import { crypto } from 'std/crypto/mod.ts' import { join, resolve, dirname, fromFileUrl } from 'std/path/mod.ts' import setup from './setup_plugin.js' export default setup('css', async build => { const cwd = build.initialOptions.absWorkingDir const parcelBin = resolve(dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)), '../../../../bin/parcel_css') let customMedia try { customMedia = await Deno.readTextFile(join(cwd, 'config', 'custom_media_queries.css')) } catch { // do nothing, as we don't require custom media. } return [ { type: 'onLoad', filter: /\.css$/, namespace: 'file', async callback(args) { let path = args.path const isCssModule = args.path.endsWith('.module.css') let cmd = [parcelBin, '--nesting', '--targets', '>= 0.25%'] if (customMedia) { cmd.push('--custom-media') path = await Deno.makeTempFile() await Deno.writeTextFile(path, (await Deno.readTextFile(args.path)) + customMedia) } if (isCssModule) { const hash = await digest(args.path.slice(cwd.length)) cmd = cmd.concat(['--css-modules', '--css-modules-pattern', `[local]${hash}`]) } const p ={ cmd: [...cmd, path], stdout: 'piped', stderr: 'piped' }) const { code } = await p.status() const rawOutput = await p.output() const rawError = await p.stderrOutput() // Even though Deno docs say that reading the outputs (above) closes their pipes, warnings // are raised during tests that the child process have not been closed. So we manually close // here. p.close() if (code === 0) { const contents = new TextDecoder().decode(rawOutput) return { loader: 'css', contents: isCssModule ? JSON.parse(contents).code : contents } } else { const errorString = new TextDecoder().decode(rawError) throw errorString } } } ] }) async function digest(value) { value = new TextEncoder().encode(value) const view = new DataView(await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', value)) let hexCodes = '' for (let index = 0; index < view.byteLength; index += 4) { hexCodes += view.getUint32(index).toString(16).padStart(8, '0') } return hexCodes.slice(0, 8) }