require 'json' require 'rack' require 'cypress_on_rails/middleware_config' require 'cypress_on_rails/command_executor' module CypressOnRails # Middleware to handle testing framework commands and eval class Middleware include MiddlewareConfig def initialize(app, command_executor = CommandExecutor, file = ::File) @app = app @command_executor = command_executor @file = file end def call(env) request = if request.path.start_with?("#{configuration.api_prefix}/__e2e__/command") configuration.tagged_logged { handle_command(request) } elsif request.path.start_with?("#{configuration.api_prefix}/__cypress__/command") warn "/__cypress__/command is deprecated. Please use the install generator to use /__e2e__/command instead." configuration.tagged_logged { handle_command(request) } else end end private Command =, :options, :install_folder) do # @return [Array] def self.from_body(body, configuration) if body.is_a?(Array) command_params = body else command_params = [body] end do |params| new(params.fetch('name'), params['options'], configuration.install_folder) end end def file_path "#{install_folder}/app_commands/#{name}.rb" end end def handle_command(req) maybe_env = # Halt the middleware if an Rack Env was returned by `before_request` return maybe_env unless maybe_env.nil? body = JSON.parse( "handle_command: #{body}" commands = Command.from_body(body, configuration) missing_command = commands.find {|command| !@file.exist?(command.file_path) } if missing_command.nil? begin results = { |command| @command_executor.perform(command.file_path, command.options) } begin output = results.to_json rescue NoMethodError output = {"message" => "Cannot convert to json"}.to_json end logger.debug "output: #{output}" [201, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, [output]] rescue => e output = {"message" => e.message, "class" => e.class.to_s}.to_json [500, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, [output]] end else output = {"message" => "could not find command file: #{missing_command.file_path}"}.to_json [404, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, [output]] end end end end