# This has to be a separate type to enable collecting Puppet::Type.newtype(:mysql_grant) do @doc = "Manage a MySQL user's rights." ensurable autorequire(:file) do '/root/.my.cnf' end def initialize(*args) super # Forcibly munge any privilege with 'ALL' in the array to exist of just # 'ALL'. This can't be done in the munge in the property as that iterates # over the array and there's no way to replace the entire array before it's # returned to the provider. if self[:ensure] == :present and Array(self[:privileges]).count > 1 and self[:privileges].to_s.include?('ALL') self[:privileges] = 'ALL' end # Sort the privileges array in order to ensure the comparision in the provider # self.instances method match. Otherwise this causes it to keep resetting the # privileges. self[:privileges] = Array(self[:privileges]).sort! end validate do fail('privileges parameter is required.') if self[:ensure] == :present and self[:privileges].nil? fail('table parameter is required.') if self[:ensure] == :present and self[:table].nil? fail('user parameter is required.') if self[:ensure] == :present and self[:user].nil? end newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do desc 'Name to describe the grant.' munge do |value| value.delete("'") end end newproperty(:privileges, :array_matching => :all) do desc 'Privileges for user' end newproperty(:table) do desc 'Table to apply privileges to.' munge do |value| value.delete("`") end newvalues(/.*\..*/) end newproperty(:user) do desc 'User to operate on.' validate do |value| # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/account-names.html # Regex should problably be more like this: /^[`'"]?[^`'"]*[`'"]?@[`'"]?[\w%\.]+[`'"]?$/ raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid user #{value}") unless value =~ /[\w-]*@[\w%\.:]+/ username = value.split('@')[0] if username.size > 16 raise ArgumentError, 'MySQL usernames are limited to a maximum of 16 characters' end end end newproperty(:options, :array_matching => :all) do desc 'Options to grant.' end end