module Instana module Instrumentation module AbstractMysqlAdapter IGNORED_PAYLOADS = %w(SCHEMA EXPLAIN CACHE).freeze EXPLAINED_SQLS = /\A\s*(with|select|update|delete|insert)\b/i # This module supports instrumenting ActiveRecord with the mysql2 adapter. # def self.included(klass) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= '3.2' Instana::Util.method_alias(klass, :execute) @@sanitize_regexp ='(\'[\s\S][^\']*\'|\d*\.\d+|\d+|NULL)', Regexp::IGNORECASE) end end # Collect up this DB connection info for reporting. # # @param sql [String] # @return [Hash] Hash of collected KVs # def collect(sql) payload = { :activerecord => {} } payload[:activerecord][:sql] = sql.gsub(@@sanitize_regexp, '?') payload[:activerecord][:adapter] = @config[:adapter] payload[:activerecord][:host] = @config[:host] payload[:activerecord][:db] = @config[:database] payload[:activerecord][:username] = @config[:username] payload end # In the spirit of ::ActiveRecord::ExplainSubscriber.ignore_payload? There are # only certain calls that we're interested in tracing. e.g. No use to instrument # framework caches. # # @param payload [String] # @return [Boolean] # def ignore_payload?(name, sql) IGNORED_PAYLOADS.include?(name) || sql !~ EXPLAINED_SQLS end def execute_with_instana(sql, name = nil) if !::Instana.tracer.tracing? || ignore_payload?(name, sql) return execute_without_instana(sql, name) end kv_payload = collect(sql) ::Instana.tracer.trace(:activerecord, kv_payload) do execute_without_instana(sql, name) end end end end end