DEFAULTS: updated_at: 2003-02-01 created_at: 2003-02-01 ref_lang: fr inherit: yes user: admin v_status: pub v_publish_from: 2003-02-01 complex: class: Project inherit: no rgroup: public wgroup: complex dgroup: admin skin: cskin title: complex site cskin: class: Skin parent: complex title: cskin Node_zafu: class: Template parent: cskin title: Node v_prop: target_klass: Node template: format: html tkpath: N # ------------- EMPLOYEES employees: class: Section parent: complex title: list of employees roger: class: Employee parent: employees title: Roger Ubercool joe: class: Employee parent: employees title: Joe Friendly mike: class: Employee parent: employees title: Mike Mean # ------------- JOBS jobs: class: Section parent: complex title: jobs driver: class: Job parent: jobs title: driver driver_security: class: Page parent: driver title: security custom_a: 10 driver_team: class: Page parent: driver title: team work driver_mechanical: class: Page parent: driver title: mechanical technician: class: Job parent: jobs title: technician technician_security: class: Page parent: technician title: security custom_a: 10 technician_team: class: Page parent: technician title: team work custom_a: 1 technician_fiber: class: Page parent: technician title: optical fiber chief: class: Job parent: jobs title: chief chief_motivation: class: Page parent: chief title: team motivation custom_a: 10 chief_image: class: Page parent: chief title: corporate image # ------------- COURSES courses: class: Page parent: complex title: courses list dangerous_transportations: class: Course parent: courses # 2 years = 2 * 12 months = 24 custom_a: 24 title: dangerous transportations formulate_problems: class: Course parent: courses title: problem formulation transmit_information: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 12 title: information transmission engine: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: engine maintenance secure_a_site: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: secure a site winch_usage: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: how to use the winch radio_usage: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: how to use the radio fiber_junction: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: fiber junction resp_management: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: responsabilities management team_motivation: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: motivate your team vision: class: Course parent: courses custom_a: 24 title: our vision # ------------- FORMATIONS transp2004: class: Formation parent: dangerous_transportations title: dtransp 2004 event_at: 2004-03-15 transp2006: class: Formation parent: dangerous_transportations title: dtransp 2006 event_at: 2006-04-21 fiber2002: class: Formation parent: fiber_junction title: fiber 2002 event_at: 2002-02-02 fiber2003: class: Formation parent: fiber_junction title: fiber 2003 event_at: 2003-03-03 form2005: class: Formation parent: formulate_problems title: formprobs 2005 event_at: 2005-03-20 form2006: class: Formation parent: formulate_problems title: formprobs 2006 event_at: 2006-03-20 transm2001: class: Formation parent: transmit_information title: transinfo 2001 event_at: 2001-06-15 transm2002: class: Formation parent: transmit_information title: transinfo 2002 event_at: 2002-05-05 transm2003: class: Formation parent: transmit_information title: transinfo 2003 event_at: 2003-03-20 vision2003: class: Formation parent: vision title: vision 2003 event_at: 2003-04-05