(function(flapjack, Contact) { // Dependencies var Entity = flapjack.module("entity"); var Medium = flapjack.module("medium"); // Shorthands // The application container var app = flapjack.app; Contact.Model = Backbone.JSONAPIModel.extend({ name: 'contacts', defaults: { first_name: '', last_name: '', email: '', id: null, links: {}, }, initialize: function(){ this.on('change', this.setDirty, this); }, toJSON: function() { // TODO ensure that attributes has nothing outside the above, except 'links' return _.pick(this.attributes, 'id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email'); }, validate: function() { // TODO hack media-email-address edit to set contact.email field var fn = this.get('first_name'); var ln = this.get('last_name'); var errors = new Array(); if ( _.isUndefined(fn) || _.isNull(fn) || (fn.length == 0) ) { errors.push("First name must be provided."); } if ( _.isUndefined(ln) || _.isNull(ln) || (ln.length == 0) ) { errors.push("Last name must be provided."); } if ( _.isEmpty(errors) ) { return; } return(errors); } }); Contact.List = Backbone.JSONAPICollection.extend({ model: Contact.Model, url: function() { return flapjack.api_url + "/contacts"; } }); Contact.Views.List = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tbody', id: 'contactList', initialize: function() { this.collection.on('add', this.render, this); this.collection.on('remove', this.render, this); }, render: function() { // TODO just rerender changed rows (insert new row or remove deleted) var jqel = this.$el; jqel.empty(); this.collection.each(function(contact) { var item = new (Contact.Views.ListItem)({ model: contact }); var itemEl = item.render().$el; itemEl.on('mouseenter', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).find('td.actions button').css('visibility', 'visible'); }).on('mouseleave', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).find('td.actions button').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); jqel.append(itemEl); }); return this; } }); Contact.Views.ListItem = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tr', className: 'contact_list_item', events: { 'click button.contact-media' : 'editContactMedia', 'click button.contact-entities' : 'editContactEntities', 'click button.delete-contact' : 'removeContact', 'click td' : 'editContactDetails' }, initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#contact-list-item-template').html()); // causes an unnecessary render on create, but required for update TODO cleanup this.listenTo(this.model, "sync", this.render); }, render: function() { var template_values = _.clone(this.model.attributes); this.$el.html(this.template(template_values)); return this; }, editContactDetails: function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // skip if modal showing if ( $('#contactModal').hasClass('in') ) { return; } var contactDetailsView = new Contact.Views.ContactDetails({model: this.model}); contactDetailsView.render(); $('div.modal-dialog').append(contactDetailsView.$el); $('#contactModal').modal('show'); }, editContactMedia: function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // skip if modal showing if ( $('#contactModal').hasClass('in') ) { return; } var context = this; var deferreds = this.model.resolveLinks({media: Medium.List}); $.when.apply($, deferreds).done( function() { var media = context.model.linked['media']; var mediaMain = new Contact.Views.Media({collection: media, contact: context.model}); $('div.modal-dialog').append(mediaMain.render().$el); $('#contactModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { mediaMain.trigger('close'); }); $('#contactModal').modal('show'); } ); }, editContactEntities: function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // skip if modal showing if ( $('#contactModal').hasClass('in') ) { return; } var deferreds = this.model.resolveLinks({entities: Entity.List}); var allEntities = new Entity.List(); deferreds.push(allEntities.fetch()); var context = this.model; $.when.apply($, deferreds).done( function() { var entities = context.linked['entities']; var entitiesView = new Contact.Views.Entities({contact: context, current: entities, all: allEntities}); $('div.modal-dialog').append(entitiesView.render().