# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com # Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details. require 'net/http' require 'net/https' module AMEE class Connection RootCA = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../cacert.pem' def initialize(server, username, password, options = {}) unless options.is_a?(Hash) raise AMEE::ArgumentError.new("Fourth argument must be a hash of options!") end @server = server @username = username @password = password @ssl = (options[:ssl] == false) ? false : true @port = @ssl ? 443 : 80 @auth_token = nil @format = options[:format] || (defined?(JSON) ? :json : :xml) @amee_source = options[:amee_source] @retries = options[:retries] || 0 if !valid? raise "You must supply connection details - server, username and password are all required!" end # Handle old option if options[:enable_caching] Kernel.warn '[DEPRECATED] :enable_caching => true is deprecated. Use :cache => :memory_store instead' options[:cache] ||= :memory_store end # Create cache store if options[:cache] && (options[:cache_store].class.name == "ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore" || options[:cache].to_sym == :mem_cache_store) raise 'ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore is not supported, as it doesn\'t allow regexp expiry' end if options[:cache_store].is_a?(ActiveSupport::Cache::Store) # Allows assignment of the entire cache store in Rails apps @cache = options[:cache_store] elsif options[:cache] if options[:cache_options] @cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(options[:cache].to_sym, options[:cache_options]) else @cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(options[:cache].to_sym) end end # Make connection to server @http = Net::HTTP.new(@server, @port) if @ssl == true @http.use_ssl = true if File.exists? RootCA @http.ca_file = RootCA @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER @http.verify_depth = 5 end end self.timeout = options[:timeout] || 60 @http.set_debug_output($stdout) if options[:enable_debug] @debug = options[:enable_debug] end attr_reader :format attr_reader :server attr_reader :username attr_reader :password attr_reader :retries def timeout @http.read_timeout end def timeout=(t) @http.open_timeout = @http.read_timeout = t end def version authenticate if @version.nil? @version end def valid? @username && @password && @server end def authenticated? !@auth_token.nil? end def get(path, data = {}) # Allow format override format = data.delete(:format) || @format # Create URL parameters params = [] data.each_pair do |key, value| params << "#{CGI::escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}" end if params.size > 0 path += "?#{params.join('&')}" end # Send request cache(path) { do_request(Net::HTTP::Get.new(path), format) } end def post(path, data = {}) # Allow format override format = data.delete(:format) || @format # Clear cache expire_matching "#{raw_path(path)}.*" # Create POST request post = Net::HTTP::Post.new(path) body = [] data.each_pair do |key, value| body << "#{CGI::escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}" end post.body = body.join '&' # Send request do_request(post, format) end def raw_post(path, body, options = {}) # Allow format override format = options.delete(:format) || @format # Clear cache expire_matching "#{raw_path(path)}.*" # Create POST request post = Net::HTTP::Post.new(path) post['Content-type'] = options[:content_type] || content_type(format) post.body = body # Send request do_request(post, format) end def put(path, data = {}) # Allow format override format = data.delete(:format) || @format # Clear cache expire_matching "#{parent_path(path)}.*" # Create PUT request put = Net::HTTP::Put.new(path) body = [] data.each_pair do |key, value| body << "#{CGI::escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}" end put.body = body.join '&' # Send request do_request(put, format) end def raw_put(path, body, options = {}) # Allow format override format = options.delete(:format) || @format # Clear cache expire_matching "#{parent_path(path)}.*" # Create PUT request put = Net::HTTP::Put.new(path) put['Content-type'] = options[:content_type] || content_type(format) put.body = body # Send request do_request(put, format) end def delete(path) expire_matching "#{parent_path(path)}.