/* WebROaR - Ruby Application Server - http://webroar.in/ * Copyright (C) 2009 Goonj LLC * * This file is part of WebROaR. * * WebROaR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WebROaR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WebROaR. If not, see . */ #include #include #include extern config_t *Config; http_req_t* http_req_new() { LOG_FUNCTION http_req_t* req = wr_malloc(http_req_t); if(req == NULL) { return NULL; } req->bytes_read = req->scgi_header_len = req->req_len = 0; req->file = NULL; req->scgi = NULL; return req; }; void http_req_free(http_req_t** r) { LOG_FUNCTION http_req_t* req = *r; if(req) { if(req->file) { fclose(req->file); unlink(req->file_name); } if(req->scgi) scgi_free(req->scgi); free(req); } *r = NULL; } void http_req_set(http_req_t *req) { LOG_FUNCTION req->bytes_read = req->scgi_header_len = req->req_len = 0; if(req->file) { fclose(req->file); unlink(req->file_name); } if(req->scgi) scgi_free(req->scgi); req->file = NULL; req->scgi = NULL; } /* pass an allocated buffer and the length to read. this function will try to * fill the buffer with that length of data read from the body of the request. * the return value says how much was actually written. */ int http_req_body_read(http_req_t *req, char *buf, int len) { LOG_FUNCTION size_t read = 0; if(req->bytes_read >= req->req_len) { LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"Request body reading complete."); return 0; } if(req->file) { read = fread(buf, sizeof(char), len, req->file); // FILE *f=fopen("/tmp/wkr.log","a+"); // if(f){ // fwrite(buf, read, sizeof(char), f); // fclose(f); // } req->bytes_read += read; LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"http_req_body_read() from file asked len = %d, actual read =%d bytes sent = %d/%d", len, read, req->bytes_read, req->req_len); /* TODO error checking! */ return read; } else { char* req_body = req->buf + req->scgi_header_len; read = wr_ramp(wr_min(len, req->req_len - req->bytes_read)); memcpy( buf, req_body + req->bytes_read, read); // FILE *f=fopen("/tmp/wkr.log","a+"); // if(f){ // fwrite(buf, read, sizeof(char), f); // fclose(f); // } req->bytes_read += read; LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"http_req_body_read() from buffer asked len = %d, actual read = %d, bytes sent = %d/%d", len, read, req->bytes_read, req->req_len); return read; } } /** Read SCGI request body in buffer */ void http_req_body_read_in_buff(http_req_t *req, struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *watcher) { LOG_FUNCTION ssize_t read = recv(watcher->fd, req->buf + req->scgi_header_len + req->bytes_read, req->req_len - req->bytes_read, 0); if(read < 0) { LOG_ERROR(SEVERE,"Error reading header:%s",strerror(errno)); return; } if(read == 0) { ev_io_stop(loop, watcher); LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"peer might closing"); sigproc(); return; } req->bytes_read += read; if(req->bytes_read == req->req_len) { ev_io_stop(loop, watcher); req->bytes_read = 0; http_req_process(); } } /** Read SCGI request body in file */ void http_req_body_read_in_file(http_req_t *req, struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *watcher) { LOG_FUNCTION char buffer[STR_SIZE10KB+1]; ssize_t read, write = 0, rv; read = recv(watcher->fd, buffer, wr_min(req->req_len - req->bytes_read, STR_SIZE10KB), 0); if(read < 0) { LOG_ERROR(WARN,"error in request parsing"); return; } while(write < read) { rv = fwrite(buffer + write, sizeof(char), read - write, req->file); if(rv<0) { LOG_ERROR(WARN,"error in writing request into file:%s",strerror(errno)); } else { write += rv; } } req->bytes_read += read; if(req->bytes_read == req->req_len) { ev_io_stop(loop, watcher); req->bytes_read = 0; rewind(req->file); http_req_process(); } } /** Read SCGI request body */ void http_req_body_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { LOG_FUNCTION wkr_t *w = (wkr_t*) watcher->data; http_req_t *req = w->http->req; LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"read_request_body_cb() conn id=%d, Request id=%d", w->http->conn_id, w->http->req_id); if(EV_ERROR & revents) { LOG_ERROR(SEVERE,"read_request_body_cb() got error event, returning."); return; } if (revents & EV_READ) { if(req->file == NULL) { http_req_body_read_in_buff(req, loop, watcher); } else { http_req_body_read_in_file(req, loop, watcher); } } } /** Parse SCGI request */ void parser_req_buf(http_req_t *req, struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *watcher) { LOG_FUNCTION if(req->scgi_header_len == 0) { // Fetch header packet length int i; for( i = 0 ; i < req->bytes_read; i++) { if(req->buf[i] == ':') break; } if(i >= req->bytes_read) return; req->scgi_header_len = atoi(req->buf) + i + 2; LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"parser_req_buf() header pkt len =%d and header len = %d, bytes read = %d", req->scgi_header_len, req->scgi_header_len - i - 2, req->bytes_read); } if(req->bytes_read >= req->scgi_header_len) { ev_io_stop(loop, watcher); if(req->buf[req->scgi_header_len-1] != ',') { LOG_ERROR(WARN,"error in request parsing = %c", req->buf[req->scgi_header_len-1]); return; } else { req->scgi = scgi_parse(req->buf, req->scgi_header_len); if(req->scgi == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(SEVERE,"Error in preparing scgi headers"); return; } //first header in SCGI request must be content-length req->req_len = atoi(scgi_header_value_get(req->scgi, SCGI_CONTENT_LENGTH)); req->bytes_read -= req->scgi_header_len; LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG, "Request length = %d", req->req_len); #ifdef L_DEBUG // Fetch Connection id wkr_t *w = (wkr_t*) watcher->data; scgi_header_t *header = scgi_header_get(req->scgi, Config->Worker.Header.conn_id.str); if(header){ w->http->conn_id = atoi(req->scgi->header + req->scgi->start_offset + header->value_offset); }else{ w->http->conn_id = 0; } // Fetch request id header = scgi_header_get(req->scgi, Config->Worker.Header.req_id.str); if(header){ w->http->req_id = atoi(req->scgi->header + req->scgi->start_offset + header->value_offset); }else{ w->http->req_id = 0; } LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"parser_req_buf() content len=%d, conn id=%d, Request id=%d", req->req_len, w->http->conn_id, w->http->req_id ); #endif LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG, "butes read = %d, request length = %d", req->bytes_read, req->req_len); if(req->bytes_read == req->req_len) { req->bytes_read = 0; http_req_process(); } else { if(req->req_len + req->scgi_header_len > STR_SIZE10KB) { ssize_t write; size_t processed_bytes = 0; sprintf(req->file_name, "/tmp/proc_upload_file_%d", getpid()); req->file = fopen(req->file_name,"w+"); assert(req->file !=NULL); //reading body part from request buffer while(processed_bytes < req->bytes_read) { write = fwrite(req->buf + req->scgi_header_len + processed_bytes, sizeof(char), req->bytes_read - processed_bytes, req->file); if(write < 0) { LOG_ERROR(WARN,"Error writing into file:%s",strerror(errno)); } else { processed_bytes += write; } } } ev_io_init(watcher, http_req_body_cb, watcher->fd,EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop,watcher); } } } } /** Read SCGI request headers */ void http_req_header_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { LOG_FUNCTION wkr_t *w = (wkr_t*) watcher->data; http_req_t *req = w->http->req; if(EV_ERROR & revents) { LOG_ERROR(SEVERE,"http_req_header_cb() got error event, returning."); return; } if (revents & EV_READ) { ssize_t read = recv(watcher->fd , req->buf + req->bytes_read , STR_SIZE10KB - req->bytes_read , 0 ); if(read < 0) { LOG_ERROR(SEVERE,"Error reading header:%s",strerror(errno)); return; } if(read == 0) { ev_io_stop(loop,watcher); LOG_DEBUG(DEBUG,"peer might closing"); sigproc(); return; } req->bytes_read += read; parser_req_buf(req, loop, watcher); } }