class String def self.small_words @small_words ||= %w(a an and as at but by en for if in of on or the to v[.]? via vs[.]?) end def /( path ) ::File.join(self, path) end def titlecase swrgxp = self.class.small_words.join('|') parts = self.split( %r/( [:.;?!][ ] | (?:[ ]|^)["“] )/x ) parts.each do |part| part.gsub!(%r/\b[[:alpha:]][[:lower:].'’]*\b/) do |s| s =~ %r/\w+\.\w+/ ? s : s.capitalize end # Lowercase the small words part.gsub!(%r/\b(#{swrgxp})\b/i) {|w| w.downcase} # If the first word is a small word, then capitalize it part.gsub!(%r/\A([[:punct:]]*)(#{swrgxp})\b/) {$1 + $2.capitalize} # If the last word is a small word, then capitalize it part.gsub!(%r/\b(#{swrgxp})([^\w\s]*)\z/) {$1.capitalize + $2} end str = parts.join # Special cases: str.gsub!(/ V(s?)\. /, ' v\1. ') # "v." and "vs." str.gsub!(/(['’])S\b/, '\1s') # 'S (otherwise you get "the SEC'S decision") str.gsub!(/\b(AT&T|Q&A)\b/i) { |w| w.upcase } # "AT&T" and "Q&A", which get tripped up. str end # Borrowed from the excellent StringEx library: git:// # Create a URI-friendly representation of the string. def to_url remove_formatting.downcase.replace_whitespace("-").collapse("-") end # Performs multiple text manipulations. Essentially a shortcut for typing them all. View source # below to see which methods are run. def remove_formatting strip_html_tags.convert_accented_entities.convert_misc_entities.convert_misc_characters.collapse end # Removes HTML tags from text. This code is simplified from Tobias Luettke's regular expression # in Typo[]. def strip_html_tags(leave_whitespace = false) name = /[\w:_-]+/ value = /([A-Za-z0-9]+|('[^']*?'|"[^"]*?"))/ attr = /(#{name}(\s*=\s*#{value})?)/ rx = /<[!\/?\[]?(#{name}|--)(\s+(#{attr}(\s+#{attr})*))?\s*([!\/?\]]+|--)?>/ (leave_whitespace) ? gsub(rx, "").strip : gsub(rx, "").gsub(/\s+/, " ").strip end # Converts HTML entities into the respective non-accented letters. Examples: # # "á".convert_accented_entities # => "a" # "ç".convert_accented_entities # => "c" # "è".convert_accented_entities # => "e" # "î".convert_accented_entities # => "i" # "ø".convert_accented_entities # => "o" # "ü".convert_accented_entities # => "u" # # Note: This does not do any conversion of Unicode/Ascii accented-characters. For that # functionality please use to_ascii. def convert_accented_entities gsub(/&([A-Za-z])(grave|acute|circ|tilde|uml|ring|cedil|slash);/, '\1') end # Converts HTML entities (taken from common Textile/RedCloth formattings) into plain text formats. # # Note: This isn't an attempt at complete conversion of HTML entities, just those most likely # to be generated by Textile. def convert_misc_entities dummy = dup { "#822[01]" => "\"", "#821[67]" => "'", "#8230" => "...", "#8211" => "-", "#8212" => "--", "#215" => "x", "gt" => ">", "lt" => "<", "(#8482|trade)" => "(tm)", "(#174|reg)" => "(r)", "(#169|copy)" => "(c)", "(#38|amp)" => "and", "nbsp" => " ", "(#162|cent)" => " cent", "(#163|pound)" => " pound", "(#188|frac14)" => "one fourth", "(#189|frac12)" => "half", "(#190|frac34)" => "three fourths", "(#176|deg)" => " degrees" }.each do |textiled, normal| dummy.gsub!(/&#{textiled};/, normal) end dummy.gsub(/&[^;]+;/, "") end # Converts various common plaintext characters to a more URI-friendly representation. # Examples: # # "foo & bar".convert_misc_characters # => "foo and bar" # "Chanel #9".convert_misc_characters # => "Chanel number nine" # "user@host".convert_misc_characters # => "user at host" # "".convert_misc_characters # => "google dot com" # "$10".convert_misc_characters # => "10 dollars" # "*69".convert_misc_characters # => "star 69" # "100%".convert_misc_characters # => "100 percent" # "windows/mac/linux".convert_misc_characters # => "windows slash mac slash linux" # # Note: Because this method will convert any & symbols to the string "and", # you should run any methods which convert HTML entities (convert_html_entities and convert_misc_entities) # before running this method. def convert_misc_characters dummy = dup.gsub(/\.{3,}/, " dot dot dot ") # Catch ellipses before single dot rule! { /\s*&\s*/ => "and", /\s*#/ => "number", /\s*@\s*/ => "at", /(\S|^)\.(\S)/ => '\1 dot \2', /(\s|^)\$(\d*)(\s|$)/ => '\2 dollars', /\s*\*\s*/ => "star", /\s*%\s*/ => "percent", /\s*(\\|\/)\s*/ => "slash", }.each do |found, replaced| replaced = " #{replaced} " unless replaced =~ /\\1/ dummy.gsub!(found, replaced) end dummy = dummy.gsub(/(^|\w)'(\w|$)/, '\1\2').gsub(/[\.,:;()\[\]\/\?!\^'"_]/, " ") end # Replace runs of whitespace in string. Defaults to a single space but any replacement # string may be specified as an argument. Examples: # # "Foo bar".replace_whitespace # => "Foo bar" # "Foo bar".replace_whitespace("-") # => "Foo-bar" def replace_whitespace(replace = " ") gsub(/\s+/, replace) end # Removes specified character from the beginning and/or end of the string and then performs # String#squeeze(character), condensing runs of the character within the string. # # Note: This method has been superceded by ActiveSupport's squish method. def collapse(character = " ") sub(/^#{character}*/, "").sub(/#{character}*$/, "").squeeze(character) end end # class String # EOF