*" # Create DELETE request delete = Net::HTTP::Delete.new(path) # Send request do_request(delete) end def authenticate response = nil post = Net::HTTP::Post.new("/auth/signIn") post.body = "username=#{@username}&password=#{@password}" post['Accept'] = content_type(:xml) post['X-AMEE-Source'] = @amee_source if @amee_source response = @http.request(post) @auth_token = response['authToken'] unless authenticated? raise AMEE::AuthFailed.new("Authentication failed. Please check your username and password. (tried #{@username},#{@password})") end # Detect API version if response.body.is_json? @version = JSON.parse(response.body)["user"]["apiVersion"].to_f elsif response.body.is_xml? @version = REXML::Document.new(response.body).elements['Resources'].elements['SignInResource'].elements['User'].elements['ApiVersion'].text.to_f else @version = 1.0 end end protected def content_type(format = @format) case format when :xml return 'application/xml' when :json return 'application/json' when :atom return 'application/atom+xml' end end def redirect?(response) response.code == '301' || response.code == '302' end def response_ok?(response, request) case response.code when '200', '201' return true when '404' raise AMEE::NotFound.new("The URL was not found on the server.\nRequest: #{request.method} #{request.path}") when '403' raise AMEE::PermissionDenied.new("You do not have permission to perform the requested operation.\nRequest: #{request.method} #{request.path}\n#{request.body}\Response: #{response.body}") when '401' authenticate return false when '400' if response.body.include? "would have resulted in a duplicate resource being created" raise AMEE::DuplicateResource.new("The specified resource already exists. This is most often caused by creating an item that overlaps another in time.\nRequest: #{request.method} #{request.path}\n#{request.body}\Response: #{response.body}") else raise AMEE::BadRequest.new("Bad request. This is probably due to malformed input data.\nRequest: #{request.method} #{request.path}\n#{request.body}\Response: #{response.body}") end end raise AMEE::UnknownError.new("An error occurred while talking to AMEE: HTTP response code #{response.code}.\nRequest: #{request.method} #{request.path}\n#{request.body}\Response: #{response.body}") end def do_request(request, format = @format) # Open HTTP connection @http.start begin # Set auth token in cookie (and header just in case someone's stripping cookies) request['Cookie'] = "authToken=#{@auth_token}" request['authToken'] = @auth_token # Do request timethen=Time.now response = send_request(@http, request, format) Logger.log.debug("Requesting #{request.class} at #{request.path} with #{request.body} in format #{format}, taking #{(Time.now-timethen)*1000} miliseconds") end while !response_ok?(response, request) # Return response return response rescue SocketError raise AMEE::ConnectionFailed.new("Connection failed. Check server name or network connection.") ensure # Close HTTP connection @http.finish if @http.started? end def send_request(connection, request, format = @format) # Set accept header request['Accept'] = content_type(format) # Set AMEE source header if set request['X-AMEE-Source'] = @amee_source if @amee_source # Do the business retries = [1] * @retries begin response = connection.request(request) # 500-series errors fail early if ['502', '503', '504'].include? response.code raise AMEE::ConnectionFailed.new("A connection error occurred while talking to AMEE: HTTP response code #{response.code}.\nRequest: #{request.method} #{request.path}") end rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, AMEE::ConnectionFailed => e if delay = retries.shift sleep delay retry else raise end end # Done response end def cache(path, &block) key = cache_key(path) if @cache && @cache.exist?(key) puts "CACHE HIT on #{key}" if @debug return @cache.read(key) end puts "CACHE MISS on #{key}" if @debug data = block.call @cache.write(key, data) if @cache return data end def parent_path(path) path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') end def raw_path(path) path.split(/[;?]/)[0] end def cache_key(path) # We have to make sure cache keys don't get too long for the filesystem, # so we cut them off if they're too long and add a digest for uniqueness. newpath = @server + path.gsub(/[^0-9a-z\/]/i, '').gsub(/\//i, '_') newpath = (newpath.length < 250) ? newpath : newpath.first(218)+Digest::MD5.hexdigest(newpath) end public def expire(path, options = nil) @cache.delete(cache_key(path), options) if @cache end def expire_matching(matcher, options = nil) @cache.delete_matched(Regexp.new(cache_key(matcher)), options) if @cache end def expire_all @cache.clear if @cache end end end