The SVGEE class is used to create the text that will go into the final SVG file. It takes information from the supplied Glyph objects, parses them and creates the SVG text necessary to display the given glyphs.
Adds a Primitive object to the SVGEE object and makes the svg text for that Primitive
# File lib/bio/graphics/svgee.rb, line 96 def add_primitive(primitive_object) args = {} primitive_object.instance_variables.each{|v| args[v.to_s.gsub(/@/,"").to_sym] = primitive_object.instance_variable_get(v) } primitive_string = args.delete(:primitive) make_tag(primitive_string, args) end
Produces the closing text for an svg file
# File lib/bio/graphics/svgee.rb, line 31 def close_tag %Q{</svg>} end
Produces the svg text to display all the features on a Page
# File lib/bio/graphics/svgee.rb, line 117 def draw head = self.open_tag defstring = "" defstring = "<defs>\n" + self.defs.join("\n") + "\n </defs>\n" if not defs.empty? shapes = self.primitives.join("\n") close = self.close_tag head + defstring + shapes + close end
Takes the gradient information from a Glyph, which must be of type ‘radial’ or ‘linear’ and creates the svg text for that gradient
= a gradient (a gradient type, a colour and the parameters
for a given type)
# File lib/bio/graphics/svgee.rb, line 104 def gradient(a) definition_string = case a[:type] when :radial %Q{<radialGradient id="#{a[:id]}" cx="#{a[:cx]}%" cy="#{a[:cy]}%" r="#{a[:r]}%" fx="#{a[:fx]}%" fy="#{a[:fy]}%">} else %Q{<linearGradient id="#{a[:id]}" x1="#{a[:x1]}%" x2="#{a[:x2]}%" y1="#{a[:y1]}%" y2="#{a[:y2]}%">} end a[:stops].each do |s| definition_string = definition_string + "\n" + %Q{<stop offset="#{s[:offset]}%" style="stop-color:#{s[:color]};stop-opacity:#{s[:opacity]}" />} end add_def definition_string + (a[:type] == :linear ? '</linearGradient>' : '</radialGradient>') end
Produces the opening text for an svg file
# File lib/bio/graphics/svgee.rb, line 27 def open_tag %Q{<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="#{@width}" height="#{@height}" style="#{@style}" xmlns:xlink="">} end
Creates a new SVGEE object which will contain all the necessary objects to display all the features on a page
width = the amount of the page width the svg should take up (100%)
height = the amount of the page height the svg should take up (100%)
style = the svg style information
primitives = an array of glyphs
defs = the gradients that will be used in the SVG
supported_primitives = a list of permitted Glyphs
# File lib/bio/graphics/svgee.rb, line 17 def initialize(args) opts = {:width => '100%', :height => '100%'}.merge!(args) @width = opts[:width] @height = opts[:height] @style= opts[:style] @primitives = [] @defs = [] @supported_primitives = [:circle, :rectangle, :ellipse, :line, :polyline, :text] end