shared_examples_for "Koala GraphAPI with an access token" do it "should get public data about a user" do result = @api.get_object("koppel") # the results should have an ID and a name, among other things (result["id"] && result["name"]).should_not be_nil end it "should get private data about a user" do result = @api.get_object("koppel") # updated_time should be a pretty fixed test case result["updated_time"].should_not be_nil end it "should get public data about a Page" do result = @api.get_object("contextoptional") # the results should have an ID and a name, among other things (result["id"] && result["name"]).should end it "should get data about 'me'" do result = @api.get_object("me") result["updated_time"].should end it "should be able to get multiple objects" do result = @api.get_objects(["contextoptional", "naitik"]) result.length.should == 2 end it "should be able to access a user's picture" do @api.get_picture("chris.baclig").should =~ /http\:\/\// end it "should be able to access connections from users" do result = @api.get_connections("lukeshepard", "likes") result["data"].length.should > 0 end it "should be able to access connections from public Pages" do result = @api.get_connections("contextoptional", "likes") result["data"].should be_a(Array) end # PUT it "should be able to write an object to the graph" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end # DELETE it "should be able to delete posts" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite delete method!") object_id_to_delete = result["id"] delete_result = @api.delete_object(object_id_to_delete) delete_result.should == true end # additional put tests it "should be able to verify messages posted to a wall" do message = "the cats are asleep" put_result = @api.put_wall_post(message) @temporary_object_id = put_result["id"] get_result = @api.get_object(@temporary_object_id) # make sure the message we sent is the message that got posted get_result["message"].should == message end it "should be able to post a message with an attachment to a feed" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite again!", {:name => "Context Optional", :link => ""}) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "should be able to verify a message with an attachment posted to a feed" do attachment = {"name" => "Context Optional", "link" => ""} result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite again!", attachment) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] get_result = @api.get_object(@temporary_object_id) # make sure the result we fetch includes all the parameters we sent it_matches = attachment.inject(true) {|valid, param| valid && (get_result[param[0]] == attachment[param[0]])} it_matches.should == true end it "should be able to comment on an object" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite, testing comments!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] # this will be deleted when the post gets deleted comment_result = @api.put_comment(@temporary_object_id, "it's my comment!") comment_result.should_not be_nil end it "should be able to verify a comment posted about an object" do message_text = "Hello, world, from the test suite, testing comments!" result = @api.put_wall_post(message_text) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] # this will be deleted when the post gets deleted comment_text = "it's my comment!" comment_result = @api.put_comment(@temporary_object_id, comment_text) get_result = @api.get_object(comment_result["id"]) # make sure the text of the comment matches what we sent get_result["message"].should == comment_text end it "should be able to like an object" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite, testing comments!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] like_result = @api.put_like(@temporary_object_id) end # SEARCH it "should be able to search" do result ="facebook") result["data"].should be_an(Array) end # API # the above tests test this already, but we should consider additional api tests end class FacebookWithAccessTokenTests < Test::Unit::TestCase describe "Koala GraphAPI with an access token" do it_should_behave_like "live testing examples" it_should_behave_like "Koala GraphAPI with an access token" before :each do @api = end end end