##################################################################### ### P U B L I C A T I O N T A S K S ##################################################################### RELEASE_NOTES_FILE = 'release.notes' RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_FILE = 'release.ann' require 'net/smtp' require 'net/protocol' require 'openssl' $publish_privately = false ### Add SSL to Net::SMTP class Net::SMTP def ssl_start( helo='localhost.localdomain', user=nil, secret=nil, authtype=nil ) if block_given? begin do_ssl_start( helo, user, secret, authtype ) return yield( self ) ensure do_finish end else do_ssl_start( helo, user, secret, authtype ) return self end end ####### private ####### def do_ssl_start( helodomain, user, secret, authtype ) raise IOError, 'SMTP session already started' if @started check_auth_args( user, secret, 'plain' ) if user or secret # Open the connection @debug_output << "opening connection to #{@address}...\n" if @debug_output sock = timeout( @open_timeout ) { TCPsocket.new(@address, @port) } # Wrap it in the SSL layer ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE ssl_sock = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new( sock, ssl_context ) ssl_sock.sync_close = true ssl_sock.connect # Wrap it in the message-oriented IO layer sslmsgio = Net::InternetMessageIO.new( ssl_sock ) sslmsgio.read_timeout = @read_timeout sslmsgio.debug_output = @debug_output @socket = sslmsgio check_response(critical { recv_response() }) begin if @esmtp ehlo helodomain else helo helodomain end rescue ProtocolError if @esmtp @esmtp = false @error_occured = false retry end raise end authenticate user, secret, authtype if user @started = true ensure @socket.close if not @started and @socket and not @socket.closed? end end begin gem 'text-format' require 'time' require 'rake/tasklib' require 'tmail' require 'net/smtp' require 'etc' require 'socket' require 'text/format' ### Generate a valid RFC822 message-id def gen_message_id return "<%s.%s@%s>" % [ (Time.now.to_f * 10000).to_i.to_s( 36 ), (rand( 2 ** 64 - 1 )).to_s( 36 ), Socket.gethostname ] end namespace :release do task :default => [ :prep_release, :upload, :publish, :announce ] desc "Re-publish the release with the current version number" task :rerelease => [ :upload, :publish, :announce ] desc "Re-run the publication tasks, but send notifications to debugging address" task :test do trace "Will publish privately" $publish_privately = true Rake::Task['release:rerelease'].invoke end desc "Generate the release notes" task :notes => [RELEASE_NOTES_FILE] file RELEASE_NOTES_FILE do |task| last_tag = MercurialHelpers.get_tags.grep( /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ ). collect {|ver| vvec(ver) }.sort.last.unpack( 'N*' ).join('.') File.open( task.name, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT ) do |fh| fh.puts "Release Notes for #{PKG_VERSION}", "--------------------------------", '', '' end edit task.name end CLOBBER.include( RELEASE_NOTES_FILE ) desc "Upload project documentation and packages to #{PROJECT_HOST}" task :upload => [ :upload_docs, :upload_packages ] task :project => :upload # the old name desc "Publish the project docs to #{PROJECT_HOST}" task :upload_docs => [ :rdoc ] do when_writing( "Publishing docs to #{PROJECT_SCPDOCURL}" ) do log "Uploading API documentation to %s:%s" % [ PROJECT_HOST, PROJECT_DOCDIR ] run 'ssh', PROJECT_HOST, "rm -rf #{PROJECT_DOCDIR}" run 'scp', '-qCr', RDOCDIR, PROJECT_SCPDOCURL end end desc "Publish the project packages to #{PROJECT_HOST}" task :upload_packages => [ :package ] do when_writing( "Uploading packages") do pkgs = Pathname.glob( PKGDIR + "#{PKG_FILE_NAME}.{gem,tar.gz,tar.bz2,zip}" ) log "Uploading %d packages to #{PROJECT_SCPPUBURL}" % [ pkgs.length ] pkgs.each do |pkgfile| run 'scp', '-qC', pkgfile, PROJECT_SCPPUBURL end end end file RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_FILE => [RELEASE_NOTES_FILE] do |task| relnotes = File.read( RELEASE_NOTES_FILE ) announce_body = %{ Version #{PKG_VERSION} of #{PKG_NAME} has been released. #{Text::Format.new(:first_indent => 0).format_one_paragraph(GEMSPEC.description)} == Project Page #{GEMSPEC.homepage} == Installation Via gems: $ sudo gem install #{GEMSPEC.name} or from source: $ wget http://deveiate.org/code/#{PKG_FILE_NAME}.tar.gz $ tar -xzvf #{PKG_FILE_NAME}.tar.gz $ cd #{PKG_FILE_NAME} $ sudo rake install == Changes #{relnotes} }.gsub( /^\t+/, '' ) File.open( task.name, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT ) do |fh| fh.print( announce_body ) end edit task.name end CLOBBER.include( RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_FILE ) desc 'Send out a release announcement' task :announce => [RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_FILE] do email = TMail::Mail.new if $publish_privately || RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_ADDRESSES.empty? trace "Sending private announce mail" email.to = 'rubymage@gmail.com' else trace "Sending public announce mail" email.to = RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_ADDRESSES email.bcc = 'rubymage@gmail.com' end email.from = GEMSPEC.email email.subject = "[ANN] #{PKG_NAME} #{PKG_VERSION}" email.body = File.read( RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_FILE ) email.date = Time.new email.message_id = gen_message_id() log "About to send the following email:" puts '---', email.to_s, '---' ask_for_confirmation( "Will send via #{SMTP_HOST}." ) do pwent = Etc.getpwuid( Process.euid ) curuser = pwent ? pwent.name : 'unknown' username = prompt_with_default( "SMTP user", curuser ) password = prompt_for_password() trace "Creating SMTP connection to #{SMTP_HOST}:#{SMTP_PORT}" smtp = Net::SMTP.new( SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT ) smtp.set_debug_output( $stdout ) smtp.esmtp = true trace "connecting..." smtp.ssl_start( Socket.gethostname, username, password, :plain ) do |smtp| trace "sending message..." smtp.send_message( email.to_s, email.from, email.to ) end trace "done." end end desc 'Publish the new release to Gemcutter' task :publish => [:clean, :gem, :notes] do |task| ask_for_confirmation( "Publish #{GEM_FILE_NAME} to Gemcutter?", false ) do gempath = PKGDIR + GEM_FILE_NAME sh 'gem', 'push', gempath end end end rescue LoadError => err if !Object.const_defined?( :Gem ) require 'rubygems' retry end task :no_release_tasks do fail "Release tasks not defined: #{err.message}" end task :release => :no_release_tasks task "release:announce" => :no_release_tasks task "release:publish" => :no_release_tasks task "release:notes" => :no_release_tasks end desc "Package up a release, publish it, and send out notifications" task :release => 'release:default' task :rerelease => 'release:rerelease' task :testrelease => 'release:test'