--- en: activemodel: attributes: area: area_type: Area type name: Name organization: Organization area_type: name: Name organization: Organization plural: Plural attachment: attachment_collection_id: Folder description: Description file: File title: Title attachment_collection: description: Description name: Name category: description: Description name: Name parent_id: Parent component: name: Name published_at: Published at weight: Weight id: ID newsletter: body: Body subject: Subject oauth_application: name: Name organization_logo: Organization logo (square) organization_name: Organization name organization_url: Organization URL redirect_uri: Redirect URI organization: badges_enabled: Enable badges cta_button_path: Call To Action button path cta_button_text: Call To Action button text default_locale: Default locale description: Description enable_omnipresent_banner: Show omnipresent banner facebook_handler: Facebook handler favicon: Icon github_handler: GitHub handler header_snippets: Header snippets highlighted_content_banner_action_subtitle: Action button subtitle highlighted_content_banner_action_title: Action button title highlighted_content_banner_action_url: Action button URL highlighted_content_banner_enabled: Show the highlighted content banner highlighted_content_banner_image: Image highlighted_content_banner_short_description: Short description highlighted_content_banner_title: Title instagram_handler: Instagram handler logo: Logo name: Name official_img_footer: Official logo footer official_img_header: Official logo header official_url: Official organization URL omnipresent_banner_short_description: Short description omnipresent_banner_title: Title omnipresent_banner_url: URL reference_prefix: Reference prefix show_statistics: Show statistics tos_version: Terms of service version twitter_handler: Twitter handler youtube_handler: YouTube handler scope: code: Code name: Name organization: Organization parent_id: Parent scope_type: Scope type scope_type_id: Scope type scope_type: name: Name organization: Organization plural: Plural static_page: changed_notably: There have been noticeable changes. content: Content organization: Organization slug: URL slug title: Title errors: models: oauth_application: attributes: redirect_uri: must_be_ssl: The redirect URI must be a SSL URI activerecord: attributes: decidim/static_page: content: Content slug: URL slug title: Title doorkeeper/application: authorize_url: Authorize URL client_id: Client ID client_secret: Client Secret organization_name: Organization name organization_url: Organization URL redirect_uri: Redirect URI site: Website decidim: admin: actions: add: Add browse: Browse export: Export manage: Manage new: New %{name} permissions: Permissions reject: Reject verify: Verify area_types: create: error: There was an error creating a new area type. success: Area type created successfully. destroy: success: Area type successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit area type update: Update new: create: Create area type title: New area type update: error: There was an error when updating this area type. success: Area type updated successfully areas: create: error: There was an error creating a new area. success: Area created successfully. destroy: success: Area successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit area update: Update new: create: Create area title: New area no_areas: No Areas update: error: There was an error when updating this area. success: Area updated successfully attachment_collections: create: error: There was an error creating a new folder. success: Folder created successfully. destroy: success: Folder destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit folder update: Update index: attachment_collection_used: This folder cannot be removed because it is in use. attachment_collections_title: Attachment folders new: create: Create title: New folder update: error: There was an error when updating this folder. success: Folder updated successfully. attachments: create: error: There was an error creating a new attachment. success: Attachment created successfully. destroy: success: Attachment destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit attachment update: Update index: attachments_title: Attachments new: create: Create attachment title: New attachment update: error: There was an error when updating this attachment. success: Attachment updated successfully. autocomplete: no_results: No results found search_prompt: Type at least three characters to search categories: create: error: There was an error creating this category. success: Category created successfully. destroy: error: There was an error deleting this category. Please delete any subcategory first, make sure no other entity belongs to this category and try again. success: Category deleted successfully. edit: title: Edit category update: Update index: categories_title: Categories category_used: This category cannot be removed because it is in use. new: create: Create category title: New category update: error: There was an error updating this category. success: Category updated successfully. component_permissions: edit: everyone: Everyone submit: Save permissions title: Edit permissions update: success: Permissions updated successfully. components: create: error: There was an error creating this component. success: Component created successfully. destroy: error: There has been an error destroying this component. success: Component deleted successfully. edit: title: Edit component update: Update form: default_step_settings: Default step settings global_settings: Global settings