#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/authconfig' describe Puppet::Network::AuthConfig do before :each do File.stubs(:stat).returns(stub('stat', :ctime => :now)) Time.stubs(:now).returns Time.now Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) # FIXME @authconfig = Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new("dummy") end describe "when initializing" do it "inserts default ACLs after setting initial rights" do Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.expects(:insert_default_acl) Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new end end describe "when defining an acl with mk_acl" do before :each do Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.stubs(:insert_default_acl) @authconfig = Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new end it "should create a new right for each default acl" do @authconfig.mk_acl(:acl => '/') @authconfig.rights['/'].should be end it "allows everyone for each default right" do @authconfig.mk_acl(:acl => '/') @authconfig.rights['/'].should be_globalallow end it "accepts an argument to restrict the method" do @authconfig.mk_acl(:acl => '/', :method => :find) @authconfig.rights['/'].methods.should == [:find] end it "creates rights with authentication set to true by default" do @authconfig.mk_acl(:acl => '/') @authconfig.rights['/'].authentication.should be_true end it "accepts an argument to set the authentication requirement" do @authconfig.mk_acl(:acl => '/', :authenticated => :any) @authconfig.rights['/'].authentication.should be_false end end describe "when adding default ACLs" do before :each do Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.stubs(:insert_default_acl) @authconfig = Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.unstub(:insert_default_acl) end Puppet::Network::AuthConfig::DEFAULT_ACL.each do |acl| it "should create a default right for #{acl[:acl]}" do @authconfig.stubs(:mk_acl) @authconfig.expects(:mk_acl).with(acl) @authconfig.insert_default_acl end end it "should log at info loglevel" do Puppet.expects(:info).at_least_once @authconfig.insert_default_acl end it "creates an empty catch-all rule for '/' for any authentication request state" do @authconfig.stubs(:mk_acl) @authconfig.insert_default_acl @authconfig.rights['/'].should be_empty @authconfig.rights['/'].authentication.should be_false end end describe "when checking authorization" do it "should ask for authorization to the ACL subsystem" do params = { :ip => "", :node => "me", :environment => :env, :authenticated => true } Puppet::Network::Rights.any_instance.expects(:is_request_forbidden_and_why?).with("path", :save, "to/resource", params) described_class.new.check_authorization("path", :save, "to/resource", params) end end end