namespace :rubber do namespace :cassandra do rubber.allow_optional_tasks(self) after "rubber:install_packages", "rubber:cassandra:install" task :install, :roles => [:cassandra, :opscenter] do cassandra_dir_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_dir') cassandra_pkg_url_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_pkg_url') cassandra_version_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_version') cassandra_prefix_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_prefix') combined_opts = combine_opts cassandra_dir_opts, cassandra_pkg_url_opts, cassandra_version_opts, cassandra_prefix_opts install_script = <<-ENDSCRIPT cassandra_dir=$1 cassandra_pkg_url=$2 cassandra_version=$3 cassandra_prefix=$4 if [[ ! -d "$cassandra_dir" ]]; then wget -qNP /tmp $cassandra_pkg_url tar -C "$cassandra_prefix" -zxf /tmp/apache-cassandra-$cassandra_version-bin.tar.gz wget -qNO "$cassandra_dir/jmxterm.jar" wget --no-check-certificate -qNO "$cassandra_dir/lib/gelfj-0.9.1.jar" wget --no-check-certificate -qNO "$cassandra_dir/lib/groovy-all-1.7.6.jar" fi ENDSCRIPT combined_opts[:script_args] = '$CAPISTRANO:VAR$' rubber.sudo_script 'install_cassandra', install_script, combined_opts end after "rubber:bootstrap", "rubber:cassandra:bootstrap" task :bootstrap, :roles => :cassandra do instances = rubber_instances.for_role("cassandra") & rubber_instances.filtered instances.each do |ic| task_name = "_bootstrap_cassandra_#{ic.full_name}".to_sym task task_name, :hosts => ic.full_name do env = rubber_cfg.environment.bind("cassandra", exists = capture("echo $(ls #{env.cassandra_data_dirs.first}/ 2> /dev/null)") if exists.strip.size == 0 # Since no data dir, cleanup rest to make sure we start clean for a bootstrap #rsudo "rm -rf #{rubber_env.cassandra_data_dirs.join(" ")} #{rubber_env.saved_caches_dir} #{rubber_env.cassandra_commitlog_dir} #{rubber_env.cassandra_log_dir}" # After everything installed on machines, we need the source tree # on hosts in order to run rubber:config for bootstrapping the db rubber.update_code_for_bootstrap # Gen just the conf for cassandra rubber.run_config(:file => "role/cassandra/", :force => true, :deploy_path => release_path) end end send task_name end end def nodetool(*args) cassandra_dir_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_dir') cassandra_jmx_port_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_jmx_port') combined_opts = combine_opts cassandra_dir_opts,cassandra_jmx_port_opts nodetool_script = "$1/bin/nodetool --host localhost --port $2 #{args.join(' ')}" combined_opts[:script_args] = '$CAPISTRANO:VAR$' rubber.sudo_script 'run_nodetool', nodetool_script, combined_opts end def clustertool(*args) instances = rubber_instances.for_role("cassandra") & rubber_instances.filtered ic = instances.first task_name = "_clustertool_#{ic.full_name}_#{args.join('_')}".to_sym task task_name, :hosts => ic.full_name do rsudo "#{rubber_env.cassandra_dir}/bin/clustertool --host $CAPISTRANO:HOST$ --port #{rubber_env.cassandra_jmx_port} #{args.join(' ')}" end send task_name end def jmxtool(*args) cassandra_dir_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_dir') cassandra_jmx_port_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_jmx_port') combined_opts = combine_opts cassandra_dir_opts,cassandra_jmx_port_opts jmxtool_script = "echo run -b #{args.join(' ')} | java -jar $1/jmxterm.jar -n -l #{ic.full_name}:$2" combined_opts[:script_args] = '$CAPISTRANO:VAR$' rubber.sudo_script 'run_jmx', jmxtool_script, combined_opts end def cassandra_stop opts = get_host_options('cassandra_pid_file') stop_script = "pid=`cat $1` && kill $pid; i=0; while ps $pid &> /dev/null; do sleep 1; (( i++ )); if (( i > 5 )); then kill -9 $pid; fi; done" opts[:script_args] = '$CAPISTRANO:VAR$' rubber.sudo_script 'stop_cassandra', stop_script, opts end def cassandra_start cassandra_dir_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_dir') cassandra_pid_file_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_pid_file') cassandra_log_dir_opts = get_host_options('cassandra_log_dir') combined_opts = combine_opts cassandra_dir_opts, cassandra_pid_file_opts, cassandra_log_dir_opts start_script = "nohup $1/bin/cassandra -p $2 &> $3/startup.log" combined_opts[:script_args] = '$CAPISTRANO:VAR$' rubber.sudo_script 'start_cassandra', start_script, combined_opts end def combine_opts(*opts_hashes) combined_opts = {} opts_hashes.each do |opts| opts.each do |key, value| if combined_opts[key] combined_opts[key] += " #{value}" else combined_opts[key] = value end end end combined_opts end task :restart, :roles => :cassandra do rubber.cassandra.stop rubber.cassandra.start end task :decommission, :roles => :cassandra do nodetool('decommission') end task :snapshot, :roles => :cassandra do nodetool('snapshot') end task :global_snapshot do clustertool('global_snapshot') end task :flush, :roles => :cassandra do nodetool('flush') end task :stop, :roles => :cassandra do cassandra_stop end task :start, :roles => :cassandra do cassandra_start end desc "Continuously show cassandra stats" task :tpstats_top, :roles => :cassandra do logger.level = 0 fmt = "%-12s %-25s %-6s %-7s %s" while true do info = [] run "#{rubber_env.cassandra_dir}/bin/nodetool --host $CAPISTRANO:HOST$ --port #{rubber_env.cassandra_jmx_port} tpstats | grep -v [C]ompleted$" do |channel, stream, data| if data host =[:host].gsub(/\..*/, '') data.lines do |line| line.chomp! cols = line.split if cols[1].to_i > 0 || cols[2].to_i > 0 info << [host, *cols] end end end end print "\e[H\e[2J" puts fmt % ["Host", "Pool Name", "Active", "Pending", "Completed"] info = info.sort {|a, b| c = a[1] <=> b[1]; c = a[0] <=> b[0] if c == 0; c } info.each do |i| puts fmt % i end sleep 1 end end desc "Continuously show compaction stats" task :compactionstats_top, :roles => :cassandra do logger.level = 0 fmt = "%-12s %-17s %-18s %-16s %-16s %s" info = {} run "#{rubber_env.cassandra_dir}/bin/nodetool -h $CAPISTRANO:HOST$ -p #{rubber_env.cassandra_jmx_port} compactionstats" do |channel, stream, data| if data host =[:host].gsub(/\..*/, '') #compaction type: Validation #column family: LinkedinMetadata #bytes compacted: 0 #bytes total in progress: 93442648 #pending tasks: 4661 info[host] ||= {} data.lines.each do |line| k, v = line.chomp.split(':') next if v.nil? k.strip! v.strip! if v =~ /\d+/ v.gsub!(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(?:\.|$))(\d{3}\..*)?/,'\1,\2') end if v =~ /Secondary index build/ v = '2ary Index Build' end k = k.gsub(' ','_').to_sym if k == :column_family v = v.split('.').first v.gsub!('Metadata','') end info[host][k] = v end end print "\e[H\e[2J" puts fmt % ["Host", "Type", "Column Family", "Bytes Compacted", "Bytes Total", "Pending Tasks"] info.each do |host, i| next if i[:compaction_type] =~ /n\/a/ #&& i[:pending_tasks] == 0 data = [host] + [:compaction_type, :column_family, :bytes_compacted, :bytes_total_in_progress, :pending_tasks].collect {|x| i[x]} puts fmt % data end end end desc "Dumps jmx stats for given pattern" task :jmxdump, :roles => :cassandra do args = ENV['PATTERN'] rsudo "#{current_path}/script/jmxdump.rb #{args}" end desc "Live tail of cassandra log files for all machines" task :tail_logs, :roles => :cassandra do logger.level = 0 grep = ENV['GREP'] run "tail -qf #{rubber_env.cassandra_log_dir}/system.log #{'| grep ' + grep if grep}" do |channel, stream, data| host =[:host].gsub(/\..*/, '') data.lines do |line| puts "#{host} #{line}" end break if stream == :err end end desc "Get cassandra log files for all machines" task :get_logs, :roles => :cassandra do tmp = "/tmp" basename = "cassandra_logs" tmpdir = "#{tmp}/#{basename}" tarfile = "#{tmp}/#{basename}.tgz" FileUtils.rm_f(tarfile) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) FileUtils.mkdir(tmpdir) download("#{rubber_env.cassandra_log_dir}/system.log", "#{tmpdir}/$CAPISTRANO:HOST$-system.log") system("tar -C '#{tmp}' -cvf '#{tarfile}' '#{basename}'") end end end