# frozen_string_literal: true module Nanoc::Helpers # @see https://nanoc.app/doc/reference/helpers/#breadcrumbs module Breadcrumbs class AmbiguousAncestorError < ::Nanoc::Core::Error def initialize(pattern, items) @pattern = pattern @items = items end def message "expected only one item to match #{@pattern}, but found #{@items.size}" end end # @api private module Int DEFAULT_TIEBREAKER = lambda do |items, pattern| identifiers = items.map(&:identifier).sort $stderr.puts <<~WARNING Warning: The breadcrumbs trail (generated by #breadcrumbs_trail) found more than one potential parent item at #{pattern} (found #{identifiers.join(', ')}). Nanoc will pick the first item as the parent. Consider eliminating the ambiguity by making only one item match #{pattern}, or by passing a `:tiebreaker` option to `#breadcrumbs_trail`. (This situation will be an error in the next major version of Nanoc.) WARNING items.min_by(&:identifier) end ERROR_TIEBREAKER = lambda do |items, pattern| raise AmbiguousAncestorError.new(pattern, items) end # e.g. unfold(10.class, &:superclass) # => [Integer, Numeric, Object, BasicObject] def self.unfold(obj, &blk) acc = [obj] res = yield(obj) if res acc + unfold(res, &blk) else acc end end # e.g. patterns_for_prefix('/foo/1.0') # => ['/foo/1.0.*', '/foo/1.*'] def self.patterns_for_prefix(prefix) prefixes = unfold(prefix) do |old_prefix| new_prefix = Nanoc::Core::Identifier.new(old_prefix).without_ext new_prefix == old_prefix ? nil : new_prefix end prefixes.map { |pr| pr + '.*' } end def self.find_one(items, pat, tiebreaker) res = items.find_all(pat) case res.size when 0 nil when 1 res.first else if tiebreaker.arity == 1 tiebreaker.call(res) else tiebreaker.call(res, pat) end end end end # @return [Array] def breadcrumbs_trail(tiebreaker: Int::DEFAULT_TIEBREAKER) # The design of this function is a little complicated. # # We can’t use #parent_of from the ChildParent helper, because the # breadcrumb trail can have gaps. For example, the breadcrumbs trail for # /software/oink.md might be /index.md -> nil -> /software/oink.md if # there is no item matching /software.* or /software/index.*. # # What this function does instead is something more complicated: # # 1. It creates an ordered prefix list, based on the identifier of the # item to create a breadcrumbs trail for. For example, # /software/oink.md might have the prefix list # ['', '/software', '/software/oink.md']. # # 2. For each of the elements in that list, it will create a list of # patterns could match zero or more items. For example, the element # '/software' would correspond to the pattern '/software.*'. # # 3. For each of the elements in that list, and for each pattern for that # element, it will find any matching element. For example, the # pattern '/software.*' (coming from the prefix /software) would match # the item /software.md. # # 4. Return the list of items, with the last element replaced by the item # for which the breadcrumb is generated for -- while ancestral items # in the breadcrumbs trail can have a bit of ambiguity, the item for # which to generate the breadcrumbs trail is fixed. # e.g. ['', '/foo', '/foo/bar'] components = item.identifier.components prefixes = components.inject(['']) { |acc, elem| acc + [acc.last + '/' + elem] } tiebreaker = Int::ERROR_TIEBREAKER if tiebreaker == :error if @item.identifier.legacy? prefixes.map { |pr| @items[Nanoc::Core::Identifier.new('/' + pr, type: :legacy)] } else ancestral_prefixes = prefixes.reject { |pr| pr =~ /^\/index\./ }[0..-2] ancestral_items = ancestral_prefixes.map do |pr| if pr == '' @items['/index.*'] else prefix_patterns = Int.patterns_for_prefix(pr) prefix_patterns.lazy.map { |pat| Int.find_one(@items, pat, tiebreaker) }.find(&:itself) end end ancestral_items + [item] end end end end