# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' module Undercover class Result extend Forwardable attr_reader :node, :coverage, :file_path def_delegators :node, :first_line, :last_line, :name def initialize(node, file_cov, file_path) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength @node = node @coverage = file_cov.select do |ln, _| if first_line == last_line ln == first_line elsif node.empty_def? ln >= first_line else ln > first_line && ln < last_line end end @file_path = file_path @flagged = false end def flag @flagged = true end def flagged? @flagged end def uncovered?(line_no) return true if coverage.empty? # check branch coverage for line_no coverage.each do |ln, _block, _branch, cov| return true if ln == line_no && cov && cov.zero? end # check line coverage for line_no line_cov = coverage.select { |cov| cov.size == 2 }.find { |ln, _cov| ln == line_no } line_cov && line_cov[1].zero? end # Method `coverage_f` returns the total coverage of this Undercover::Result # as a % value, taking into account missing branches. Line coverage will be counted # as 0 if any branch is untested. # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def coverage_f return 0.0 if coverage.empty? lines = {} coverage.each do |ln, block_or_line_cov, _, branch_cov| lines[ln] = 1 unless lines.key?(ln) if branch_cov lines[ln] = 0 if branch_cov.zero? elsif block_or_line_cov.zero? lines[ln] = 0 end end (lines.values.sum.to_f / lines.keys.size).round(4) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # TODO: create a formatter interface instead and add some tests. # TODO: re-enable rubocops # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize # # Zips coverage data (that doesn't include any non-code lines) with # full source for given code fragment (this includes non-code lines!) def pretty_print_lines cov_enum = coverage.each cov_source_lines = (node.first_line..node.last_line).map do |line_no| cov_line_no = begin cov_enum.peek[0] rescue StopIteration -1 end cov_enum.next[1] if cov_line_no == line_no end cov_source_lines.zip(node.source_lines_with_numbers) end # TODO: move to formatter interface instead! def pretty_print pad = node.last_line.to_s.length pretty_print_lines.map do |covered, (num, line)| formatted_line = "#{num.to_s.rjust(pad)}: #{line}" if line.strip.empty? Rainbow(formatted_line).darkgray.dark elsif covered.nil? Rainbow(formatted_line).darkgray.dark + Rainbow(' hits: n/a').italic.darkgray.dark elsif covered.positive? Rainbow(formatted_line).green + Rainbow(" hits: #{covered}").italic.darkgray.dark + \ count_covered_branches(num) elsif covered.zero? Rainbow(formatted_line).red + Rainbow(" hits: #{covered}").italic.darkgray.dark + \ count_covered_branches(num) end end.join("\n") end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def file_path_with_lines "#{file_path}:#{first_line}:#{last_line}" end def inspect "#" end alias to_s inspect private # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def count_covered_branches(line_number) branches = coverage.select { |cov| cov.size == 4 && cov[0] == line_number } count_covered = branches.count { |cov| cov[3].positive? } return '' if branches.empty? if count_covered < branches.size Rainbow(' branches: ').italic.darkgray.dark + Rainbow("#{count_covered}/#{branches.size}").italic.red else Rainbow(" branches: #{count_covered}/#{branches.size}").italic.darkgray.dark end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize end end