require "astrobot/version" require 'yaml' module Astrobot # Loading classes to easier access # NOTE: I like this way to handle my classes, # sexiest than using require 'my_class_file' everywhere autoload :Torrent, 'astrobot/torrent' autoload :Controls, 'astrobot/controls' autoload :Client, 'astrobot/client' autoload :Logger, 'astrobot/logger' TORRENT_FIELDS = [ "id", "name", 'status', "totalSize", "addedDate", "isFinished", "rateDownload", "rateUpload", "percentDone", "files", "hashString" ] TORRENT_ALL_FIELDS = [ 'addedDate', 'bandwidthPriority', 'comment', 'corruptEver', 'creator', 'dateCreated', 'desiredAvailable', 'doneDate', 'downloadDir', 'downloadedEver', 'downloadLimit', 'downloadLimited', 'error', 'errorString', 'eta', 'etaIdle', 'files', 'fileStats', 'hashString', 'haveUnchecked', 'haveValid', 'honorsSessionLimits', 'id', 'isFinished', 'isPrivate', 'isStalled', 'leftUntilDone', 'magnetLink', 'manualAnnounceTime', 'maxConnectedPeers', 'metadataPercentComplete', 'name', 'peer-limit', 'peers', 'peersConnected', 'peersFrom', 'peersGettingFromUs', 'peersSendingToUs', 'percentDone', 'pieces', 'pieceCount', 'pieceSize', 'priorities', 'queuePosition', 'rateDownload(B/s)', 'rateUpload(B/s)', 'recheckProgress', 'secondsDownloading', 'secondsSeeding', 'seedIdleLimit', 'seedIdleMode', 'seedRatioLimit', 'seedRatioMode', 'sizeWhenDone', 'startDate', 'status', 'trackers', 'trackerStats', 'totalSize', 'torrentFile', 'uploadedEver', 'uploadLimit', 'uploadLimited', 'uploadRatio', 'wanted', 'webseeds', 'webseedsSendingToUs' ] # Configuration defaults @@config = { url: '', fields: TORRENT_ALL_FIELDS, basic_auth: { :username => '', :password => '' }, session_id: "NOT-INITIALIZED", debug_mode: false } YAML_INITIALIZER_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) @valid_config_keys = @@config.keys # Configure through hash def self.configure(opts = {}) opts.each {|k,v| @@config[k.to_sym] = v if @valid_config_keys.include? k.to_sym} end # Configure through yaml file # for ruby scripting usage def self.configure_with(yaml_file_path = nil) yaml_file_path = YAML_INITIALIZER_PATH unless yaml_file_path begin config = YAML::load( rescue Errno::ENOENT Logger.add(:warning, "YAML configuration file couldn't be found. Using defaults."); return rescue Psych::SyntaxError Logger.add(:warning, "YAML configuration file contains invalid syntax. Using defaults."); return end configure(config) end # Access to config variables def self.config @@config = configure unless @@config @@config end end