module Admin class Plugins include Cinch::Plugin include Cinch::Helpers enable_acl(:admin, true) set( plugin_name: 'PluginsAdmin', help: "Bot administrator-only private commands.\nUsage: `~join [channel]`; `~part [channel] `; `~quit [reason]`;", # prefix: /^\?/ ) # Regex match(/plugin load (\S+)(?: (\S+))?/, method: :load_plugin) match(/plugin unload (\S+)/, method: :unload_plugin) match(/plugin reload (\S+)(?: (\S+))?/, method: :reload_plugin) match(/plugin set (\S+) (\S+) (.+)$/, method: :set_option) # Methods def load_plugin(m, plugin, mapping) mapping ||= plugin.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/) { |_| $1 + "_" + $2 }.downcase # we downcase here to also catch the first letter #file_name = "lib/plugins/#{mapping}.rb" stdlib_plugin = File.join('Zeta', 'plugins', p.to_s) custom_plugin = File.join(Dir.home, '.zeta', 'plugins', p.to_s, "#{p.to_s}.rb") unless File.exist?(custom_plugin) m.reply "Could not load #{plugin} because #{file_name} does not exist." return end begin load(custom_plugin) rescue m.reply "Could not load #{plugin}." raise end begin const = Plugins.const_get(plugin) rescue NameError m.reply "Could not load #{plugin} because no matching class was found." return end @bot.plugins.register_plugin(const) m.reply "Successfully loaded #{plugin}" end def unload_plugin(m, plugin) begin plugin_class = Plugins.const_get(plugin) rescue NameError m.reply "Could not unload #{plugin} because no matching class was found." return end { |p| p.class == plugin_class }.each do |p| @bot.plugins.unregister_plugin(p) end ## FIXME not doing this at the moment because it'll break ## plugin options. This means, however, that reloading a ## plugin is relatively dirty: old methods will not be removed ## but only overwritten by new ones. You will also not be able ## to change a classes superclass this way. # Cinch::Plugins.__send__(:remove_const, plugin) # Because we're not completely removing the plugin class, # reset everything to the starting values. plugin_class.hooks.clear plugin_class.matchers.clear plugin_class.listeners.clear plugin_class.timers.clear plugin_class.ctcps.clear plugin_class.react_on = :message plugin_class.plugin_name = nil = nil plugin_class.prefix = nil plugin_class.suffix = nil plugin_class.required_options.clear m.reply "Successfully unloaded #{plugin}" end def reload_plugin(m, plugin, mapping) unload_plugin(m, plugin) load_plugin(m, plugin, mapping) end def set_option(m, plugin, option, value) begin const = Plugins.const_get(plugin) rescue NameError m.reply "Could not set plugin option for #{plugin} because no matching class was found." return end @bot.config.plugins.options[const][option.to_sym] = eval(value) end end end # AutoLoad Bot.config.plugins.plugins.push Admin::Plugins