require 'sequel' require 'digest/md5' require 'longleaf/events/event_names' require 'longleaf/candidates/file_selector' require 'longleaf/version' require 'longleaf/models/system_config_fields' require 'longleaf/logging' module Longleaf # Driver for interacting with RDBM based metadata index using the Sequel ORM gem. # Users must create the database and credentials for connecting to it in advance, # if using a database application that requires creation of databases (ie, not sqlite). # The default database name is 'longleaf_metadata_index' but may be overridden. # # See the Sequel documentation for details about accepted connection parameters: # class SequelIndexDriver include Longleaf::Logging INDEX_DB_NAME ||= 'longleaf_metadata_index' PRESERVE_TBL ||= "preserve_service_times".to_sym INDEX_STATE_TBL ||= "index_state".to_sym DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE ||= 1000 TIMESTAMP_FORMAT ||= '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N' # Initialize the index driver # # @param app_config [ApplicationConfigManager] the application configuration manager # @param adapter [String] name of the database adapter to use. # @param conn_details Details about the configuration and connection to the database used for the index. # If a string is provided, it will be used as the connection URL and must identify the adapter. # If a hash is provided, it used as the parameters for the database connection. # @param page_size [Integer] number of results to retrieve per query when getting candidates def initialize(app_config, adapter, conn_details, page_size: nil) Sequel.default_timezone = :utc @app_config = app_config @adapter = adapter @conn_details = conn_details # Digest of the app config file so we can tell if it changes @config_md5 = app_config.config_md5 @page_size = page_size.nil? || page_size <= 0 ? DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE : page_size if @conn_details.is_a?(Hash) # Add in the adapter name @conn_details['adapter'] = adapter unless @conn_details.key?('adapter') # Add in default database name if none was specified @conn_details['database'] = INDEX_DB_NAME unless @conn_details.key?('database') end end # Returns true if the application configuration does not match the configuration used for # the last reindex. def is_stale? db_conn[INDEX_STATE_TBL].where(config_md5: @config_md5).count == 0 end # Index the provided file_rec and its metadata # # @param file_rec [FileRecord] file record to index def index(file_rec) file_path = file_rec.path md_rec = file_rec.metadata_record storage_loc = file_rec.storage_location service_manager = @app_config.service_manager # Produce a list of service definitions which should apply to the file expected_services = service_manager.list_service_definitions( location: first_timestamp = first_service_execution_timestamp(expected_services, md_rec) delay_until_timestamp = delay_until_timestamp(md_rec) first_timestamp = convert_iso8601_to_timestamp(first_timestamp) delay_until_timestamp = convert_iso8601_to_timestamp(delay_until_timestamp) now_stamp = if @adapter == :mysql || @adapter == :mysql2 preserve_tbl.on_duplicate_key_update .insert(file_path: file_path, storage_location:, service_time: first_timestamp, delay_until_time: delay_until_timestamp, updated: now_stamp) else preserve_tbl.insert_conflict(target: :file_path, update: { storage_location:, service_time: first_timestamp, delay_until_time: delay_until_timestamp, updated: now_stamp } ) .insert(file_path: file_path, storage_location:, service_time: first_timestamp, delay_until_time: delay_until_timestamp, updated: now_stamp) end end # Find the earliest service execution time for any services expected to be run for the specified file. # # @param expected_services [Array] list of ServiceDefinition objects expected for specified file. # @param md_rec [MetadataRecord] metadata record for the file being evaluated # @return The timestamp of the earliest service execution time for the file described by md_rec, in iso8601 format. # Returns nil if no services are expected all services have already run and do not have a next occurrence, or # the file is deregistered. def first_service_execution_timestamp(expected_services, md_rec) current_time = if md_rec.deregistered? return nil end service_times = present_services = md_rec.list_services expected_services.each do |service_def| service_name = next_run = ServiceDateHelper.next_run_needed(md_rec, service_def) service_times << next_run unless next_run.nil? end # Return the lowest service execution time service_times.min end # @return The first failure timestamp for any service, or nil if there were none. def delay_until_timestamp(md_rec) md_rec.list_services.each do |service_name| service_rec = md_rec.service(service_name) return service_rec.failure_timestamp unless service_rec.failure_timestamp.nil? end # return lowest possible date return minimum_timestamp end # Remove an entry from the index # @param remove_me The record to remove from the index. May be a FileRecord or a String. def remove(remove_me) if remove_me.is_a?