def debian_compatible? (ohai[:platform] == 'debian') || (ohai[:platform] == "ubuntu") end def chef_test_dpkg_installed? shell_out("dpkg -l chef-integration-test").status.success? end def purge_chef_integration_debs if debian_compatible? && chef_test_dpkg_installed? shell_out!("dpkg -r chef-integration-test") shell_out("dpkg --clear-avail") end end Given /^I have configured my apt sources for integration tests$/ do"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/chef-integration-test.list", "w+") do |f| f.puts "deb http://localhost:9000/ sid main" end end def remove_integration_test_apt_source FileUtils.rm("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/chef-integration-test.list") rescue Errno::ENOENT"Attempted to remove integration test from /etc/apt/sources.list.d but it didn't exist") end After("@apt") do remove_integration_test_apt_source purge_chef_integration_debs shell_out! "apt-get clean" if debian_compatible? end Before('@dpkg') do purge_chef_integration_debs if debian_compatible? end Before('@apt') do purge_chef_integration_debs shell_out!("apt-get clean") if debian_compatible? end After('@dpkg') do purge_chef_integration_debs end Given "I am running on a debian compatible OS" do unless debian_compatible? pending("This test can only run on debian or ubuntu, but you have #{ohai[:platform]}") end end Given "my dpkg architecture is 'amd64'" do unless `dpkg --print-architecture`.strip == "amd64" pending("This scenario can only run on an amd64 system") end end Given "the deb package '$pkg_name' is available" do |pkg_name| source = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../data/apt/#{pkg_name}-1_amd64.deb") dest = File.join(tmpdir, File.basename(source)) FileUtils.cp(source, dest) end Given "the apt server is running" do self.apt_server_thread = do trap("INT") do apt_server.shutdown apt_server_thread.join end apt_server.start end Chef::Log.debug "Waiting for apt server to start" until tcp_test_port("localhost", 9000) do Chef::Log.debug "." sleep 1 end Chef::Log.debug "done" end Given "I have updated my apt cache" do shell_out!("apt-get update") end Given /^the gems server is running$/ do self.gemserver_thread = do trap("INT") do gemserver.shutdown gemserver_thread.join end gemserver.start end end Given /^that I have the (.+) package system installed$/ do |package_system| unless package_system_available?(package_system) pending "This Cucumber feature will not execute, as it is missing the #{package_system} packaging system." end end Then /^there should be a binary on the path called '(.+)'$/ do |binary_name| binary_name.strip! result = `which #{binary_name}` result.should_not =~ /not found/ end Then /^there should not be a binary on the path called '(.+)'$/ do |binary_name| binary_name.strip! result = `which #{binary_name}`.strip unless result.empty? result.should =~ /not found/ end end Then /^the gem '(.+)' version '(.+)' should be installed$/ do |gem_name, version| Then "a file named 'installed-gems/gems/#{gem_name}-#{version}' should exist" end Then "the gem '$gem_name' version '$version' should not be installed" do |gem_name, version| Then "a file named 'installed-gems/gems/#{gem_name}-#{version}' should not exist" end def dpkg_should_be_installed(pkg_name) shell_out!("dpkg -l #{pkg_name}") end Then "the dpkg package '$package_name' should be installed" do |package_name| dpkg_should_be_installed(package_name) end def tcp_test_port(hostname, port) tcp_socket =, port) true rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT false rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED false ensure tcp_socket && tcp_socket.close end