module Inputs module EffectiveDatePicker class Input < Effective::FormInput delegate :content_tag, :text_field_tag, :to => :@template def default_input_js {format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', showTodayButton: true, showClear: true} end def default_input_html {class: 'effective_date_picker date'} end def to_html if options[:input_group] == false return text_field_tag(field_name, value, tag_options) end content_tag(:div, class: 'input-group') do content_tag(:span, class: 'input-group-addon') do content_tag(:i, '', class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-calendar').html_safe end + text_field_tag(field_name, value, tag_options) end end def value val = super val.kind_of?(Time) ? val.to_date : val end def js_options opts = super return opts unless opts[:disabledDates] opts[:disabledDates] = Array(opts[:disabledDates]).map do |obj| if obj.respond_to?(:strftime) obj.strftime('%F') elsif obj.kind_of?(Range) && obj.first.respond_to?(:strftime) [obj.first].tap do |dates| dates << (dates.last + until (dates.last + > obj.last end elsif obj.kind_of?(String) obj else raise 'unexpected disabledDates data. Expected a DateTime, Range of DateTimes or String' end end.flatten.compact opts end def html_options super.tap do |html_options| if js_options[:format] == default_input_js[:format] # Unless someone changed from the default html_options[:pattern] = '\d{4}(-\d{2})?(-\d{2})?' # Match default pattern defined above end if options[:date_linked] == false html_options[:class] << 'not-date-linked' end end end end end end