module OpenConferenceWare # Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. module ApplicationHelper FLASH_KEY_TRANSLATION = { "notice" => "info", "failure" => "danger", "success" => "success" } def notice unless flash.blank? do |key| content_tag("div", flash[key], class: "alert alert-#{key} alert-#{FLASH_KEY_TRANSLATION[key.to_s]}") end.join("\n").html_safe end end def preserve_formatting_of(text) content_tag("div", simple_format(escape_once(text)), class: :compressed) end def inline_button_to(*args) html = button_to(*args) html.gsub!(/
(.*)/, '
\1') html.gsub!(/class="button-to"/m, 'class="button-to inlined"\1') html end # Add the +html+ to the stylesheets of the layout. Example: # <%= add_stylesheet(stylesheet_link_tag "custom") %> def add_stylesheet(html) content_for :stylesheets, html end # Add the +html+ to the javascripts portion of the layout. Example: # <%= add_javascripts(javascript_include_tag "application") %> def add_javascript(html) content_for :scripts, html end # Indents a block of code to a specified minimum indent level. def indent_block(string, level=0) lines = Array(string) common_space ={|line| line.length - line.lstrip.length}.min Array(string).map{ |line| (' ' * level) + line[common_space..-1] }.join.html_safe end # Exposes a value as a property of the JavaScript 'app' object. # Example: # <% expose_to_js :current_user_id, %> # # def expose_to_js(key, value) raise(ArgumentError, "key must be a symbol") unless key.is_a?(Symbol) value = "'#{value}'" unless value.is_a?(Integer) || true == value || false == value content_for :javascript_expose_values, "app.#{key.to_s} = #{value};\n".html_safe end # Enqueues the given javascript code to run once the DOM is ready. def run_when_dom_is_ready(javascript) content_for :javascript_on_ready, (javascript + "\n").html_safe end #---[ Menu navigation ]------------------------------------------------- # Is the navigation item the currently viewed page? E.g., if the navigation is :sessions, is the :subnav also :sessions. def nav_current_page_item? return(nav_kind == subnav_kind) end # Is the current action related to proposals? def proposal_related_action? return controller.kind_of?(ProposalsController) && ! ProposalsController::SESSION_RELATED_ACTIONS.include?(action_name) end # Is the current action related to sessions? def session_related_action? return (controller.kind_of?(EventsController) && action_name == "speakers") || controller.kind_of?(ProposalsController) && ProposalsController::SESSION_RELATED_ACTIONS.include?(action_name) # TODO Make this logic clearer and the menu system less crazy. end def nav_event @nav_event ||= unless assigned_event.try(:new_record?) assigned_event.try(:parent_or_self) end end # Main navigation to display. def nav_kind(event=nil) event ||= @event if event && event.proposal_status_published? return :sessions else return :proposals end end # Main navigation path to use. def nav_path(event=nil) event ||= @event return self.send("event_#{nav_kind(event)}_path", event) end # Main navigation title. def nav_title(event=nil) event ||= @event return self.nav_kind(event).to_s.titleize end # Subnavigation to display. def subnav_kind if @event if @event.proposal_status_published? proposal_related_action? ? :proposals : :sessions else session_related_action? ? :sessions : :proposals end else :proposals end end # Subnavigation path. def subnav_path return self.send("#{subnav_kind}_path") end # Subnavigation title. def subnav_title return self.subnav_kind.to_s.titleize end # Should this event be flagged as active in the HTML/CSS header? def flag_event_as_active?(event) return @event ? event == @event.parent_or_self : true end # Should the "submit a proposal" link be shown? def display_submit_proposal_link? assigned_event.try(:accepting_proposals?) && !(controller.controller_name == 'proposals' && action_name == 'new') end #---[ Assigned events ]------------------------------------------------- # Return event assigned to this request, may be nil. def assigned_event return @event end # Return array of events assigned to this request, may be empty. def assigned_events return @events || [] end # Return array of non-child events assigned to this request. def assigned_nonchild_events return self.assigned_events.compact.uniq.reject(&:parent_id) end # Return array of non-child events assigned to this request sorted by end-date. def assigned_nonchild_events_by_date return self.assigned_nonchild_events.sort_by{|event| event.end_date.try(:to_i) || 0} end end end