module ActiveRecord module ClassMethods def base_class unless self < Base raise ActiveRecordError, "#{name} doesn't belong in a hierarchy descending from ActiveRecord" end if superclass == Base || superclass.abstract_class? self else superclass.base_class end end def abstract_class? defined?(@abstract_class) && @abstract_class == true end def primary_key base_class.instance_eval { @primary_key_value || :id } end def primary_key=(val) base_class.instance_eval { @primary_key_value = val } end def inheritance_column base_class.instance_eval {@inheritance_column_value || "type"} end def inheritance_column=(name) base_class.instance_eval {@inheritance_column_value = name} end def model_name # in reality should return ActiveModel::Name object, blah blah name end def find(id) base_class.instance_eval {ReactiveRecord::Base.find(self, primary_key, id)} end def find_by(opts = {}) base_class.instance_eval {ReactiveRecord::Base.find(self, opts.first.first, opts.first.last)} end def enum(*args) # when we implement schema validation we should also implement value checking end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if args.count == 1 && name =~ /^find_by_/ && !block find_by(name.gsub(/^find_by_/, "") => args[0]) else raise "#{}.#{name}(#{args}) (called class method missing)" end end def abstract_class=(val) @abstract_class = val end def scope(name, body) singleton_class.send(:define_method, name) do | *args | args = (args.count == 0) ? name : [name, *args] ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[args] ||=, nil, nil, self, args) end singleton_class.send(:define_method, "#{name}=") do |collection| ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[name] = collection end end def all ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[:all] ||=, nil, nil, self, "all") end def all=(collection) ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[:all] = collection end # def server_methods(*methods) # methods.each do |method| # define_method(method) do |*args| # if args.count == 0 # @backing_record.reactive_get!(method, :initialize) # else # @backing_record.reactive_get!([[method]+args], :initialize) # end # end # define_method("#{method}!") do |*args| # if args.count == 0 # @backing_record.reactive_get!(method, :force) # else # @backing_record.reactive_get!([[method]+args], :force) # end # end # end # end # # alias_method :server_method, :server_methods [:belongs_to, :has_many, :has_one].each do |macro| define_method(macro) do |*args| # is this a bug in opal? saying name, scope=nil, opts={} does not work! name = args.first opts = (args.count > 1 and args.last.is_a? Hash) ? args.last : {}, macro, name, opts) end end def composed_of(name, opts = {}), :composed_of, name, opts) end def column_names [] # it would be great to figure out how to get this information on the client! For now we just return an empty array end [ "table_name=", "before_validation", "with_options", "validates_presence_of", "validates_format_of", "accepts_nested_attributes_for", "before_create", "after_create", "before_save", "after_save", "before_destroy", "where", "validate", "attr_protected", "validates_numericality_of", "default_scope", "has_attached_file", "attr_accessible", "serialize" ].each do |method| define_method(method.to_s) { |*args, &block| } end def _react_param_conversion(param, opt = nil) # defines how react will convert incoming json to this ActiveRecord model #TIMING times = {start:, json_start: 0, json_end: 0, db_load_start: 0, db_load_end: 0} #TIMING times[:json_start] = param = Native(param) param = JSON.from_object(param.to_n) if param.is_a? Native::Object #TIMING times[:json_end] = result = if param.is_a? self param elsif param.is_a? Hash if opt == :validate_only klass = ReactiveRecord::Base.infer_type_from_hash(self, param) klass == self or klass < self else if param[primary_key] target = find(param[primary_key]) else target = new end #TIMING times[:db_load_start] = ReactiveRecord::Base.load_from_json(Hash[param.collect { |key, value| [key, [value]] }], target) #TIMING times[:db_load_end] = target end else nil end #TIMING times[:end] = #TIMING puts "times - total: #{'%.04f' % (times[:end]-times[:start])}, native conversion: #{'%.04f' % (times[:json_end]-times[:json_start])}, loading: #{'%.04f' % (times[:db_load_end]-times[:db_load_start])}" result end end end