$el); $('#contactModal').modal('show'); } ); }, removeContact: function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.model.destroy(); } }); Contact.Views.ContactDetails = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { "input input[name='contact_first_name'],input[name='contact_last_name']" : 'updateAcceptButton', "change input[name='contact_first_name']" : 'setFirstName', "change input[name='contact_last_name']" : 'setLastName', "click button#contactCancel" : 'cancel', "click button#contactAccept" : 'accept', }, updateAcceptButton: function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var firstNameVal = $("input[name='contact_first_name']").val(); var firstNameInvalid = _.isUndefined(firstNameVal) || _.isNull(firstNameVal) || _.isEmpty(firstNameVal); var lastNameVal = $("input[name='contact_last_name']").val(); var lastNameInvalid = _.isUndefined(lastNameVal) || _.isNull(lastNameVal) || _.isEmpty(lastNameVal); $('button#contactAccept').prop('disabled', firstNameInvalid || lastNameInvalid); }, setFirstName: function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.model.set('first_name', $(event.target).val()); }, setLastName: function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.model.set('last_name', $(event.target).val()); }, cancel: function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); $('#contactModal').modal('hide'); if ( this.model.dirty ) { this.model.revertClean(); } }, accept: function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); $(event.target).prop('disabled', true); if ( this.model.isNew() ) { var save_success = function(model, response, options) { flapjack.contactList.add(model); $('#contactModal').modal('hide'); }; var save_error = function(model, response, options) { }; this.model.save({}, {success: save_success, error: save_error}); } else { if ( _.isUndefined(this.model.clean) ) { $('#contactModal').modal('hide'); } else { var changedAttrKeys = _.keys(this.model.clean); if (changedAttrKeys.length > 0) { var save_success = function(data, response, options) { $('#contactModal').modal('hide'); }; var save_error = function(data, response, options) { }; var attrs = _.pick(this.model.attributes, changedAttrKeys); this.model.patch('contacts', attrs, {success: save_success, error: save_error}); } else { $('#contactModal').modal('hide'); } } } }, initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#contact-details-form-template').html()); }, render: function() { var template_values = _.clone(this.model.attributes); template_values['is_new'] = this.model.isNew(); template_values['is_valid'] = this.model.isValid(); this.$el.html(this.template(template_values)); return this; } }); Contact.Views.Media = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(options) { this.options = options || {}; this.template = _.template($('#contact-media-template').html()); }, events: { 'close' : 'revert', }, revert: function() { if ( !_.isUndefined(this.mediaList) ) { this.mediaList.trigger('revert'); } }, render: function() { var template_values = _.clone(this.options.contact.attributes); this.$el.html(this.template(template_values)); this.mediaList = new Contact.Views.MediaList({collection: this.options.collection, contact: this.options.contact}); this.$el.find('tbody#contactMediaList').replaceWith(this.mediaList.render().$el); return this; } }); Contact.Views.MediaList = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tbody', id: 'contactMediaList', initialize: function(options) { var context = this; _.each(['email', 'sms', 'jabber'], function(type) { var medium = context.collection.find(function(cm) { return cm.get('type') == type; }); if ( _.isUndefined(medium) ) { medium = new Medium.Model({ type: type, address: '', interval: 15, rollup_threshold: 3, }); context.collection.add(medium); } medium.contact = options.contact; }); }, events: { 'revert' : 'revertUnsaved' }, render: function() { var jqel = $(this.el); jqel.empty(); this.collection.each(function(medium) { var item = new Contact.Views.MediaListItem({ model: medium }); jqel.append(item.render().el); }); return this; }, revertUnsaved: function() { this.collection.each(function(medium) { medium.revertClean(); }); } }); Contact.Views.MediaListItem = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tr', events: { "change input[data-attr='address']" : 'setAddress', "change input[data-attr='interval']" : 'setInterval', "change input[data-attr='rollup_threshold']" : 'setRollupThreshold' }, initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#contact-media-list-item-template').html()); }, render: function() { var template_values = _.clone(this.model.attributes); template_values['labels'] = { 'email' : 'Email', 'sms' : 'SMS', 'jabber' : 'Jabber' }; this.