#!/usr/bin/env ruby example_description = < 'host1', :storage_machine => 'host2') end end end class CreateMachine < Dynflow::Action def plan(name, profile, config_options = {}) prepare_disk = plan_action(PrepareDisk, 'name' => name) create_vm = plan_action(CreateVM, :name => name, :disk => prepare_disk.output['path']) plan_action(AddIPtoHosts, :name => name, :ip => create_vm.output[:ip]) plan_action(ConfigureMachine, :ip => create_vm.output[:ip], :profile => profile, :config_options => config_options) plan_self(:name => name) end def finalize # this is called after run methods of the actions in the # execution plan were finished end end class Base < Dynflow::Action def sleep! sleep(rand(2)) end end class PrepareDisk < Base def queue :slow end input_format do param :name end output_format do param :path end def run sleep! output[:path] = "/var/images/#{input[:name]}.img" end end class CreateVM < Base input_format do param :name param :disk end output_format do param :ip end def run sleep! output[:ip] = "192.168.100.#{rand(256)}" end end class AddIPtoHosts < Base input_format do param :ip end def run sleep! end end class ConfigureMachine < Base input_format do param :ip param :profile param :config_options end def run # for demonstration of resuming after error if ExampleHelper.something_should_fail? ExampleHelper.nothing_should_fail! puts <<-MSG.gsub(/^.*\|/, '') | Execution plan #{execution_plan_id} is failing | You can resume it at http://localhost:4567/#{execution_plan_id} MSG raise "temporary unavailabe" end sleep! end end end if $0 == __FILE__ world = ExampleHelper.create_world do |config| config.queues.add(:slow, :pool_size => 3) end ExampleHelper.set_world(world) ExampleHelper.world.action_logger.level = Logger::INFO ExampleHelper.something_should_fail! ExampleHelper.world.trigger(Orchestrate::CreateInfrastructure) Thread.new do 9.times do ExampleHelper.world.trigger(Orchestrate::CreateInfrastructure) end end puts example_description ExampleHelper.run_web_console end