module ForemanVirtWhoConfigure
module ConfigsHelper
def hypervisor_server_help_data
@hypervisor_server_help_data ||= {
'esx' => _('VMware vCenter server’s fully qualified host name or IP address.'),
'rhevm' => _('Red Hat Virtualization Manager’s fully qualified host name or IP address. For example, https://hostname:443/ovirt-engine/
for v4, https://hostname_or_IP:443
for v3'),
# 'vdsm' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Hypervisor (vdsm)',
'hyperv' => _('Microsoft Hyper-V fully qualified host name or IP address.'),
'xen' => _('XenServer server’s fully qualified host name or IP address.'),
'libvirt' => _('Libvirt server’s fully qualified host name or IP address. You can also specify preferred schema, for example: qemu+ssh://
. If you use SSH, make sure you setup root\'s SSH key on target host for a user specified at hypervisor username field')
def hypervisor_username_help_data
@hypervisor_username_help_data ||= {
'esx' => _('Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor, in the format domain_name\account_name
. Note that only a single backslash separates the values for domain_name and account_name. If you are using a domain account, and the global configuration file /etc/sysconfig/virt-who
, then two backslashes are required. For further details, see Red Hat Knowledgebase solution How to use a windows domain account with virt-who for more information.'),
'rhevm' => _('Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager instance. The username option requires input in the format username@domain.'),
# 'vdsm' => '',
'hyperv' => _('Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor. By default this is Administrator
. To use an alternate account, create a user account and assign that account to the following groups (Windows 2012 Server): Hyper-V Administrators and Remote Management Users.'),
'xen' => _('Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor.'),
'libvirt' => _('Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor. Virt-who does not support password based authentication, you must manually setup SSH key, see Red Hat Knowledgebase solution How to configure virt-who for a KVM host for more information.')
def config_report_status(config)
message = case config.status
when :unknown
_('No Report Yet')
when :ok, :out_of_date
l(config.last_report_at, :format => :long)
_('Unknown configuration status')
config_report_status_icon(config) + content_tag(:span, message, :class => config.status)
def config_report_status_icon(config)
content_tag(:span, ''.html_safe, :class => report_status_class(config.status), :title => config.status_description) + ' '.html_safe
def report_status_class(status)
icon_class = case status
when :ok, :out_of_date
when :unknown
"virt-who-config-report-status #{icon_class} #{status_class(status)}"
def status_class(status)
case status
when :ok, :out_of_date
when :unknown