$el.html(this.template(template_values)); return this; }, setAddress: function(event) { this.model.set('address', $(event.target).val()); if ( this.model.isValid() ) { this.addOrUpdate(this.model); } }, setInterval: function(event) { this.model.set('interval', $(event.target).val()); if ( this.model.isValid() ) { this.addOrUpdate(this.model); } }, setRollupThreshold: function(event) { this.model.set('rollup_threshold', $(event.target).val()); if ( this.model.isValid() ) { this.addOrUpdate(this.model); } }, addOrUpdate: function(model) { var changedAttrKeys = _.keys(model.clean); var attrs = _.pick(model.attributes, changedAttrKeys); if ( model.isNew() ) { model.save(attrs); model.set('id', model.contact.get('id') + '_' + model.get('type')); } else { model.patch('media', attrs); } } }); Contact.Views.Entities = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(options) { this.options = options || {}; this.template = _.template($('#contact-entities-template').html()); }, render: function() { var template_values = _.clone(this.options.contact.attributes); this.$el.html(this.template(template_values)); var entityChooser = new Contact.Views.EntityChooser({contact: this.options.contact, current: this.options.current, all: this.options.all}); this.$el.find('div#contactEntityChooser').replaceWith(entityChooser.render().$el); var entityList = new Contact.Views.EntityList({contact: this.options.contact, collection: this.options.current}); this.$el.find('tbody#contactEntityList').replaceWith(entityList.render().$el); return this; } }); // this.model == current contact // this.collection == duplicate of entities with // entities enabled for this contact removed Contact.Views.EntityChooser = Backbone.View.extend({ id: "contactEntityChooser", events: { 'click button#add-contact-entity' : 'addEntities', 'change input#entityChooser' : 'chooserChanged' }, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options || {}; this.template = _.template($('#contact-entities-chooser-template').html()); this.listenTo(options.current, 'add', this.refresh); this.listenTo(options.current, 'remove', this.refresh); }, chooserChanged: function(e) { if ( !_.isArray(e.removed) && _.isObject(e.removed) ) { this.entityIdsToAdd = _.without(this.entityIdsToAdd, e.removed.id); } if ( !_.isArray(e.added) && _.isObject(e.added) && (this.entityIdsToAdd.indexOf(e.added.id) == -1) ) { this.entityIdsToAdd.push(e.added.id); } }, render: function() { this.calculate(); // clear array this.entityIdsToAdd = new Array(); this.$el.html(this.template({})); var jqel = $(this.el).find('input#entityChooser'); var format = function(item) { return item.name; } var context = this; jqel.select2({ placeholder: "Select Entities", data: {results: context.results, text: 'name'}, formatSelection: format, formatResult: format, multiple: true, width: 'off', }); return this; }, calculate: function() { var contact_entity_ids = this.options.current.pluck('id'); var some = this.options.all.reject(function(item, context) { return _.contains(contact_entity_ids, item.get('id')); }); this.collection = new Entity.List(some); this.results = this.collection.map( function(item) { return item.attributes; }); }, refresh: function(model, collection, options) { this.calculate(); var jqel = $(this.el).find('input#entityChooser'); var context = this; var format = function(item) { return item.name; } jqel.select2({ placeholder: "Select Entities", data: {results: context.results, text: 'name'}, formatSelection: format, formatResult: format, multiple: true, width: 'off', }); }, addEntities: function() { var jqel = $(this.el).find('input#entityChooser'); jqel.select2("val", null); var context = this; _.each(this.entityIdsToAdd, function(entity_id) { var newEntity = context.options.all.find(function(entity) { return entity.id == entity_id; }); context.options.contact.addLinked('contacts', 'entities', newEntity); }); this.entityIdsToAdd.length = 0; } }); Contact.Views.EntityList = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tbody', id: 'contactEntityList', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options || {}; this.collection.on('add', this.render, this); this.collection.on('remove', this.render, this); }, render: function() { var jqel = $(this.el); jqel.empty(); var contact = this.options.contact; this.collection.each(function(entity) { var item = new Contact.Views.EntityListItem({ model: entity, contact: contact }); jqel.append(item.render().el); }); return this; } }); Contact.Views.EntityListItem = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tr', events: { 'click button.delete-entity' : 'removeEntity', }, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options || {}; this.template = _.template($('#contact-entities-list-item-template').html()); }, render: function() { var template_values = _.clone(this.model.attributes); this.$el.html(this.template(template_values)); return this; }, removeEntity: function() { this.options.contact.removeLinked('contacts', 'entities', this.model); this.$el.remove(); } }); })(flapjack, flapjack.module("contact"));