require "plugin" ######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute PluginAdapters # Inherit: Plugin ######################################################## class PluginAbAdapters < Plugin # adapters found at end of sequence are even 2 nt wide, cut in 5 because of statistics MIN_ADAPTER_SIZE = 5 MIN_FAR_ADAPTER_SIZE = 13 MIN_LEFT_ADAPTER_SIZE = 9 def do_blasts(seqs) # find MIDS with less results than max_target_seqs value"-db #{@params.get_param('adapters_ab_db')}",'blastn'," -task blastn-short -perc_identity #{@params.get_param('blast_percent_ab')} -word_size #{MIN_ADAPTER_SIZE}") # con culling limit hay situaciones en las que un hit largo con 1 mismatch es ignorado porque hay otro más corto que no tiene ningun error, no es aceptable."-db #{@params.get_param('adapters_ab_db')}",'blastn'," -task blastn-short -perc_identity #{@params.get_param('blast_percent_ab')} -word_size #{MIN_ADAPTER_SIZE} -culling_limit=1") $LOG.debug('BLAST:'+blast.get_blast_cmd) fastas=[] seqs.each do |seq| fastas.push ">"+seq.seq_name fastas.push seq.seq_fasta end # fastas=fastas.join("\n") #blast_table_results = blast.do_blast(fastas) #blast_table_results = blast_table_results = blast.do_blast(fastas,:table,false) add_plugin_stats('execution_time','blast',"/tmp/salida_#{fastas.first.gsub('>','').gsub('/','_')}.blast",'w+') #f.puts blast.get_blast_cmd #f.puts blast_table_results #f.close blast_table_results = add_plugin_stats('execution_time','parse', # # blast_table_results = blast.do_blast(fastas,:xml,false) # add_plugin_stats('execution_time','blast', # # blast_table_results = # add_plugin_stats('execution_time','parse', # puts blast_table_results.inspect return blast_table_results end # filter hits that are far the extreme and do not have a valid length def filter_hits(hits,end_pos) hits.reverse_each do |hit| if (hit.q_end < (end_pos-40)) && ((hit.q_end-hit.q_beg+1)<(@params.get_ab_adapter(hit.subject_id).length*0.80).to_i) hits.delete(hit) # puts "DELETE #{hit.inspect}" # else # puts "ACCEPTED #{hit.inspect}, >= #{(@params.get_ab_adapter(hit.subject_id).length*0.2).to_i}" end end end def exec_seq(seq,blast_query) if blast_query.query_id != seq.seq_name raise "Blast and seq names does not match, blast:#{blast_query.query_id} sn:#{seq.seq_name}" end $LOG.debug "[#{self.class.to_s}, seq: #{seq.seq_name}]: looking for adapters into the sequence" #"-db #{File.join($FORMATTED_DB_PATH,'adapters_ab.fasta')}",'blastn'," -task blastn-short -evalue #{@params.get_param('blast_evalue_ab')} -perc_identity #{@params.get_param('blast_percent_ab')} -word_size #{MIN_ADAPTER_SIZE}") # blast with only one sequence, no with many sequences from a database #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # blast_table_results = blast.do_blast(seq.seq_fasta) #rise seq to adapterss executing over blast # puts blast_query.inspect # puts blast_table_results.inspect filter_hits(blast_query.hits, seq.seq_fasta.length) adapters=[] # blast_table_results.querys.each do |query| # first round to save adapters without overlap merge_hits(blast_query.hits,adapters) # end begin adapters2=adapters # second round to save adapters without overlap adapters = [] merge_hits(adapters2,adapters) end until (adapters2.count == adapters.count) # puts "MERGED" # puts "="*50 # adapters.each {|a| puts a.inspect} max_to_end=@params.get_param('max_ab_to_end').to_i # type = 'ActionAbAdapter' actions=[] adapter_size=0 #@stats['adapter_size']={} adapters.each do |c| # adds the correspondent action to the sequence # puts "is the adapter near to the end of sequence ? #{c.q_end+seq.insert_start+max_to_end} >= ? #{seq.seq_fasta_orig.size-1}" adapter_size=c.q_end-c.q_beg+1 #if ((c.q_end+seq.insert_start+max_to_end)>=seq.seq_fasta_orig.size-1) right_action = true #if ab adapter is very near to the end of original sequence if c.q_end>=seq.seq_fasta.length-max_to_end message = c.subject_id type = 'ActionAbAdapter' ignore=false add_stats('adapter_type','normal') elsif (c.q_beg <= 4) && (adapter_size>=MIN_LEFT_ADAPTER_SIZE) #left adapter message = c.subject_id type = 'ActionAbLeftAdapter' ignore = false right_action = false add_stats('adapter_type','left') elsif (adapter_size>=MIN_FAR_ADAPTER_SIZE) message = c.subject_id type = 'ActionAbFarAdapter' ignore = false add_stats('adapter_type','far') else ignore=true end if !ignore a = seq.new_action(c.q_beg,c.q_end,type) a.message = message a.reversed = c.reversed if right_action a.right_action = true #mark as rigth action to get the left insert else a.left_action = true end actions.push a # puts "adapter_size #{adapter_size}" #@stats[:adapter_size]={adapter_size => 1} add_stats('adapter_size',adapter_size) add_stats('adapter_id',message) end end if !actions.empty? seq.add_actions(actions) add_stats('sequences_with_adapter','count') end # end #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) errors=[] comment='Blast E-value used as cut-off when searching for 454 AB adapters' # default_value = 1e-6 default_value = 1 params.check_param(errors,'blast_evalue_ab','Float',default_value,comment) comment='Minimum required identity (%) for a reliable 454 AB adapter' default_value = 95 params.check_param(errors,'blast_percent_ab','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='454 AB adapters can be found only at the read end (not within it). The following variable indicates the number of nucleotides that are allowed for considering the AB adapters to be located at the end' default_value = 9 params.check_param(errors,'max_ab_to_end','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Path for 454 AB adapters database' default_value = File.join($FORMATTED_DB_PATH,'adapters_ab.fasta') params.check_param(errors,'adapters_ab_db','DB',default_value,comment) return errors end def self.get_graph_title(plugin_name,stats_name) case stats_name when 'adapter_type' 'AB adapters by type' when 'adapter_size' 'AB adapters by size' end end def self.get_graph_filename(plugin_name,stats_name) return stats_name # case stats_name # when 'adapter_type' # 'AB adapters by type' # when 'adapter_size' # 'AB adapters by size' # end end def self.valid_graphs return ['adapter_type'] end end