step_settings: Step settings index: add: Add component headers: actions: Actions name: Component name type: Component type new: add: Add component title: 'Add component: %{name}' publish: success: The component has been successfully published. title: Components unpublish: success: The component has been successfully unpublished. update: error: There has been an error updating this component. success: The component was updated successfully. dashboard: show: view_more_logs: View more logs welcome: Welcome to the Decidim Admin Panel. exports: export_as: "%{name} as %{export_format}" notice: Your export is currently in progress. You'll receive an email when it's complete. impersonatable_users: index: filter: all: All managed: Managed not_managed: Not managed filter_by: Filter by impersonate: Impersonate impersonate_new_managed_user: Impersonate new managed user managed: Managed name: Name needs_authorization_warning: You need at least one authorization enabled for this organization. not_managed: Not managed promote: Promote search: Search status: Status view_logs: View logs impersonations: close_session: error: There has been an error closing the current impersonation session. success: The current impersonation session has been successfully ended. create: error: There has been an error impersonating the user. success: The managed user has been successfully created. form: authorization_method: Authorization method name: Name reason: Reason new: impersonate: Impersonate impersonate_existing_managed_user: Impersonate managed user "%{name}" impersonate_existing_user: Impersonate user "%{name}" impersonate_new_managed_user: Impersonate new managed user logs: logs_list: no_logs_yet: There are no logs yet managed_users: promotion: error: There has been an error promoting the managed user. success: The managed user has been successfully promoted. promotions: new: explanation: Managed users can be promoted to standard users. It means they will be invited to the application and you will not be able to impersonate them again. The invited user will receive an email to accept your invitation. new_managed_user_promotion: New managed user promotion promote: Promote menu: admin_log: Admin activity log admins: Admins appearance: Appearance area_types: Area types areas: Areas configuration: Configuration dashboard: Dashboard homepage: Homepage impersonations: Impersonations newsletters: Newsletters oauth_applications: OAuth applications officializations: Officializations scope_types: Scope types scopes: Scopes settings: Settings static_pages: Pages user_groups: User groups users: Users models: area: fields: area_type: Area type name: Name area_type: fields: name: Name plural: Plural attachment: fields: collection: Folder content_type: Type file_size: Size title: Title name: Attachment attachment_collection: name: Folder category: name: Category impersonation_log: fields: admin: Admin ended_at: Ended at expired_at: Expired at reason: Reason started_at: Started at user: User newsletter: fields: created_at: Created at progress: Progress sent_at: Sent at subject: Subject name: Newsletter oauth_application: fields: created_at: Created at name: Name name: OAuth application participatory_space_private_user: name: Participatory space private user scope: fields: name: Name scope_type: Scope type scope_type: fields: name: Name plural: Plural static_page: fields: created_at: Created at title: Title user: fields: created_at: Creation date email: Email last_sign_in_at: Last sign in date name: Name role: Role roles: admin: Admin user_manager: User manager name: User user_group: fields: actions: Actions created_at: Created at document_number: Document number name: Name phone: Phone state: State users_count: Users count moderations: index: title: Moderations report: reasons: does_not_belong: Does not belong offensive: Offensive spam: Spam newsletters: create: error: There's been an error creating this newsletter. success: Newsletter created successfully. Please, review it before sending. deliver: error: There's been an error delivering this newsletter. success: Newsletter delivered successfully. destroy: error_already_sent: 'Can''t destroy newsletter: It has already been sent.' success: Newsletter destroyed successfully. edit: save_and_preview: Save and preview title: Edit newsletter form: interpolations_hint: 'Hint: You can use "%{name}" anywhere in the body or subject and it will be replaced by the recipient''s name.' index: confirm_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this newsletter? title: Newsletters new: save: Save title: New newsletter show: confirm_deliver: Are you sure you want to deliver this newsletter? This action cannot be undone. deliver: Deliver newsletter preview: Preview subject: Subject update: error: There's been an error updating this newsletter. success: Newsletter updated successfully. Please review it before sending. oauth_applications: create: error: There's been an error creating this application. success: Application created successfully. destroy: error: There's been an error destroying this application. success: Application destroyed successfully. edit: save: Save title: Edit application index: confirm_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this application? title: OAuth applications new: save: Save title: New application update: error: There's been an error updating this application. success: Application updated successfully. officializations: create: success: User officialized successfully destroy: success: User unofficialized successfully index: actions: Actions badge: Badge created_at: Created At filter: all: All