require 'rubygems' require 'http' require File.expand_path('../../versions.rb', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../../langs.rb', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../helpers.rb', __FILE__) require 'hashdiff' class DependencyWorker < GenericWorker include VersionRequirementComparator # Order is significant for purposes of calculating results[:outdated] STATUS_TYPES = [:outdated_major, :outdated_minor, :outdated_patch, :ok, :no_requirement, :unknown] OUTDATED_TYPES = STATUS_TYPES[0..-4] # Which types indicate an outdated dependency. Used to calculate the total number of out-of-date dependencies. EMPTY_STATUS_HASH = STATUS_TYPES.inject({}){|result, type| result[type] = []; result} def perform(identifier, lang, locations, dependency_types, to_addr, auth_token = nil) log_info 'Running Worker!' @lang = get_lang(lang) @provider = get_provider(identifier) @auth_token = auth_token old_dependencies = get_from_store(identifier) || {} begin dependencies = {:locations => {}} locations.each do |name, url| contents = http_get(url) dependencies[:locations][name] = get_results(@lang.parse_file(name, contents), dependency_types) end dependencies.merge!(generate_stats(dependencies[:locations])) @nothing_changed = dependencies == old_dependencies unless @nothing_changed add_to_store(identifier, dependencies) add_to_store("diff-#{identifier}", diff_dependencies(old_dependencies[:locations], dependencies[:locations])) end ensure unless @nothing_changed badge_worker(identifier) mail_worker(identifier, to_addr) if to_addr && (!old_dependencies.empty? || ::CuttingEdge::ALWAYS_MAIL) end GC.start end end private def diff_dependencies(old, new) base = old ? old : new.transform_values {|_v| empty_status_hash } diff = Hashdiff.diff(base, new) additions = {|x| x.first == '+'} deletions = {|x| x.first == '-'} result = {} additions.each do |addition| status = parse_diff_status(addition[1]) name = addition.last[:name] old_status = deletions.find {|x| x.last[:name] == name} old_status = parse_diff_status(old_status[1]) if old_status result[name] = change_type(old_status, status) end result end def parse_diff_status(str) # Hashdiff generates strings of the form "gemfile.ok[1]" to indicate this is the first change to the Hash under the :ok key str.split('.').last.split('[').first.to_sym end def change_type(old_status, new_status) case when new_status == :ok :good_change when outdated_type?(new_status) && old_status && STATUS_TYPES.find_index(new_status) > STATUS_TYPES.find_index(old_status) :good_change else :bad_change end end def empty_status_hash STATUS_TYPES.inject({}) {|result, type| result[type] = []; result } end def get_results(dependencies, dependency_types) results = empty_status_hash if dependencies! {|dep| dependency_types.include?(dep.first.type)} dependencies.each do |dep, latest_version| dependency_hash = dependency(, dep.requirement.to_s, latest_version.to_s, dep.type) if dependency_hash[:required] == 'unknown' results[:no_requirement] << dependency_hash elsif latest_version.nil? results[:unknown] << dependency_hash elsif is_outdated?(dep, latest_version) outdated = version_requirement_diff(dep.requirement, latest_version.respond_to?(:last) ? latest_version.last : latest_version) results[outdated] << dependency_hash else results[:ok] << dependency_hash end end end results end def generate_stats(locations) results = {} STATUS_TYPES.each do |type| num = stats(type, locations) results[type] = num if outdated_type?(type) results[:outdated_total] = results[:outdated_total].to_i + num results[:outdated] = type unless results[:outdated] || num == 0 end end results[:outdated] = :unknown if results[:outdated_total] == 0 && results[:ok] == 0 results[:outdated] = :up_to_date unless results[:outdated] results end # Add up the number of dependencies of type `stat` (e.g. :ok) in the different locations where dependencies are stored. def stats(stat, locations) sum = 0 locations.each do |name, dependencies| sum = sum + dependencies[stat].length end sum end def dependency(name, requirement, latest, type) { :name => name, :required => requirement, :latest => latest, :type => type, :url => requirement == 'unknown' ? nil : } end def get_lang(lang) Object.const_get("#{lang.capitalize}Lang") end def get_provider(identifier) ::CuttingEdge.const_get("#{identifier.split('/').first.capitalize}Repository") end def http_get(url) begin response = HTTP.headers(@provider.headers(@auth_token)).get(url) response.status == 200 ? response.to_s : nil rescue HTTP::TimeoutError => e log_info("Encountered error when fetching latest version of #{url}: #{e.class} #{e.message}") end end def is_outdated?(dependency, latest_version) !dependency.requirement.satisfied_by?(latest_version) end def outdated_type?(type) OUTDATED_TYPES.include?(type) end end