# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require 'webgen/websiteaccess'
require 'webgen/loggable'
require 'webgen/page'
module Webgen::SourceHandler
# This module should be included in every source handler as it provides the default methods for
# creating nodes.
# == Implementing Source Handlers
# A source handler is a webgen extension that processes source paths to create nodes and that
# provides the rendered content of these nodes. The nodes are later written to the output
# location. This can range from simply copying a path from the source to the output location to
# generating a whole set of nodes from one input path!
# The paths that are handled by a source handler are specified via path patterns (see
# below). During a webgen run the #create_node method for each source paths that matches a
# specified path pattern is called. And when it is time to write out the node, the #content
# method is called to retrieve the rendered content.
# A source handler must not take any parameters on initialization and when this module is not
# mixed in, the methods #create_node and #content need to be defined. Also, a source handler does
# not need to reside under the Webgen::SourceHandler namespace but all shipped ones do.
# This base class provides useful default implementations of methods that are used by nearly all
# source handler classes:
# * #create_node
# * #output_path
# * #node_exists?
# It also provides other utility methods:
# * #page_from_path
# * #content
# * #parent_node
# == Nodes Created for Paths
# The main functions of a source handler class are to create one or more nodes for a source path
# and to provide the content of these nodes. To achieve this, certain information needs to be set
# on a created node. If you use the +create_node+ method provided by this base class, you don't
# need to set them explicitly because this is done by the method:
# [node_info[:processor]] Has to be set to the class name of the source handler. This is
# used by the Node class: all unknown method calls are forwarded
# to the node processor.
# [node_info[:src]] Has to be set to the string version of the path that lead to the
# creation of the node.
# [node_info[:creation_path]] Has to be set to the string version of the path that is
# used to create the path.
# [meta_info['no_output']] Has to be set to +true+ on nodes that are used during a
# webgen run but do not produce an output file.
# [meta_info['modified_at']] Has to be set to the current time if not already set
# correctly (ie. if not a Time object).
# If meta_info['draft'] is set on a path, then no node should be created in +create_node+
# and +nil+ has to be returned.
# Note: The difference between +:src+ and +:creation_path+ is that a creation path
# need not have an existing source path representation. For example, fragments created from a page
# source path have a different +:creation_path+ which includes the fragment part.
# Additional information that is used only for processing purposes should be stored in the
# #node_info hash of a node as the #meta_info hash is reserved for real node meta information and
# should not be changed once the node is created.
# == Output Path Names
# The method for creating an output path name for a source path is stored in the meta information
# +output_path+. If you don't use the provided method +output_path+, have a look at its
# implementation to see how to an output path gets created. Individual output path creation
# methods are stored as methods in the OutputPathHelpers module.
# == Path Patterns and Invocation order
# Path patterns define which paths are handled by a specific source handler. These patterns are
# specified in the sourcehandler.patterns configuration hash as a mapping from the source
# handler class name to an array of path patterns. The patterns need to have a format that
# Dir.glob can handle. You can use the configuration helper +patterns+ to set this (is
# shown in the example below).
# Specifying a path pattern does not mean that webgen uses the source handler. One also needs to
# provide an entry in the configuration value sourcehandler.invoke. This is a hash that
# maps the invocation rank (a number) to an array of source handler class names. The lower the
# invocation rank the earlier the specified source handlers are used.
# The default invocation ranks are:
# [1] Early. Normally there is no need to use this rank.
# [5] Standard. This is the rank the normal source handler should use.
# [9] Late. This rank should be used by source handlers that operate on/use already created nodes
# and need to ensure that these nodes are available.
# == Default Meta Information
# Each source handler can define default meta information that gets automatically set on the
# source paths that are passed to the #create_node method.
# The default meta information is specified in the sourcehandler.default_meta_info
# configuration hash as a mapping from the source handler class name to the meta information
# hash.
# == Sample Source Handler Class
# Following is a simple source handler class example which copies paths from the source to
# the output location modifying the extension:
# class SimpleCopy
# include Webgen::SourceHandler::Base
# include Webgen::WebsiteAccess
# def create_node(path)
# path.ext += '.copied'
# super(path)
# end
# def content(node)
# website.blackboard.invoke(:source_paths)[node.node_info[:src]].io
# end
# end
# WebsiteAccess.website.config.patterns('SimpleCopy' => ['**/*.jpg', '**/*.png'])
# WebsiteAccess.website.config.sourcehandler.invoke[5] << 'SimpleCopy'
module Base