not_officialized: Not officialized officialized: Officialized filter_by: Filter by name: Name nickname: Nickname not_officialized: Not officialized officialize: Officialize officialized: Officialized reofficialize: Reofficialize search: Search status: Status unofficialize: Unofficialize new: badge: Officialization badge officialize: Officialize title: Officialize user "%{name}" organization: edit: title: Edit organization update: Update form: facebook: Facebook github: GitHub instagram: Instagram social_handlers: Social twitter: Twitter url: Url youtube: YouTube update: error: There was an error when updating this organization. success: Organization updated successfully. organization_appearance: edit: update: Update form: cta_button_path_help: 'You can overwrite where the Call To Action button in the homepage links to. Use partial paths, not full URLs here. Accepts letters, numbers, dashes and slashes, and must start with a letter. The Call To Action button is shown in the homepage between the welcome text and the description. Example: %{url}' cta_button_text_help: You can overwrite the Call To Action button text in the homepage for each available language in your organization. If not set, the default value will be used. The Call To Action button is shown in the homepage between the welcome text and the description. header_snippets_help: Use this field to add things to the HTML head. The most common use is to integrate third-party services that require some extra JavaScript or CSS. Also, you can use it to add extra meta tags to the HTML. Note that this will only be rendered in public pages, not in the admin section. homepage_appearance_title: Edit homepage appearance homepage_highlighted_content_banner_title: Highligted content banner layout_appearance_title: Edit layout appearance omnipresent_banner_appearance_title: Edit omnipresent banner organization_homepage: edit: active_content_blocks: Active content blocks inactive_content_blocks: Inactive content blocks organization_homepage_content_blocks: edit: update: Update participatory_space_private_users: create: error: There was an error adding a private user for this participatory space. success: Participatory space private user access created successfully. destroy: error: There was an error deleting a private user for this participatory space. success: Participatory space private user access destroyed successfully. index: title: Participatory space private user new: create: Create title: New Participatory Space private user. scope_types: create: error: There was an error creating a new scope type. success: Scope type created successfully. destroy: success: Scope type successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit scope type update: Update new: create: Create scope type title: New scope update: error: There was an error when updating this scope type. success: Scope type updated successfully scopes: create: error: There was an error creating a new scope. success: Scope created successfully. destroy: success: Scope successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit scope update: Update new: create: Create scope title: New scope no_scopes: No scopes at this level. update: error: There was an error when updating this scope. success: Scope updated successfully static_pages: actions: view: View public page create: error: There was an error creating a new page. success: Page created successfully. destroy: success: Page successfully destroyed edit: changed_notably_help: If checked, users will be notified to accept the new terms and conditions. title: Edit page update: Update index: last_notable_change: Last notable change new: create: Create title: New page update: error: There was an error when updating this page. success: Page updated successfully titles: admin_log: Admin log area_types: Area types areas: Areas authorization_workflows: Verification methods dashboard: Dashboard impersonatable_users: Impersonatable users impersonations: Impersonations officializations: Officializations scope_types: Scope types scopes: Scopes static_pages: Pages user_groups: User groups users: Users user_group: reject: invalid: There was an error when rejecting this user group. success: User group rejected successfully verify: invalid: There was an error when verifying this user group. success: User group verified successfully user_groups: index: filter: all: All pending: Pending rejected: Rejected verified: Verified filter_by: Filter by search: Search state: pending: Pending rejected: Rejected verified: Verified users: create: error: There was an error when inviting this user. success: User invited successfully. destroy: error: There was an error when trying to delete this user. success: User is no longer an administrator. form: email: Email name: Name role: Role new: create: Invite title: Invite user as administrator view_public_page: View public page forms: errors: impersonate_user: reason: You need to provide a reason when impersonating a non managed user moderations: actions: hidden: Hidden hide: Hide not_hidden: Not hidden title: Actions unreport: Unreport admin: reportable: hide: invalid: There's been a problem hiding the resource. success: Resource successfully hidden. unreport: invalid: There's been a problem unreporting the resource. success: Resource successfully unreported. models: moderation: fields: hidden_at: Hidden at report_count: Count reportable: Reportable reported_content_url: Reported content URL reports: Reports visit_url: Visit URL errors: messages: invalid_json: Invalid JSON layouts: decidim: admin: newsletters: title: Newsletters settings: title: Settings users: title: Users