require 'thread' module Ncurses def rows lame, lamer = [], [] stdscr.getmaxyx lame, lamer lame.first end def cols lame, lamer = [], [] stdscr.getmaxyx lame, lamer lamer.first end def mutex; @mutex ||=; end def sync &b; mutex.synchronize &b; end ## aaahhh, user input. who would have though that such a simple ## idea would be SO FUCKING COMPLICATED?! because apparently ## Ncurses.getch (and Curses.getch), even in cbreak mode, BLOCKS ## ALL THREAD ACTIVITY. as in, no threads anywhere will run while ## it's waiting for input. ok, fine, so we wrap it in a select. Of ## course we also rely on Ncurses.getch to tell us when an xterm ## resize has occurred, which select won't catch, so we won't ## resize outselves after a sigwinch until the user hits a key. ## and installing our own sigwinch handler means that the screen ## size returned by getmaxyx() DOESN'T UPDATE! and Kernel#trap ## RETURNS NIL as the previous handler! ## ## so basically, resizing with multi-threaded ruby Ncurses ## applications will always be broken. ## ## i've coined a new word for this: lametarded. def nonblocking_getch if[$stdin], nil, nil, nil) Ncurses.getch else nil end end module_function :rows, :cols, :nonblocking_getch, :mutex, :sync KEY_CANCEL = "\a"[0] # ctrl-g end module Redwood class Buffer attr_reader :mode, :x, :y, :width, :height, :title bool_reader :dirty def initialize window, mode, width, height, opts={} @w = window @mode = mode @dirty = true @focus = false @title = opts[:title] || "" @x, @y, @width, @height = 0, 0, width, height end def content_height; @height - 1; end def content_width; @width; end def resize rows, cols return if cols == @width && rows == @height @width = cols @height = rows @dirty = true mode.resize rows, cols end def redraw draw if @dirty draw_status commit end def mark_dirty; @dirty = true; end def commit @dirty = false @w.noutrefresh end def draw @mode.draw draw_status commit end ## s nil means a blank line! def write y, x, s, opts={} return if x >= @width || y >= @height @w.attrset Colormap.color_for(opts[:color] || :none, opts[:highlight]) s ||= "" maxl = @width - x @w.mvaddstr y, x, s[0 ... maxl] unless s.length >= maxl || opts[:no_fill] @w.mvaddstr(y, x + s.length, " " * (maxl - s.length)) end end def clear @w.clear end def draw_status write @height - 1, 0, " [#{}] #{title} #{mode.status}", :color => :status_color end def focus @focus = true @dirty = true @mode.focus end def blur @focus = false @dirty = true @mode.blur end end class BufferManager include Singleton attr_reader :focus_buf def initialize @name_map = {} @buffers = [] @focus_buf = nil @dirty = true @minibuf_stack = [] @minibuf_mutex = @textfields = {} @flash = nil @shelled = false self.class.i_am_the_instance self end def buffers; @name_map.to_a; end def focus_on buf raise ArgumentError, "buffer not on stack: #{buf.inspect}" unless @buffers.member? buf return if buf == @focus_buf @focus_buf.blur if @focus_buf @focus_buf = buf @focus_buf.focus end def raise_to_front buf raise ArgumentError, "buffer not on stack: #{buf.inspect}" unless @buffers.member? buf @buffers.delete buf @buffers.push buf focus_on buf @dirty = true end def roll_buffers raise_to_front @buffers.first end def roll_buffers_backwards return unless @buffers.length > 1 raise_to_front @buffers[@buffers.length - 2] end def handle_input c @focus_buf && @focus_buf.mode.handle_input(c) end def exists? n; @name_map.member? n; end def [] n; @name_map[n]; end def []= n, b raise ArgumentError, "duplicate buffer name" if b && @name_map.member?(n) @name_map[n] = b end def completely_redraw_screen return if @shelled Ncurses.sync do @dirty = true Ncurses.clear draw_screen :sync => false end end def handle_resize return if @shelled rows, cols = Ncurses.rows, Ncurses.cols @buffers.each { |b| b.resize rows - minibuf_lines, cols } completely_redraw_screen flash "Resized to #{rows}x#{cols}" end def draw_screen opts={} return if @shelled Ncurses.mutex.lock unless opts[:sync] == false ## disabling this for the time being, to help with debugging ## (currently we only have one buffer visible at a time). ## TODO: reenable this if we allow multiple buffers false && @buffers.inject(@dirty) do |dirty, buf| buf.resize Ncurses.rows - minibuf_lines, Ncurses.cols @dirty ? buf.draw : buf.redraw end ## quick hack if true buf = @buffers.last buf.resize Ncurses.rows - minibuf_lines, Ncurses.cols"asdf.txt", "a") { |f| f.puts "dirty #@dirty, (re)drawing #{}" } @dirty ? buf.draw : buf.redraw end draw_minibuf :sync => false unless opts[:skip_minibuf] @dirty = false