require "relaton/cli/full_text_search" module Relaton module Cli class SubcommandCollection < Thor include Relaton::Cli class_option :verbose, aliases: :v, type: :boolean, desc: "Output warnings" desc "create COLLECTION", "Create collection" option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory to store collection. " \ "Default is $HOME/.relaton/collections." option :author, desc: "Author" option :title, desc: "Title" option :doctype, desc: "Documents type" def create(file) dir = directory file_path = File.join dir, file col = options if File.exist? file_path warn "Collection #{file} aready exist" else FileUtils.mkdir_p dir # unless Dir.exist? dir File.write file_path, col.to_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8" end end desc "info COLLECTION", "View collection information" option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory to store collection. " \ "Default is $HOME/.relaton/collections." def info(file) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize path = File.join directory, file puts "Collection: #{File.basename path}" puts "Last updated: #{File.mtime path}" puts "File size: #{File.size path}" col = YAML.load_file(path)["root"] puts "Number of items: #{col.items.size}" puts "Author: #{}" puts "Title: #{col.title}" end desc "list", "List collections" option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory with collections. Default " \ "is $HOME/.relaton/collections." option :entries, aliases: :e, type: :boolean, desc: "Show entries" def list Dir[File.join(directory, "*")].each do |f| yml = read_yaml f if yml && yml["root"] puts File.basename f puts_entries yml end end end map ls: :list desc "get CODE", "Fetch document from collection by ID" option :collection, aliases: :c, desc: "Collection to fetch document. " \ "By default fetch the first match across all collections." option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory with collections. Default " \ "is $HOME/.relaton/collections." option :format, aliases: :f, desc: "Output format (xml, abb). " \ "If not defined the output in a human-readable form." option :output, aliases: :o, desc: "Output to the specified file. The " \ " file's extension (abb, xml) defines output format." def get(docid) collections.each do |col| col[:collection].items.each do |item| if item.docidentifier == docid output_item(item) return end end end end desc "find TEXT", "Full-text search" option :collection, aliases: :c, desc: "Collection to search text. " \ "By default search across all collections." option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory with collections. Default is " \ "$HOME/.relaton/collections." def find(text) collections.each do |col| searcher =[:collection]) text if searcher.any? puts "Collection: #{File.basename(col[:file])}" searcher.print_results end end end map search: :find desc "fetch CODE", "Fetch a document and store it into a collection" option :type, aliases: :t, required: true, desc: "Type of standard to get bibliographic entry for" option :year, aliases: :y, type: :numeric, desc: "Year the standard was published" option :collection, aliases: :c, required: true, desc: "Collection to store a document" option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory with collections. Default is " \ "$HOME/.relaton/collections." def fetch(code) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize doc = Relaton.db.fetch(code, options[:year]&.to_s) if doc colfile = File.join directory, options[:collection] coll = read_collection colfile coll << doc File.write colfile, coll.to_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8" else warn "No matching bibliographic entry found" end end desc "import FILE", "Import document or collection from an XML file " \ "into another collection" option :collection, aliases: :c, required: true, desc: "Collection to store a document. If " \ "collection doesn't exist then it'll be created." option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory with collections. Default is " \ "$HOME/.relaton/collections." def import(file) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/MethodLength collfile = File.join directory, options[:collection] coll = read_collection collfile xml = Nokogiri::XML, encoding: "UTF-8") if "relaton-collection" if coll coll << Relaton::Bibcollection.from_xml(xml) else coll = Relaton::Bibcollection.from_xml(xml) end else coll ||={}) coll << Relaton::Bibdata.from_xml(xml) end File.write collfile, coll.to_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8" end desc "export COLLECTION", "Export collection into XML file" option :dir, aliases: :d, desc: "Directory with collections. Default is " \ "$HOME/.relaton/collections." def export(file) coll = read_collection File.join(directory, file) outfile = "#{file.sub(/\.\w+$/, '')}.xml" File.write outfile, coll.to_xml(bibdata: true), encoding: "UTF-8" end private # @return [String] def directory options.fetch :dir, File.join(Dir.home, ".relaton/collections") end # @param file [String] # @return [Hash] def read_yaml(file) YAML.load_file file if File.file? file rescue Psych::SyntaxError warn "[relaton-cli] WARNING: the file #{file} isn't a collection." end # @param file [String] # @return [Relaton::Bibcollection, nil] def read_collection(file) return unless File.file?(file) YAML.load_file(file)["root"] end # @return [Array<Hash>] def collections file = options.fetch :collection, "*" Dir[File.join directory, file].reduce([]) do |m, f| yml = read_yaml f if yml && yml["root"] m << { collection:["root"]), file: f } end m end end # Puts document IDs for each item in tthe cokllection # @param hash [Hash] Relaton collection def puts_entries(hash) return unless options[:entries]["root"]).items.each do |b| puts " #{b.docidentifier}" end end # @param item [Relaton::Bibdata] def output_item(item) case options[:format] when "xml" then puts item.to_xml bibdata: true when "abb" then puts item.to_asciibib else puts_human_readable_item item end out = case options[:output] when /\.abb$/ then item.to_asciibib when /\.xml$/ then item.to_xml bibitem: true end File.write options[:output], out, encoding: "UTF-8" if out end # @param item [Relaton::Bibdata] def puts_human_readable_item(item) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize puts "Document identifier: #{item.docidentifier}" puts "Title: #{item.title.first.title.content}" puts "Status: #{item.status.stage}" { |d| puts "Date #{d.type}: #{d.on || d.from}" } end end end end