# Rabbit information connection rabbit: # Precise RabbitMQ host - Default 'localhost' host: localhost # Precise RabbitMQ port - Default '5672' port: 5672 # Precise RabbitMQ vhost - Default '/' vhost: / # Precise RabbitMQ user - Default 'guest' user: guest # Precise RabbitMQ password - Default 'guest' pass: guest # Password for admin request admin_pass: janusoverlord # RabbitMQ Queue information queues: standard: # Queue sending response to janus server from: from-janus # Queue sending a message for janus server to: to-janus admin: # Queue sending response to admin API janus from: from-janus-admin # Queue sending a message for admin API janus to: to-janus-admin # Janus plugin used janus: # Option for sessions session: # Define time to send a keepalive message in seconds keepalive: 55 # Create an array to plugin plugins: - janus.plugin.echotest - janus.plugin.videoroom - janus.plugin.sip # Options gem gem: # Option for logs log: # Define level to log # UNKNOW, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG level: info