# This module is used for defining all methods that can be used for creating output paths.
# All public methods of this module are considered to be output path creation methods and must
# have the following parameters:
# [+parent+] the parent node
# [+path+] the path for which the output name should be created
# [+use_lang_part+] controls whether the output path name has to include the language part
module OutputPathHelpers
# Default method for creating an output path for +parent+ and source +path+.
# The automatically set parameter +style+ (which uses the meta information +output_path_style+
# from the path's meta information hash) defines how the output name should be built (more
# information about this in the user documentation).
def standard_output_path(parent, path, use_lang_part, style = path.meta_info['output_path_style'])
result = style.collect do |part|
case part
when String then part
when :lang then use_lang_part ? path.meta_info['lang'] : ''
when :ext then path.ext.empty? ? '' : '.' + path.ext
when :parent then temp = parent; temp = temp.parent while temp.is_fragment?; temp.path
when :year, :month, :day
ctime = path.meta_info['created_at']
if !ctime.kind_of?(Time)
raise Webgen::NodeCreationError.new("Invalid meta info 'created_at', needed because of used output path style",
self.class.name, path)
ctime.send(part).to_s.rjust(2, '0')
when Symbol then path.send(part)
when Array then part.include?(:lang) && !use_lang_part ? '' : standard_output_path(parent, path, use_lang_part, part)
else ''
include Webgen::Loggable
include OutputPathHelpers
# Construct the output name for the given +path+ and +parent+. First it is checked if a node
# with the constructed output name already exists. If it exists, the language part is forced to
# be in the output name and the resulting output name is returned.
def output_path(parent, path)
method = path.meta_info['output_path'] + '_output_path'
use_lang_part = if path.meta_info['lang'].nil? # unlocalized files never get a lang in the filename!
Webgen::WebsiteAccess.website.config['sourcehandler.default_lang_in_output_path'] ||
Webgen::WebsiteAccess.website.config['website.lang'] != path.meta_info['lang']
if OutputPathHelpers.public_instance_methods(false).map {|c| c.to_s}.include?(method)
name = send(method, parent, path, use_lang_part)
name += '/' if path.path =~ /\/$/ && name !~ /\/$/
if (node = node_exists?(path, name)) && node.lang != path.meta_info['lang']
name = send(method, parent, path, (path.meta_info['lang'].nil? ? false : true))
name += '/' if path.path =~ /\/$/ && name !~ /\/$/
raise Webgen::NodeCreationError.new("Unknown method for creating output path: #{path.meta_info['output_path']}",
self.class.name, path)
# Check if the node alcn and output path which would be created by #create_node exist. The
# +output_path+ to check for can individually be set.
def node_exists?(path, output_path = self.output_path(parent_node(path), path))
Webgen::WebsiteAccess.website.tree[path.alcn] || (!path.meta_info['no_output'] && Webgen::WebsiteAccess.website.tree[output_path, :path])
# Create a node from +path+ if it does not already exists or re-initalize an already existing
# node. The found node or the newly created node is returned afterwards. +nil+ is returned if no
# node can be created (e.g. when path.meta_info['draft'] is set).
# The +options+ parameter can be used for providing the optional parameters:
# [:parent] The parent node under which the new node should be created. If this is not
# specified (the usual case), the parent node is determined by the
# #parent_node method.
# [:output_path] The output path that should be used for the node. If this is not
# specified (the usual case), the output path is determined via the
# #output_path method.
# Some additional node information like :src and :processor is set and the
# meta information is checked for validness. The created/re-initialized node is yielded if a
# block is given.
def create_node(path, options = {})
return nil if path.meta_info['draft']
parent = options[:parent] || parent_node(path)
output_path = options[:output_path] || self.output_path(parent, path)
node = node_exists?(path, output_path)
if node && (node.node_info[:src] != path.source_path || node.node_info[:processor] != self.class.name)
log(:warn) { "Node already exists: source = #{path.source_path} | path = #{node.path} | alcn = #{node.alcn}"}
return node #TODO: think! should nil be returned?
elsif !node
node = Webgen::Node.new(parent, output_path, path.cn, path.meta_info)
elsif node.flagged?(:reinit)
node.reinit(output_path, path.meta_info)
return node
if !node['modified_at'].kind_of?(Time)
log(:warn) { "Meta information 'modified_at' set to current time in <#{node}> since its value '#{node['modified_at']}' was of type #{node['modified_at'].class}" } unless node['modified_at'].nil?
node['modified_at'] = Time.now
node.node_info[:src] = path.source_path
node.node_info[:creation_path] = path.path
node.node_info[:processor] = self.class.name
yield(node) if block_given?
# Return the content of the given +node+. If the return value is not +nil+ then the node gets
# written, otherwise it is ignored.
# This default +content+ method just returns +nil+.
def content(node)
# Utility method for creating a Webgen::Page object from the +path+. Also updates
# path.meta_info with the meta info from the page.
def page_from_path(path)
page = Webgen::Page.from_data(path.io.data, path.meta_info)
rescue Webgen::Page::FormatError => e
raise Webgen::NodeCreationError.new("Error reading source path: #{e.message}",
self.class.name, path)
path.meta_info = page.meta_info
# Return the parent node for the given +path+.
def parent_node(path)
parent_dir = (path.parent_path == '' ? '' : Webgen::Path.new(path.parent_path).alcn)
if !(parent = Webgen::WebsiteAccess.website.tree[parent_dir])
raise Webgen::NodeCreationError.new("The needed parent path <#{parent_dir}> does not exist",
self.class.name, path)