(FileRecord) path = remove_me.path else path = remove_me end result = preserve_tbl.where(file_path: path).delete if result == 0 logger.warn("Could not remove #{path} from the index, path was not present.") end end # Remove all entries from the index # @param older_than [Time] Optional. If provided, only entries that have not been indexed # since before the provided time will be deleted. def clear_index(older_than = nil) if older_than.nil? preserve_tbl.delete else older_than_timestamp = older_than.utc.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) preserve_tbl.where { updated < older_than_timestamp }.delete end end # Initialize the index's database using the provided configuration def setup_index # Create the table for tracking when files will need preservation services run on them. case @adapter when :mysql, :mysql2 # mysql does not support 'text' fields as primary keys db_conn.create_table!(PRESERVE_TBL) do String :file_path, primary_key: true, size: 768 column :storage_location, 'varchar(128)' column :service_time, 'timestamp(3)', { :null => true } column :delay_until_time, 'timestamp(3)' column :updated, 'timestamp(3)' end else db_conn.create_table!(PRESERVE_TBL) do String :file_path, primary_key: true, text: true column :storage_location, 'varchar(128)' column :service_time, 'timestamp(3)', { :null => true } column :delay_until_time, 'timestamp(3)' column :updated, 'timestamp(3)' end end # Setup database indexes case @adapter when :postgres"CREATE INDEX service_times_file_path_text_index ON preserve_service_times (file_path text_pattern_ops)") when :sqlite, :amalgalite"CREATE INDEX service_times_file_path_text_index ON preserve_service_times (file_path collate nocase)") end"CREATE INDEX service_times_storage_location_index ON preserve_service_times (storage_location)") # Create table for tracking the state of the index db_conn.create_table!(INDEX_STATE_TBL) do String :config_md5 DateTime :last_reindexed String :longleaf_version end # Prepopulate the index state information update_index_state end # Updates the state information for the index to indicate that the index has been refreshed # or is in sync with the application's configuration. def update_index_state index_state_tbl = db_conn[INDEX_STATE_TBL] index_state_tbl.delete index_state_tbl.insert( config_md5: @config_md5, last_reindexed:, longleaf_version: Longleaf::VERSION) end # Retrieves page of file paths which have one or more services which need to run. # @param file_selector [FileSelector] selector for what paths to search for files # @param stale_datetime [DateTime] find file_paths with services needing to be run before this value # @return [Array] array of file paths that need one or more services run. def paths_with_stale_services(file_selector, stale_datetime) if @preserve_dataset.nil? @preserve_dataset = db_conn .from(PRESERVE_TBL) .exclude(service_time: nil) .limit(@page_size) .order(Sequel.asc(:service_time)) end # retrieve and return a page of results ds = add_path_restrictions(@preserve_dataset, file_selector) .where { service_time <= stale_datetime } .where { delay_until_time < stale_datetime } .select_map(:file_path) end # Retrieves a page of paths for registered files. # @param file_selector [FileSelector] selector for what paths to search for files # @return [Array] array of file paths that are registered def registered_paths(file_selector) # retrieve and return a page of results add_path_restrictions(registered_dataset, file_selector) .select_map(:file_path) end # Calls the provided block once per each registered file path registered. # Must be passed a block. # @param file_selector [FileSelector] selector for what paths to search for files # @param older_than [Time] Optional. If provided, only files that have not been # indexed since before this timestamp will be returned. def each_registered_path(file_selector, older_than: nil, &block) dataset = add_path_restrictions(registered_dataset, file_selector) .select(:file_path) if !older_than.nil? older_than_timestamp = older_than.utc.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) dataset = dataset.where { updated < older_than_timestamp } end # Yield to the provided block once per row return dataset.paged_each(:rows_per_fetch => @page_size) do |row|[:file_path]) end end private def db_conn @connection = Sequel.connect(@conn_details) if @connection.nil? @connection end def preserve_tbl @preserve_tbl = db_conn[PRESERVE_TBL] if @preserve_tbl.nil? @preserve_tbl end def add_path_restrictions(dataset, file_selector) if file_selector.specificity == FileSelector::SPECIFICITY_STORAGE_LOCATION dataset.where(storage_location: file_selector.storage_locations) else # Reformat all selected paths into LIKE partial string matches path_conds = { |path| path.end_with?('/') ? path + '%' : path } dataset.where(, *path_conds)) end end def convert_iso8601_to_timestamp(iso8601) return nil if iso8601.nil? Time.iso8601(iso8601).strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) end def minimum_timestamp if @min_timestamp.nil? @min_timestamp = ServiceDateHelper.formatted_timestamp( end @min_timestamp end def registered_dataset if @registered_dataset.nil? @registered_dataset = db_conn .from(PRESERVE_TBL) .limit(@page_size) .order(Sequel.asc(:service_time)) end @registered_dataset end end end