module Lita::Handlers class Markov < Lita::Handler Dictionary = MarkyMarkov::PersistentJSONDictionary REDIS_KEY_PREFIX = 'lita-markov:' route(/.+/, :ingest, command: false) route(/markov (.+)/, :generate, command: true, help: { 'markov USER' => 'Generate a markov chain from the given user.' }) def ingest(chat) # Don't ingest messages addressed to ourselves return if chat.command? message = chat.matches[0].strip # Get the mention name (ie. 'dirk') of the user name = chat.user.mention_name dictionary = dictionary_for_user name # Passing `false` to indicate it's a string and not a file name dictionary.parse_source message, false save_dictionary name, dictionary end def generate(chat) name = chat.matches[0][0].strip dictionary = dictionary_for_user name generator = dictionary begin sentence = generator.generate_sentence 1 chat.reply sentence rescue EmptyDictionaryError chat.reply "Looks like #{name} hasn't said anything!" end end def save_dictionary(name, dictionary) redis.set key_for_user(name), dictionary.to_json end def dictionary_for_user(name) key = key_for_user name dictionary = name json = redis.get key dictionary.load_json(json) if json dictionary end def key_for_user(name) REDIS_KEY_PREFIX+name.downcase end Lita.register_handler self end end