# 0.3.2 * Fix inheriting an `SSML::Speak`'s language. Previously an imported `` would end up with a `lang` attribute in addition to `xml:lang`, and `xml:lang` would have the default value (`en-US`). This required a Niceogiri dependency update. # 0.3.1 * Get the whole test suite passing on Ruby 1.8.7 and JRuby (thanks to Taylor Carpenter!) # 0.3.0 * Feature (Taylor Carpenter): Added support for GRXML documents with most elements implemented. # 0.2.2 * Feature: The SSML DSL now supports embedding SSML documents, elements or strings via the `embed` method. This behaves as you might expect: ```ruby doc1 = RubySpeech::SSML.draw do string "Hi, I'm Fred. The time is currently " say_as :interpret_as => 'date', :format => 'dmy' do "01/02/1960" end end doc2 = RubySpeech::SSML.draw do voice :gender => :male, :name => 'fred' do embed doc1 end end doc2.to_s ``` ```xml Hi, I'm Fred. The time is currently 01/02/1960 ``` # 0.2.1 * Bugfix: SSML element's children now include any text content, and text content is copied when importing/concatenating documents # 0.2.0 * API Change: SSML::SayAs.new (and the DSL method `say_as`) now take `:interpret_as` in the options hash, rather than a separate first argument. This is for consistency with the other element types. * Feature: SSML elements can now be imported from a Nokogiri Node or a string * Feature: SSML elements now respond to #children with an array of SSML elements, rather than a Nokogiri NodeSet * Bugfix/Feature: Comparing SSML elements now compares children # 0.1.5 * Feature: Now added support for SSML `