require 'core/spec_helper' class SimpleClient < ZendeskAPI::Client def build_connection "FOO" end end describe ZendeskAPI::Client do subject { client } context "#initialize" do it "should require a block" do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception when url isn't ssl" do expect do do |config| config.url = "" end raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise an exception when url isn't ssl and allow_http is set to true" do expect do do |config| config.allow_http = true config.url = "" end end.to_not raise_error end it "should handle valid url" do expect do do |config| config.url = "" end.to_not raise_error end end context "basic_auth" do subject do do |config| config.url = "" config.username = "hello" config.password = "token" end end it "should build basic auth middleware" do subject.connection.builder.handlers.index(Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication).should_not be_nil end it "should not build token middleware" do subject.connection.headers["Authorization"].should be_nil end end context "access token" do subject do do |config| config.url = "" config.access_token = "hello" end end it "should not build basic auth middleware" do subject.connection.builder.handlers.index(Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication).should be_nil end it "should build token middleware" do subject.connection.headers["Authorization"].should match(/Bearer/) end end context "#token" do let(:client) do do |config| config.url = "" config.username = username config.token = "token" end end subject { client.config } let(:username) { "hello" } context "with a username with /token" do let(:username) { "hello/token" } it "should not add /token to the username" do subject.username.should == "hello/token" end end context "with no password" do it "should build basic auth middleware" do client.connection.builder.handlers.index(Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication).should_not be_nil end it "should not build token middleware" do client.connection.builder.handlers.index(Faraday::Request::TokenAuthentication).should be_nil end it "should copy token to password" do subject.token.should == subject.password end it "should add /token to the username" do subject.username.should == "hello/token" end end end context "#logger" do before(:each) do @client = do |config| config.url = "" config.logger = subject end stub_request(:get, %r{/bs$}).to_return(:status => 200) end context "with true value" do subject { true } it "should log in faraday" do @client.connection.builder.handlers.should include(ZendeskAPI::Middleware::Response::Logger) end context "with a request" do it "should log" do client.config.logger.should_receive(:info).at_least(:once) @client.connection.get('/bs') end end end context "with false value" do subject { false } it "should not log" do @client.connection.builder.handlers.should_not include(ZendeskAPI::Middleware::Response::Logger) end end context "with a nil value" do subject { nil } it "should log" do @client.connection.builder.handlers.should include(ZendeskAPI::Middleware::Response::Logger) end end context "with a logger" do let(:out){ } subject { } it "should log" do @client.connection.builder.handlers.should include(ZendeskAPI::Middleware::Response::Logger) end context "with a request" do it "should log to the subject" do out.should_receive(:write).at_least(:once) @client.connection.get('/bs') end end end end end context "#current_user" do before(:each) do stub_json_request(:get, %r{users/me}, json("user" => {})) end it "should be a user instance" do client.current_user.should be_instance_of(ZendeskAPI::User) end end context "#connection" do it "should initially be false" do subject.instance_variable_get(:@connection).should be_false end it "connection should be initialized on first call to #connection" do subject.connection.should be_instance_of(Faraday::Connection) end end context "resources" do it "should return an instance of ZendeskAPI::Collection if there is no method" do subject.instance_variable_get(:@resource_cache)["tickets"].should be_nil be_instance_of(ZendeskAPI::Collection) subject.instance_variable_get(:@resource_cache)["tickets"].should_not be_empty subject.instance_variable_get(:@resource_cache)["tickets"][:class].should == ZendeskAPI::Ticket subject.instance_variable_get(:@resource_cache)["tickets"][:cache].should be_instance_of(ZendeskAPI::LRUCache) ZendeskAPI.should_not_receive(:const_get) be_instance_of(ZendeskAPI::Collection) end it "should not cache calls with different options" do => 'abc').should_not == => '123') end it "should not cache calls with :reload => true options" do => 'abc').should_not == => 'abc', :reload => true) end it "should not pass reload to the underlying collection" do collection = => 'abc', :reload => true) collection.options.key?(:reload).should be_false end it "should cache calls with the same options" do => 'abc').should == => 'abc') end end it "can be subclassed" do client = do |config| config.allow_http = true end client.config.allow_http.should == true client.connection.should == "FOO" client.connection.object_id.should == client.connection.object_id # it's cached end context ZendeskAPI::Voice do it "defers to voice delegator" do ZendeskAPI::Client.any_instance.should_receive(:phone_numbers).once subject.voice.phone_numbers end it "manages namespace correctly" do client.phone_numbers.path.should match(/channels\/voice\/phone_numbers/) client.greetings.path.should match(/channels\/voice\/greetings/) client.greeting_categories.path.should match(/channels\/voice\/greeting_categories/) end end end