) :*1000).round/1000.0 # 3 decimals xml.send axis.to_s.gsub(/^[a-z]|\s+[-z]/) { |a| a.upcase }, [value, 0.1].max end } xml.PackageWeight { xml.UnitOfMeasurement { xml.Code imperial ? 'LBS' : 'KGS' } value = ((imperial ? package.lbs : package.kgs).to_f*1000).round/1000.0 # 3 decimals xml.Weight [value, 0.1].max } xml.PackageServiceOptions { if package.options[:delivery_confirmation_type].present? xml.DeliveryConfirmation { xml.DCISType package.options[:delivery_confirmation_type] } end } # not implemented: * Shipment/Package/LargePackageIndicator element # * Shipment/Package/ReferenceNumber element # * Shipment/Package/AdditionalHandling element } end # not implemented: * Shipment/ShipmentServiceOptions element # * Shipment/RateInformation element } } end builder.to_xml end def build_tracking_request(tracking_number, options={}) builder = do |xml| xml.TrackRequest { xml.Request { xml.TransactionReference { } xml.RequestAction "Track" } xml.TrackingNumber tracking_number.to_s xml.ShipmentType { xml.Code "01" } } end builder.to_xml end def build_location_node(name, location, options={}, xml) for name in name xml.send(name) { xml.Name unless xml.AttentionName location.attention_name unless location.attention_name.blank? xml.CompanyName location.company_name unless location.company_name.blank? xml.PhoneNumber[^\d]/, '') unless xml.FaxNumber location.fax.gsub(/[^\d]/, '') unless location.fax.blank? if name =='Shipper' and (origin_account = @options[:origin_account] || options[:origin_account]) xml.ShipperNumber origin_account elsif name == 'ShipTo' and (destination_account = @options[:destination_account] || options[:destination_account]) xml.ShipperAssignedIdentificationNumber destination_account end xml.Address { xml.AddressLine1 location.address1 unless location.address1.blank? xml.AddressLine2 location.address2 unless location.address2.blank? xml.AddressLine3 location.address3 unless location.address3.blank? xml.City unless xml.StateProvinceCode location.province unless location.province.blank? xml.PostalCode location.postal_code unless location.postal_code.blank? xml.CountryCode location.country_code unless location.country_code.blank? xml.ResidentialAddress unless location.commercial? } } end end def parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options={}) rates = [] xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) success = response_success?(xml) message = response_message(xml) if success rate_estimates = [] xml.xpath('/*/RatedShipment').each do |rated_shipment| service_code = rated_shipment.xpath('Service/Code').text.to_s days_to_delivery = rated_shipment.xpath('GuaranteedDaysToDelivery').text.to_s.to_i delivery_date = days_to_delivery >= 1 ? days_to_delivery.days.from_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : nil rate_estimates <<, destination, @@name, :service_code => service_code, :service_name => service_name_for(origin, service_code), :total_price => rated_shipment.xpath('TotalCharges/MonetaryValue').text.to_s.to_f, :currency => rated_shipment.xpath('TotalCharges/CurrencyCode').text.to_s, :packages => packages, :delivery_range => [delivery_date]) end end, message, Hash.from_xml(response).values.first, :rates => rate_estimates, :xml => response, :request => last_request) end def parse_tracking_response(response, options={}) xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) success = response_success?(xml) message = response_message(xml) puts "response :" + xml.to_s if success tracking_number, origin, destination = nil shipment_details = tracking_number = xml.xpath('/*/Shipment/Package/TrackingNumber').text shipment_details[:tracking_number] = tracking_number estimated_delivery_date = xml.xpath('/*/Shipment/ScheduledDeliveryDate').text if !estimated_delivery_date.blank? estimated_delivery_date = Date.strptime(estimated_delivery_date,'%Y%m%d') shipment_details[:estimated_delivery_date] = estimated_delivery_date else reschedule_delivery_date = xml.xpath('/*/Shipment/Package/RescheduledDeliveryDate').text if !reschedule_delivery_date.blank? reschedule_delivery_date = Date.strptime(reschedule_delivery_date,'%Y%m%d') shipment_details[:estimated_delivery_date] = reschedule_delivery_date end end puts 'tracking_number: ' + tracking_number puts 'estimated_delivery_date: ' + estimated_delivery_date.to_s activities = [] xml.xpath('/*/Shipment/Package/Activity').each do |activity| status_code = activity.xpath('Status/StatusCode').text status_dsc = activity.xpath('Status/StatusType/Description').text date = activity.xpath('Date').text time = activity.xpath('Time').text hour, minute, second = time.scan(/\d{2}/) year, month, day = date[0..3], date[4..5], date[6..7] date_time = Time.utc(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) location = activity.xpath('ActivityLocation/Address/City').text + ' ' + activity.xpath('ActivityLocation/Address/StateProvinceCode').text + ' ' + activity.xpath('ActivityLocation/Address/CountryCode').text activities << {:status_code => status_code, :status_dsc => status_dsc, :date => date_time, :location => location} end shipment_details[:activities] = activities #first_shipment = xml.gelements['/*/Shipment'] #first_package = first_shipment.elements['Package'] #tracking_number = first_shipment.get_text('ShipmentIdentificationNumber | Package/TrackingNumber').to_s #origin, destination = %w{Shipper ShipTo}.map do |location| # location_from_address_node(first_shipment.elements["#{location}/Address"]) #end #activities = first_package.get_elements('Activity') #unless activities.empty? # shipment_events = do |activity| # description = activity.get_text('Status/StatusType/Description').to_s # zoneless_time = if (time = activity.get_text('Time')) && # (date = activity.get_text('Date')) # time, date = time.to_s, date.to_s # hour, minute, second = time.scan(/\d{2}/) # year, month, day = date[0..3], date[4..5], date[6..7] # Time.utc(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) # end # location = location_from_address_node(activity.elements['ActivityLocation/Address']) #, zoneless_time, location) # end # # shipment_events = shipment_events.sort_by(&:time) # # if origin # first_event = shipment_events[0] # same_country = origin.country_code(:alpha2) == first_event.location.country_code(:alpha2) # same_or_blank_city = or == # origin_event =, first_event.time, origin) # if same_country and same_or_blank_city # shipment_events[0] = origin_event # else # shipment_events.unshift(origin_event) # end # end # if == 'delivered' # shipment_events[-1] =, shipment_events.last.time, destination) # end #end end, message, Hash.from_xml(response).values.first, # :xml => response, # :request => last_request, # :shipment_events => shipment_events, # :origin => origin, # :destination => destination, # :tracking_number => tracking_number) return shipment_details end def parse_ship_confirm_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options={}) xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) success = response_success?(xml) if success @response_text = xml.xpath('//*/ShipmentDigest').text else @response_text = {} @response_text[:status] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/ResponseStatusDescription').text @response_text[:error_severity] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorSeverity').text @response_text[:error_code] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorCode').text @response_text[:error_description] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorDescription').text end return @response_text end def parse_ship_accept_response(response, options={}) xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) puts xml success = response_success?(xml) @response_text = {} if success tracking_number = [] label = [] @response_text[:charges] = xml.xpath('/*/ShipmentResults/*/TotalCharges/MonetaryValue').text @response_text[:shipment_id] = xml.xpath('/*/ShipmentResults/ShipmentIdentificationNumber').text xml.xpath('/*/ShipmentResults/*/TrackingNumber').each do |track| tracking_number << track.text end @response_text[:tracking_number] = tracking_number xml.xpath('/*/ShipmentResults/*/LabelImage/GraphicImage').each do |image| label << image.text end @response_text[:label] = label @response_text[:success] = true else @response_text[:status] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/ResponseStatusDescription').text @response_text[:error_severity] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorSeverity').text @response_text[:error_code] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorCode').text @response_text[:error_description] = xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorDescription').text end return @response_text end def parse_ship_void_response(response, options={}) xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) puts "Void response: " + xml.to_s success = response_success?(xml) if success @void = "Shipment successfully voided!" else @void = "Voiding shipment failed!" end return @void end def parse_ship_valid_address(response, options={}) xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) puts xml success = response_success?(xml) response_text = if success addresses = xml.xpath('/*/AddressValidationResult').each do |address_data| response_text = response_text[:rank] = address_data.xpath('Rank').text response_text[:quality] = address_data.xpath('Quality').text response_text[:city] = address_data.xpath('Address/City').text response_text[:state] = address_data.xpath('Address/StateProvinceCode').text response_text[:postal_code_low] = address_data.xpath('PostalCodeLowEnd').text response_text[:postal_code_high] = address_data.xpath('PostalCodeHighEnd').text end else return "Address validation failed!" end return response_text end def parse_ship_valid_address_street(response, options={}) n = 1 xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) puts xml success = response_success?(xml) response_text = if success addresses = xml.xpath('/*/AddressKeyFormat').each do |address_data| response_text = address_data.xpath('AddressLine').each do |address_line| response_text["address_#{n}".to_sym] = address_line.text n += 1 end response_text[:region] = address_data.xpath('Region').text response_text[:city] = address_data.xpath('PoliticalDivision2').text response_text[:state] = address_data.xpath('PoliticalDivision1').text response_text[:postal_code] = address_data.xpath('PostcodePrimaryLow').text response_text[:postal_code_extended] = address_data.xpath('PostcodeExtendedLow').text response_text[:country_code] = address_data.xpath("CountryCode").text end else return "Address validation failed!" end return response_text end def location_from_address_node(address) return nil unless address :country => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['CountryCode']), :postal_code => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['PostalCode']), :province => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['StateProvinceCode']), :city => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['City']), :address1 => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['AddressLine1']), :address2 => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['AddressLine2']), :address3 => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['AddressLine3']) ) end def response_success?(xml) xml.xpath('/*/Response/ResponseStatusCode').text == '1' end def response_message(xml) xml.xpath('/*/Response/Error/ErrorDescription | /*/Response/ResponseStatusDescription').text end def commit(action, request, test = false) ssl_post("#{test ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL}/#{RESOURCES[action]}", request) end def service_name_for(origin, code) origin = origin.country_code(:alpha2) name = case origin when "CA" then CANADA_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] when "MX" then MEXICO_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] when *EU_COUNTRY_CODES then EU_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] end name ||= OTHER_NON_US_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] unless name == 'US' name ||= DEFAULT_SERVICES[code] end end end