module Riiif class ImagesController < ::ApplicationController before_action :link_header, only: [:show, :info] rescue_from Riiif::InvalidAttributeError do head 400 end def show begin image = status = if authorization_service.can?(:show, image) :ok else :unauthorized end rescue ImageNotFoundError status = :not_found end image = not_found_image unless status == :ok data = image.render(image_request_params) headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' # Set a Cache-Control header expires_in cache_expires, public: public_cache? if status == :ok send_data data, status: status, type: Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(params[:format]), disposition: 'inline' end def info image = if authorization_service.can?(:info, image) headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' # Set a Cache-Control header expires_in cache_expires, public: public_cache? render json:, content_type: 'application/ld+json' else render json: { error: 'unauthorized' }, status: :unauthorized end end # this is a workaround for def redirect # This was attempted with just info_path, but it gave a NoMethodError redirect_to riiif.info_path(params[:id]) end protected LEVEL1 = ''.freeze # @return seconds before the request expires. Defaults to 1 year. def cache_expires 1.year end # Should the Cache-Control header be public? Override this if you want to have a # public Cache-Control set. # @return FalseClass def public_cache? false end def model params.fetch(:model, 'riiif/image').camelize.constantize end def image_id params[:id] end ## # @return [ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess] def image_request_params result = params.permit(:region, :size, :rotation, :quality, :format).to_h return result.with_indifferent_access if Rails.version < '5' result end def authorization_service end def link_header response.headers['Link'] = "<#{LEVEL1}>;rel=\"profile\"" end def not_found_image raise "Not found image doesn't exist" unless Riiif.not_found_image, end CONTEXT = '@context'.freeze CONTEXT_URI = ''.freeze ID = '@id'.freeze PROTOCOL = 'protocol'.freeze PROTOCOL_URI = ''.freeze PROFILE = 'profile'.freeze def server_info { CONTEXT => CONTEXT_URI, ID => request.original_url.sub('/info.json', ''), PROTOCOL => PROTOCOL_URI, PROFILE => [LEVEL1, 'formats' => model::OUTPUT_FORMATS] } end end end