require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper.rb' module Spec module DSL describe Main do before(:each) do @main = do; include Spec::DSL::Main; end end [:describe, :context].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do it "should delegate to Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.create_example_group" do block = lambda {|a,b|} Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.should_receive(:create_example_group).with( "The ExampleGroup", hash_including(:spec_path), &block ) @main.__send__ method, "The ExampleGroup", &block end end end [:share_examples_for, :shared_examples_for].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do it "should create a shared ExampleGroup" do block = lambda {|a,b|} Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.should_receive(:create_shared_example_group).with( "shared group", hash_including(:spec_path), &block ) @main.__send__ method, "shared group", &block end end end describe "#describe; with RUBY_VERSION = 1.9" do it "includes an enclosing module into the block's scope" do Spec::Ruby.stub!(:version).and_return("1.9") module Foo; module Bar; end; end Foo::Bar.should_receive(:included).with do |*args| included_by = args.last included_by.description.should == "this example group" end module Foo module Bar describe("this example group") do; end end end end end describe "#share_as" do def self.next_group_name @group_number ||= 0 @group_number += 1 "Group#{@group_number}" end def group_name @group_name ||= self.class.next_group_name end it "registers a shared ExampleGroup" do block = lambda {|a,b|} Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.should_receive(:create_shared_example_group).with( group_name, hash_including(:spec_path), &block ) @main.share_as group_name, &block end it "creates a constant that points to a Module" do group = @main.share_as group_name do end Object.const_get(group_name).should equal(group) end it "complains if you pass it a not-constantizable name" do lambda do @group = @main.share_as "Non Constant" do end end.should raise_error(NameError, /The first argument to share_as must be a legal name for a constant/) end end end end end