Ncurses.doupdate Ncurses.refresh if opts[:refresh] Ncurses.mutex.unlock unless opts[:sync] == false end ## gets the mode from the block, which is only called if the buffer ## doesn't already exist. this is useful in the case that generating ## the mode is expensive, as it often is. def spawn_unless_exists title, opts={} if @name_map.member? title Redwood::log "buffer '#{title}' already exists, raising to front" raise_to_front @name_map[title] unless opts[:hidden] else mode = yield spawn title, mode, opts end @name_map[title] end def spawn title, mode, opts={} realtitle = title num = 2 while @name_map.member? realtitle realtitle = "#{title} <#{num}>" num += 1 end width = opts[:width] || Ncurses.cols height = opts[:height] || Ncurses.rows - 1 ## since we are currently only doing multiple full-screen modes, ## use stdscr for each window. once we become more sophisticated, ## we may need to use a new Ncurses::WINDOW ## ## w =, width, (opts[:top] || 0), ## (opts[:left] || 0)) w = Ncurses.stdscr b = w, mode, width, height, :title => realtitle mode.buffer = b @name_map[realtitle] = b if opts[:hidden] @buffers.unshift b focus_on b unless @focus_buf else @buffers.push b raise_to_front b end b end def kill_all_buffers kill_buffer @buffers.first until @buffers.empty? end def kill_buffer buf raise ArgumentError, "buffer not on stack: #{buf.inspect}" unless @buffers.member? buf buf.mode.cleanup @buffers.delete buf @name_map.delete buf.title @focus_buf = nil if @focus_buf == buf if @buffers.empty? ## TODO: something intelligent here ## for now I will simply prohibit killing the inbox buffer. else raise_to_front @buffers.last end end def ask domain, question, default=nil @textfields[domain] ||= Ncurses.stdscr, Ncurses.rows - 1, 0, Ncurses.cols tf = @textfields[domain] ## this goddamn ncurses form shit is a fucking 1970's ## nightmare. jesus christ. the exact sequence of ncurses events ## that needs to happen in order to display a form and have the ## entire screen not disappear and have the cursor in the right ## place is TOO FUCKING COMPLICATED. Ncurses.sync do tf.activate question, default @dirty = true draw_screen :skip_minibuf => true, :sync => false end ret = nil tf.position_cursor Ncurses.sync { Ncurses.refresh } while tf.handle_input(Ncurses.nonblocking_getch); end ret = tf.value Ncurses.sync { tf.deactivate } @dirty = true ret end ## some pretty lame code in here! def ask_getch question, accept=nil accept = accept.split(//).map { |x| x[0] } if accept flash question Ncurses.sync do Ncurses.curs_set 1 Ncurses.move Ncurses.rows - 1, question.length + 1 Ncurses.refresh end ret = nil done = false @shelled = true until done key = Ncurses.nonblocking_getch if key == Ncurses::KEY_CANCEL done = true elsif (accept && accept.member?(key)) || !accept ret = key done = true end end @shelled = false Ncurses.sync do Ncurses.curs_set 0 erase_flash draw_screen :sync => false Ncurses.curs_set 0 end ret end def ask_yes_or_no question r = ask_getch(question, "ynYN") case r when ?y, ?Y true when nil nil else false end end def minibuf_lines @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do [(@flash ? 1 : 0) + @minibuf_stack.compact.size, 1].max end end def draw_minibuf opts={} m = nil @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do m = @minibuf_stack.compact m << @flash if @flash m << "" if m.empty? end Ncurses.mutex.lock unless opts[:sync] == false Ncurses.attrset Colormap.color_for(:none) m.each_with_index do |s, i| Ncurses.mvaddstr Ncurses.rows - i - 1, 0, s + (" " * [Ncurses.cols - s.length, 0].max) end Ncurses.refresh if opts[:refresh] Ncurses.mutex.unlock unless opts[:sync] == false end def say s, id=nil new_id = nil @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do new_id = id.nil? id ||= @minibuf_stack.length @minibuf_stack[id] = s end if new_id draw_screen :refresh => true else draw_minibuf :refresh => true end if block_given? begin yield ensure clear id end end id end def erase_flash; @flash = nil; end def flash s @flash = s draw_screen :refresh => true end ## a little tricky because we can't just delete_at id because ids ## are relative (they're positions into the array). def clear id @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do @minibuf_stack[id] = nil if id == @minibuf_stack.length - 1 id.downto(0) do |i| break if @minibuf_stack[i] @minibuf_stack.delete_at i end end end draw_screen :refresh => true end def shell_out command @shelled = true Ncurses.sync do Ncurses.endwin system command Ncurses.refresh Ncurses.curs_set 0 end @shelled = false end end end