# rubocop:disable Lint/AssignmentInCondition module Fastlane module Actions ARGS_MAP = { workspace: '-w', project: '-p', configuration: '-c', scheme: '-s', clean: '--clean', archive: '--archive', destination: '-d', embed: '-m', identity: '-i', sdk: '--sdk', ipa: '--ipa', xcconfig: '--xcconfig', xcargs: '--xcargs' } class IpaAction < Action def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def self.run(params) Actions.verify_gem!('krausefx-shenzhen') # The output directory of the IPA and dSYM absolute_dest_directory = nil # Used to get the final path of the IPA and dSYM if dest = params[:destination] absolute_dest_directory = File.expand_path(dest) end # The args we will build with # Maps nice developer build parameters to Shenzhen args build_args = params_to_build_args(params) unless params[:scheme] UI.important("You haven't specified a scheme. This might cause problems. If you can't see any output, please pass a `scheme`") end # If no dest directory given, default to current directory absolute_dest_directory ||= Dir.pwd if Helper.test? Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.join(absolute_dest_directory, 'test.ipa') Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.join(absolute_dest_directory, 'test.app.dSYM.zip') return build_args end # Joins args into space delimited string build_args = build_args.join(' ') core_command = "krausefx-ipa build #{build_args} --verbose | xcpretty" command = "set -o pipefail && #{core_command}" UI.verbose(command) begin Actions.sh command # Finds absolute path of IPA and dSYM absolute_ipa_path = find_ipa_file(absolute_dest_directory) absolute_dsym_path = find_dsym_file(absolute_dest_directory) # Sets shared values to use after this action is performed Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = absolute_ipa_path Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] = absolute_dsym_path ENV[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = absolute_ipa_path # for deliver ENV[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = absolute_dsym_path deprecation_warning rescue => ex [ "-------------------------------------------------------", "Original Error:", " => " + ex.to_s, "A build error occured. You are using legacy `shenzhen` for building", "it is recommended to upgrade to _gym_: ", "https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/gym", core_command, "-------------------------------------------------------" ].each do |txt| UI.error(txt) end # Raise a custom exception, as the the normal one is useless for the user UI.user_error!("A build error occured, this is usually related to code signing. Take a look at the error above") end end def self.params_to_build_args(config) params = config.values params = params.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } params = fill_in_default_values(params) # Maps nice developer param names to Shenzhen's `ipa build` arguments params.collect do |k, v| v ||= '' if ARGS_MAP[k] if k == :clean v == true ? '--clean' : '--no-clean' elsif k == :archive v == true ? '--archive' : '--no-archive' else value = (v.to_s.length > 0 ? "\"#{v}\"" : '') "#{ARGS_MAP[k]} #{value}".strip end end end.compact end def self.fill_in_default_values(params) embed = Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::SIGH_PROFILE_PATH] || ENV["SIGH_PROFILE_PATH"] params[:embed] ||= embed if embed params end def self.find_ipa_file(dir) # Finds last modified .ipa in the destination directory Dir[File.join(dir, '*.ipa')].sort { |a, b| File.mtime(b) <=> File.mtime(a) }.first end def self.find_dsym_file(dir) # Finds last modified .dSYM.zip in the destination directory Dir[File.join(dir, '*.dSYM.zip')].sort { |a, b| File.mtime(b) <=> File.mtime(a) }.first end def self.description "Easily build and sign your app using shenzhen" end def self.available_options [ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :workspace, env_name: "IPA_WORKSPACE", description: "WORKSPACE Workspace (.xcworkspace) file to use to build app (automatically detected in current directory)", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :project, env_name: "IPA_PROJECT", description: "Project (.xcodeproj) file to use to build app (automatically detected in current directory, overridden by --workspace option, if passed)", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :configuration, env_name: "IPA_CONFIGURATION", description: "Configuration used to build", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :scheme, env_name: "IPA_SCHEME", description: "Scheme used to build app", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :clean, env_name: "IPA_CLEAN", description: "Clean project before building", optional: true, is_string: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :archive, env_name: "IPA_ARCHIVE", description: "Archive project after building", optional: true, is_string: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :destination, env_name: "IPA_DESTINATION", description: "Build destination. Defaults to current directory", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :embed, env_name: "IPA_EMBED", description: "Sign .ipa file with .mobileprovision", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :identity, env_name: "IPA_IDENTITY", description: "Identity to be used along with --embed", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :sdk, env_name: "IPA_SDK", description: "Use SDK as the name or path of the base SDK when building the project", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :ipa, env_name: "IPA_IPA", description: "Specify the name of the .ipa file to generate (including file extension)", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :xcconfig, env_name: "IPA_XCCONFIG", description: "Use an extra XCCONFIG file to build the app", optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :xcargs, env_name: "IPA_XCARGS", description: "Pass additional arguments to xcodebuild when building the app. Be sure to quote multiple args", optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['IPA_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the newly generated ipa file'], ['DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the dsym file'] ] end def self.author "joshdholtz" end def self.example_code [ 'ipa( workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace", configuration: "Debug", scheme: "MyApp", # (optionals) clean: true, # This means "Do Clean". Cleans project before building (the default if not specified). destination: "path/to/dir", # Destination directory. Defaults to current directory. ipa: "my-app.ipa", # specify the name of the .ipa file to generate (including file extension) xcargs: "MY_ADHOC=0", # pass additional arguments to xcodebuild when building the app. embed: "my.mobileprovision", # Sign .ipa file with .mobileprovision identity: "MyIdentity", # Identity to be used along with --embed sdk: "10.0", # use SDK as the name or path of the base SDK when building the project. archive: true # this means "Do Archive". Archive project after building (the default if not specified). )' ] end def self.category :deprecated end def self.deprecated_notes "You are using legacy `shenzhen` to build your app, which will be removed soon!\n" \ "It is recommended to upgrade to _gym_\n" \ "To do so, just replace `ipa(...)` with `gym(...)` in your Fastfile\n" \ "To make code signing work, follow https://docs.fastlane.tools/codesigning/xcode-project/#" end end end end # rubocop:enable Lint/AssignmentInCondition